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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/18/2021 in all areas

  1. Overpopulation for one. Crime rates would go through the roof. Health issues would be extreme. It would simply be the downfall of society. If we can even call what we have now "society".
    2 points
  2. I get why people were mad at him. Knowing that he was such a big donator to republican politicians and policy as well as holding stereotypical "Christian" views on certain things makes me relived that I never bought 5NAF, and I never will. He says he supports equal rights for woman, yet he thinks he has the right to tell woman you can't have an abortion, what they are and are not allowed to do with thier own bodies. He says he doesn't discriminate based on gender, gender identity or sexual orientation, yet financially supports politicians that are trying to put into law more anti-LGBTQAI+ bills and polices than any government in the US has every seen. He's a liar. The kind of liar that's lying to themselves. I do admire him for sticking to his beliefs and refusing to apologise for them, but I don't think he fully understands the harm the causes he supports actually does to people, and I don't think he want's to understand. I don't like him. However, does he deserve to be "cancelled"? No. He has his views and every right to them whether you like them. People can disagree with him, question him or even call him out, but he does not deserve to be threatened, especially his family. Being attacked and doxed is something he wholeheartedly does NOT deserve it. That is way worse is way worse that anything he has ever done. That is out of order and that kind of behaviour should be condemned by everyone. For full context, here is his "retiring" post on Reddit And a summery of the whole story from Gamesindustry.biz
    1 point
  3. Their entitlement. If I have to listen to one more raging cunt start bitching about how she is so mistreated because people don't know who she is, or are doing something she doesn't like, I'm going to prison because I will kill the karen.
    1 point
  4. I personally don't know why I should care who makes the games. Its how good the games are that I would be interested in. That said, there have been a number of indie games that I have enjoyed a great deal, and the existence of indie devs surely allows for the creation of some very interesting types of games, the likes of which we'd never have had the pleasure of experiencing if it weren't for things like Kickstarter. It doesn't hurt that Indie games are always(?) cheaper, too! 😄
    1 point
  5. Wanna hear something funny? I used to live in an apartment and had a neighbor who talked so damn much. I would have to duck under the fence to get home without talking to her. But one day she was blabbering on her porch and me on my porch and blabbering and blabbering, then all of a sudden her false teeth slipped out of her mouth onto the ground in mid speech. It was the funniest damn thing I ever saw. 😆
    1 point
  6. Politics. It seems like basically everybody is completely incapable of discussing anything in this area in a civil and respectful manner.
    1 point
  7. Trust me, right now I feel like just wearing a paper bag over my face with an angry face on it just so people will think I'm unhinged and leave me alone.
    1 point
  8. There's even a guy who bought an M3 and tuned his car just like that with the same body kit and everything. Take a look if you don't believe me...
    1 point
  9. It's true that maybe disputes could be settled virtually instead of physically possibly saving some people but we've see it many times as well where a beef may start in-game but they decide to make it physical and attack each other over a single game. Gaming can only do so much to ease your issues because you'll still have to confront them once you stop playing so it won't change much.
    1 point
  10. I think the overuse of antibiotics is a very huge mistake because we are creating super resistant microorganisms that could wipe us out. Not only humans have risk of getting wiped out, but the fungicides on foods used by Monsanto and controlling the seed stock and genetically modifying everything is also a disaster waiting to happen as any disease can wipe out whole entire crops as plants don't develop genetic variation or even produce fertile seeds. You know those seedless fruits? Yep, have fun trying to start the world over with no fertile seeds. Even ones that still produce fertile seeds are still genetically modified and vulnerable to disease and those seeds get carried by the wind and contaminate other organic crops. It's mass starvation waiting to happen or incurable disease from resistant microorganisms.
    1 point
  11. That is true that there will always be malicious intent. But I think if everyone of all ages spent just an hour playing a game in the evening, I think it would open themselves up to a more playful behavior. That is one hour less of malicious plotting and angry news or social media. Those wondering minds that may be the next mass shooter or hate crime promoter may forget about things in their hour of play. Gaming can take their minds off things. Just that one hour I believe can make a huge difference in people's lives. Even parents and grandparents are grumpy and just mean all the time cause they forgot how to have fun. Go outside and have fun too. Too many people don't even do that. But when you want easy access to fun, then gaming is right there. Co workers can then talk about a cool game, instead of workplace gossip, or how shitty things are at home. I've heard the talk so many times. Just play a game you maggots! lol. It would make the world a happy place to see grandpa beating up grandma in a fighting game. There is a standard to be an adult in society. And that standard is to complain about all the responsibilities and about how much more you gotta do and money you gotta spend than the next person. Shut the fuck up and play...
    1 point
  12. To be honest, I haven't done much work in regards to consoles but I did find this video.
    1 point
  13. In the UK aside from a few very rare exceptions nobody is allowed to carry firearms even among police, and that's exactly how it should be. I know some will defend saying that they are responsible gun owners but theirs no such thing since the power to end someone's life at little more than touch of a button is not a responsibility anyone should have. We're impulsive, emotional and our bodies are practically chemistry labs constantly producing chemicals that affect our judgement in ways that are notoriously unpredictable. This effect is made even worse by the substances that we add to them through drink, drugs and even the contents of our increasingly un-naturally prcocessed diets. History has proven time and time again that more people carrying causes more problems, not solutions. Untill American's realize that and revoke the 2nd Amendment School shooting's, mass murders and trigger happy cop killings are just going to keep going up and up. Right now the "right to bear arm's" is having the complete opposite effect to what it was intended.
    1 point
  14. There would be hell of a lot more carelessness in the food we produce and package. Less care about environmental pollutants, things in our food supply, water, and air. Talent and skill will be way too competitive. Competition is good, but people will take on multiple trades and skills, so the job market will get overburdened. The young people won't be able to work except cleaning toilets because how can they compete with someone 300-400 years old? There might be a boost in the athletic department because living longer doesn't mean you will always be athletically strong. So the first 100 years people won't have a choice but sports to make a living. Bad feuds will never go away. Mad scientists will be madder. Increased suicide rate. You can build your own personal army with all the family members you accumulate. It would be a maddening place with no real peace. Even nuns and monks will sow their seeds eventually. You can't die a 500 year old virgin. Even peak enlightenment will give way to insanity.
    1 point
  15. Fear. Make the population live in terror, and they will be too beaten down to resist. They will do whatever they're told without question.
    1 point
  16. You should try Fatal Frame, its japanese horror game
    1 point
  17. I would love to see a jousting match to the death. If one falls off the horse the other gets to trample them. If they both fall, it’s a fight with bats covered with razor blades.
    1 point
  18. Well, I do also spend a lot of time watching anime - even now. That being said, I inherited my parent's magnetism and charisma because people always want to hang around me for some reason. It gets to the point where I have to ghost some people or purposely start ignoring them.
    1 point
  19. I don't think any can touch the 1989 Batman.
    1 point
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