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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. It sucks, because there's so much potential in RDR2 that they could easily do some work with the multiplayer side of it. But, they only care about their bottom dollar and with RDR online, they clearly aren't making tons of money on their shark cards, so they're of course going to drop their support and focus on where the money is. Just sucks, because there's so much they could do with the game, and it's as if they're just peacing out of it. I hate it. 😞
  2. I imagine so, especially with Football (Soccer). I would prefer to play an NFL themed football manager. I think there was NFL Head Coach which was like a football sim where you essentially play the head coach, make plays, cut & sign players, draft players, host training, etc. Sadly, EA hasn't made another version of NFL Head Coach since forever now. I could see a game like that doing pretty good today.
  3. They could at least fix these types of bugs to allow gamers to still enjoy the online mode. But if there is no NPCs and animals, there is literally no point to play it. There's only so much you can do when it's just players online, because then it'll just be the players killing each other. But, if this is to never be fixed, you can count RDR online officially dead. 😞
  4. There's just so much more you can do with GTA Online. They can add cars, planes, jet packs, and all that jazz and it would go over well. If Rockstar is set on keeping RDR online as a western game, and keep it grounded in the time, then there's not a whole lot we can do online to match GTA V. We got horses and wagons, that's really about it. But like I said before, if they just added mp DLC like they do with GTA V, like bring out undead nightmare 2 for example, it could go over very well. Hell it'd bring people back in to the online mode I bet. Even though the undead pack was a single player thing, they could easily work it out to an online mode.
  5. Source: https://www.pcgamesn.com/red-dead-redemption-2/bug-red-dead-online Well well, more bad news for RDR2 online, as a new bug is causing the removal of NPCs and even animals. Some people have reported in the PC version, that NPCs are outright disappearing, stables are empty, the streets of Saint Denis are empty, even animals aren't spawning now. This only seems to be happening for the PC version though, no news on consoles yet, but if this continues, who's to say it won't cause issues with console versions too. Do you think Rockstar will address this and sort it out?
  6. Ah okay, I can see that. So these companies are essentially not supporting it by signing up. If that's the case, then I think it's good on these companies for not signing it. Sucks for the people of indonesia, but maybe they will put up enough of a fuss about losing all of these sites/companies, maybe they will change the rules around.
  7. Makes me happy to see how accessible 3D/game development tools have become. Now days just about anyone can get into game development and 3D modeling/graphic design, as it's easier now than ever. Of course you still need a decent enough PC to make really big renders and such, but if you can afford that, you can go pretty far. But of course, starting out in this field, you don't need the highest end PC.
  8. Like button mashing? I never played Bayonetta, but I could see it requiring some button mashing like I remember with the original God of War games. I don't mind button mashing so much, but it can be annoying when you have to do it a ton in game. But if it's a QTE like press this button then this button in a certain order, than that is annoying haha. I hate QTEs dude. I'm glad they don't do it as often in games anymore. If they do, it's a small section or quick.
  9. Well with it being Rockstar I would hope the main character is well written, otherwise what's the point right? I really would love for them to bring a lot of what GTA SA and GTA IV did, and a mix of some GTA V stuff. It just feels like newer GTA's are going backwards in some aspects of the franchise. They take so many things out. I'd love to be able to make my character fat like in GTA SA, or taller or skinnier if I so choose.
  10. Don't eat too much or you might puke it all up! 😄 I remember when you ate too much of any food in GTA SA, and I think GTA IV, you'd puke up from eating way too much. And I think when you got fat in San Andreas, you could eat more, but I'm not 100% sure if that's true.
  11. Or like when you go off into an area that isn't allowed to be accessed yet. Like in some of the GTA games where if you get too far out, or jump past a barrier somehow, it will give you a 6 star or 5 star rating. I know some games like Dark Souls start off tough, even with the first enemies you fight.
  12. I've been considering it since I'm into wrestling. Not a big John Cena fan when he wrestled, but I like him more now days after he became an actor. I would love to see his Peacemaker character in Fortnite. They released a Suicide Squad pack that teased a possible Peacemaker, but it was only a paint. But yeah, wonder what he could be involved with next.
  13. There was another topic that mentioned QTEs, so for me, it's any game that heavily feautures QTEs, either in terms of fighting, gameplay etc, I will hate it. I only mind it in story driven games when it's not this simon sez annoyance where you have to pick the right combinations in order to advance. I hate that the most. Just don't make the fighting QTEs. I want to have fun with my games.
  14. Why haven't they signed up for this though? Do these companies see something bad with this Kominfo thing? It sounds like every major site/company has to sign up otherwise they can't be used in Indonesia. Amazon and other sites aren't signed up either, so more bans are probably coming. I do wonder if they will end up signing up to get the users their access back.
