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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/15/2020 in all areas

  1. I agree, and that's why gonna lock this and remove the video. VGR can do without this. This shouldn't have been posted here in the first place.
    1 point
  2. Oh yeah, to those throwing threats out there at the devs of publishers, shame on them. There is no excuse for that type of behavior. I understand some of their anger, but to go out and send death threats is just messed up. Take your refund and move along. But yeah, times need to change, and I think for the most part, they want to make things right, and they will make things right I imagine.
    1 point
  3. Well it's Mortal Kombat lol, but das okay! My favorite character, would probably be Scorpion, as cliche as that is, he was always the badass of the series imo. It's also probably because I grew up with the series, and he and Sub Zero were like the two top dogs in a way. Also I think it's because in a way, I was reminded of power rangers, and I liked how the game had many different characters wearing the same stuff, for example Scorpion, Sub Zero, Reptile, and Noob Saibot I think. Same with the cyborg charters that I seem to have forgotten the names of. But yeah, fond memories all around.
    1 point
  4. I support video games should be introduced to education. It makes students reflex action be more active and this will help them in class to grab new topics easily.
    1 point
  5. The only things I can think of that may be issues are weight gain if you aren't active or don't play active games; decreased social life (that may have already been a factor and gaming is the effect); decreased Vit D levels; strange sleeping pattern if you stay up all night gaming. These aren't necessarily restricted to gaming because the same issues can come from watching tv or surfing the internet; or any indoor profession behind a computer.
    1 point
  6. I started playing Twisted Metal 2 when I was 14. As for games with adult situations, I can't think of any.
    1 point
  7. A little disclaimer. Everything I'm about to say I say as my own individual person, not as a mod nor a representative of VGR in any way. And yourself @m76as well as anyone can respond freely without fear of reprisal. What you are saying are the words of someone who clearly has not made any effort to understand or research the message BLM is trying to put out, and that is also, with all due respect, kinda selfish. You're just happy to live in your little bubble where everything is fine. In your white world, you don't get guns drawn of you for just walking down the street. You don't have the police called on you in the hope they shoot you for being black. You don't get killed by police officers crushing your neck. You don't get tear-gassed for protesting peacefully. You don't get called a n****r or a monkey. You don't get turned away from job's because of the colour of your skin. None of this happens to you, so in your head it doesn't really happen at all. No wait, sorry, I'm being unfair; Yes, racism exists, you said so yourself, so why are you pissing on those fighting it instead of supporting them? Is it because you believe the "small" amount of it you think happens is acceptable? And you're wrong, it is as bad as they say because it's not a minority doing it, it's become engrained in society. That's why, as @Crazycrabpointed out, it's the responsibility of all of us to change, to be better, fight for equality and justice even if one has never done anything discriminatory or racist in any way. Otherwise, we're choosing to live in the same bubble you are, and that would make us part of the problem. BLM are not hiding problems under the rug, that's what people like you do because you don't want to believe these things are true. Just because you don't like what's what to be found under that rug, doesn't make it fault of those supporting BLM. I don't want to believe it either, but as a white man I refuse to deny it just for my convenience. It was Edmund Burke who said “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”. Then there's people like you, spewing this nonsense that the people in this fight to make clear how bad racial injustice really is are the bad guys. How dare you. How dare you accuse the people who suffer through racial discrimination every day as "scapegoating". Victims of racial discrimination don't need you so-called "scapegoat" because they are the victims of racial discrimination. How dare only listen to one side and deliberately avoid the other to then be arrogant enough to think you know it all. How dare just choose to believe what's convent for you. How dare you only come out of your bubble to call those seeking truth and justice as liars just because you're not a victim and can't know what it's like. Nothing of what I say here is against you. Your presence in this community is very much appreciated and valued, but for your own sake you have got to wake up and see what's really going on in the world.
    1 point
  8. They're not giving it. They're loaning it. And we will have to pay it back with a minimum of 100% interest. So basically if we get $1000, we will have to pay the government back $2000. It's a way to screw the citizens. It's not helping anyone, it's crippling those of us who can barely support ourselves even further.
    1 point
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