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Everything posted by m76

  1. I will not, their last major release was in 2015. 6 years ago. I don't consider F76 a major or worthwhile endeavour. That they choose to waste resources on that speaks of bad management reacting to trends instead of trying to do what they are good at.
  2. Thanks for the suggestions, I got VIII Remastered and X / X-2 Remastered, but I didn't install them yet. It might take a while to get around to them.
  3. I played an older game a few years ago, and it's ridicilous how dependent we became on auto-save. I constantly forgot to save in the old game. It was so strange that I needed to save my game at the beginning of a new level. It used to be instinct in the early 90s, but autosave completely eradicated the save gene from me. So nowadays it is more often that I forgot to save for longer periods and curse my forgetfulness when I realize that I didn't save for how long when eventually dying.
  4. Exclusive to the epic game store, or consoles. The first one is out of principle. The second one is because I might have a ps, but I hate playing games on console due to the controller. So except for a very few select games I don't buy games for playstation. Multiplayer only games Games that have no proper single player campaign can F right off. The inclusion of current day political debates in the game No real world politics should ever be a central theme in a game, unless it is historical with no ambiguity around them. Games by Developers / creators who have a history of degrading / looking down on the gaming community Examples: Patrick Soderlund, Adrian Chimleraz, Cliff Blezinsky...
  5. Entertainment in general is a copeing mechanism, or as it is usually called escapism. So of course I play videogames to get my mind off existential problems and work stuff. Of course if you have problems that can be fixed you should work on them, not just try to drown them out.
  6. One of my favorite old games is hard truck apocalypse. As the title suggests you drive a truck in it in a post apocalyptic europe. But you can buy a wide variety of trucks in the game and the upgrade variety is insane, you can make it have tons of weapons or carry lots of cargo, or simply go fast. Who would think that the biggest bulkiest truck in the game, which is the slowest by default can be upgraded to be the fastest in the game. Games where you can upgrade your vehicle was always my favorite type of game. An even older game was interstate 76 which was kind of similar in terms of upgrading but unfortunately you couldn't replace your vehicle in it, at least not in the single player mode. And the multiplayer was so unstable in it that it was unplayable. I wish fallout had vehicles but that game is barely stable at walking pace, a vehicle would destroy gamebryo.
  7. It's reasonable price because he couldn't sell it at unreasonable prices. Maybe people are wising up? I say let him keep all, and try to return them, that would be the walk of shame. If these people even have shame.
  8. If a game can't be completed without a walkthrough then there is something wrong with the game. It is probably designed poorly,instead of requiring intelligence it requires the player to guess wtf was the designer thinking.
  9. Games that don't require concentration or precision. I played Beyond Two Souls when I was really sick and actually thought I might die.
  10. I think this game was thrash to begin with. Crap graphics, basic linear maps with artificial barriers, trigger based uninteractive gameplay. And some of the most atrociously bad dialogue and cutscenes known to man.
  11. LOL, don't try to gaslight me. 26 Oct, 2016: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition Upgrade - Complimentary
  12. Bethesda actually gave awaySkyrim Special edition on steam, if you already owned the base game and expansions. I got the upgrade for free as well, so wrong example there.
  13. Au contraire, there are countless accounts of dogs attacking family members and even killing them despite having been with the family since they were pups. Cats on the other hand if they are familiar with you they will never attack unless you threaten them. And even then it's more like jab and run away, instead of becoming the aggressor. And it's not likely for a cat to fatally injure even a child let alone an adult. I've had dozens of cats over the years, none were hostile. Not even the foundling ones we took in as adults were actively aggressive. It seems to me that cats that are kept locked indoors all the time and not let out are the unpredictable ones, because they have no way to fulfil their hunter instincts. But then you are their jailor, not owner. Pavlovian conditioning works even without you actively participating in it. Most of my cats could open doors via different methods, it's not because they understand how doors work, it's because they accidentally managed to open it a few times, and that's the positive reinforcement. Hence why different ones used different methods to open things. "Understand anything I say" is just confirmation bias, the most pets can understand is the tone of voice, not the words.
  14. m76

    Long or not?

    I have that problem with games that I like, I push on and on, because I want to find out what happens next, and end up finishing them quicker than I should've. Games that are boring I'm glad when they are over and never look back.
  15. What do you mean non-stop? Not even stopping to go to the bathroom or eat?
  16. "souls like" games, and fighting games.
  17. I wish there was full unrestricted customization of the player character from the beginning of games. In the majority of games there is no customization options at all, in others customization are unlocked by finishing the game, which feels utterly pointless to me, great I can change my character's look after I finished the game and no longer wish to play it? LOL. But the biggest issue is paywalled cosmetics. They say microtransactions that only affect the cosmetics does not matter, but they do. To me the look of the character is much more important than XP boosters and such nonsense p2w items.
  18. I don't mind it, but I don't like overly gratuitous gore either. It should be realistic. And I despise the notion that removing gore suddenly makes violence and killing OK for kids in games. Au contraire, removing the consequences normalizes violence, which is worse than having it in its fully gory glory. It's not about how it is depicted but the context for it.
  19. Cat person. I think dogs are unpredictable, and dumb. Yes you can teach them stuff through pavlovian conditioning, but that does not mean they are intelligent. Cats have much more varied personalities, and you never have to worry about cat attacks. I don't trust dogs. Yes I've had both, and loved both. I didn't have a pet for the past 5 years.
  20. It's not what it used to be. Nowadays you can get away with not spending money on your system for 3-4 years. In the late nineties early 2000s if you did not upgrade sg, every 6months you'd struggle to play the newest titles.
  21. It's not just about time. What I hate is having to re-play parts of games I already beaten. So there should be an autosave point after each encounter. If I had to replay 15 minutes of a game I'd quit then and there. And probably not return for a few days at least.
  22. I feel cheated that regardless of already owning all three games with all DLCs they still expect me to pay the full price just as a complete newcomer. Return customer appreciation fail. So I did not purchase it despite wanting to play it.
  23. I always wanted to play through ME3 as Miranda, she is on a mission of her own through the whole game and we hear next to nothing about it. It would've been a great DLC opportunity for the game to play through her exploits. The Alien in Alien Isolation, but not during the events of the game, but before that during the initial slaughter of the inhabitants.
  24. Shepard & Miranda - Mass Effect 2-3 The Inquisitor & Cassandra - DA:i Max & Mona - Max Payne 2 I don't have anything else that I can think of.
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