  15. I look at a game like Skyrim for example, where there is a lot of quests main and side where you meet a lot of characters. I am not someone who has played Skyrim a ton. I played to like level 45 or something, and then haven't played much since. But from what I did play, I don't remember anyone's name. Maybe the sidekicks you can have. I think one of them was named Lydia? Right? I don't remember. But yeah I forget characters from most games, unless it's a linear story where I'm with a small group of people and get to know just them.
  16. I kinda felt this way with Powerwash Simulator, there were times where I just got annoyed and tired of it, so I'd quit. But I always found myself coming back to it, because at first it's oddly relaxing, but then you realize it'll take an hour or more to complete some levels. I haven't even bothered with the challenge modes. I hate timed modes in games like this.
  17. Of course, GTA for the most part. But most games that have gambling, I've used to try and make some extra money. RDR2 for example has poker, and other card games if I'm not mistaken. I don't usually play the ones in RDR2, at least not yet in this playthrough. Too lazy to learn the actual games myself lol.
  18. I like this idea. It sounds like they're sticking to multiple characters, this time two, but that's probably more manageable. And setting it in a Miami like setting would be great. I kinda hope it's in the 80s or 90s, in Vice City. That would be so good to revisit that time. Wonder if they were going to try to get Ray Liotta back before he passed. If in Vice City, wonder if they would have brought back Tommy.
  19. Are you looking to stream console games and all that? Because if so, the Elgato HD60 line should suffice. But if you're just looking to stream PC games or media, then I'd say your best bet would be to just use your PC itself and skip the capture card. But if you want to capture consoles as well, Elgato would be the route to go I think. As for PC, I just use OBS and my graphics card I imagine does the rest. 🙂
  20. Kane99

    Xbox Cloud Gaming

    For gaming I don't know yet. I feel like it will be the way we game in the future, but I hope not. It's so inconsistent and doesn't work 100% all the way. There's a lot of input lag I hear with cloud games, especially if your ISP isn't up to snuff. And that's another worry, you need good internet in order to stream video games. It takes up so much more data than say streaming music, movies and tv shows would. Gaming requires so much more in order for it to work, on top of that, having to work with online games has to be even tougher.
  21. Seriously? I'm sorry, I thought they were 2D shooters. If you didn't like my suggestions, you could have simply said, thanks for the suggestions, or that I've heard of those games, idk if they qualify as 2D shooters, but thanks anyway. And I thought it was kinda rude asking me to link you to these games the way you did. Especially if you knew them already, what would be the point? As well, why should I have to link you to every game listed? Why can't you do a simple google search yourself? I find it highly hypocritical to say something like that when you could easily copy the words in my text, paste it in google and have the results you were looking for. It makes no sense for me to then go in and link you to everything when it would be just as quick for you to do it. Like come on dude. I don't get the hostility you have with me. I gave you suggestions, and you called me out for not linking to them and then call me rude when I say to search on google. I'm sorry if that came off rude, but I thought the way you called me out for not linking was rude, especially when it's such a trivial thing. I'm done posting in here, so go ahead and bring me down more I guess. 😞
  22. Another series I kinda abandoned was metal gear solid. I got the phantom pain for the xbone years ago. I played a bit, but never beat it. And honestly not sure I want to go back to it. On top of that, with Kojima gone, I don't think I'll bother with a future metal gear game. Simply put, it's GTA. Every title in the series has sold well. GTA V broke sales records. It's very likely a sequel would possibly break even more records.
  23. Honestly not a big fighting game fan. I played my share of mortal Kombat, soul calibur, street fighters etc. For me I'm about wrestling games. My S tier would include smackdown here comes the pain, wwf no mercy or any of the THQ games on the N64. Some of the newer WWE games as well. Don't have the patience to go through all of them, but WWE 2k20 and wcw mayhem and backstage assault are all f tiers.
  24. Oh for sure, it has to be downgraded some in order to be possible to play on something to like the steam deck. It can't play everything to my knowledge, but if it can play most new games that will be fine. I don't mind a game being downgraded as long as I can play it fine. And honestly, a lot more games would probably work on most consoles with just a bit of a downgrade. Not all, but I'm sure some.
  25. Oh goodness, I hate QTEs, they're the laziest form of gameplay in my opinion. If it's a small portion of the game and isn't the main focus of combat or the game itself, then I'm okay with a few QTEs, but if it's the full game and the game is made with it in mind, then no thanks. I can't do it. I don't mind stuff like David Cage does with Indigo Prophecy and telltale with the Walking Dead, because they aren't asking me to do a game of quick simon says nonsense. That irks me the most with games. I hate doing that in games.
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