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Everything posted by m76

  1. A gimmick is something that is different for the sake of being different, without being better. Here is a list of good innovations: Ragdoll physics Geometry instancing Soft body physics mouselook per-pixel shading And here are things that masquarade as innovation but are actually either regressive or no better than what we had before Weapon wheels checkpoint based saves time savers replacing XP with an imaginary name and pretending it is not XP battle royale centralized multiplayer transmog lootboxes in-game purchases
  2. Absolutely no commentary, as soon as I hear babbling over a game I close the video. There are two reasons why I'd want to watch gameplay videos. 1. To get a general idea what a game is like before buying it, 2. when I'm stuck at a specific point in a game and want to get hints on how to proceed. Of course reviews and essays on games are a different category, I like some of those. But if I search specifically for gameplay I'm not looking for someone's opinion on a game.
  3. I think if you want to create a youtube presence it is better to start with pre-recorded videos, youtube rarely if ever recommends livesterams to people from channels they are not subscribed to.
  4. Further proof that you never take it to hearth what I write. It's not as if I haven't said numerous times that I don't even prefer straight white male protagonists when given the choice. I've also mentioned what type of politics I hate in games, and no, inclusion is not political. It's not as if I haven't been vocal about the fact that my favourite game of 2020 was TLOU2, which also became one of my favorite games ever. You try to reconcile that with what you just said. I'll let you think on that and maybe for once you can reflect and realize that you are way out of line. And not for the first time at that. But this time I've had enough. You might not like my stance on cancel culture but that does not give you the right to (REDACTED) insult me in every topic.
  5. With recent trends, I'm all the more weary of gaming coming to an end as I know it. Be it due to studios shifting focus to mobile and online games, or political pandering.
  6. Yeah, call it "Alt-Right" consider it a win. I'm a leftist liberal, on most issues political, and I'm not from the US, so calling me "alt right" makes about as much sense as calling the pope a Tibetan satanist. If you actually heard me out you'd find that I'm opposed to the alt right on about 99% of the questions, including gay rights, abortion, gun control, religion, covid policies and so on. The only thing I seem to agree on with them is that cancel culture is toxic, and is nothing more than mob justice. And calling ubisoft and other workplaces abusive very much seems like part of cancel culture to me. My only "sin" is that I believe in due process and that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Cancel culture says accusation equals being guilty, without any recourse. I don't understand, how can I prove a negative? I said that I've found no evidence that the workplaces of these companies are actually abusive. How can I prove that I have found no evidence? Both Yong and Jim base their videos on articles by bloomberg and gamesindustry, they just add their own spin on it to meet the youtube algorithm's sweet spot in video length. They are not good Samaritans but very much business man. There is nothing there that is fact, it's just their own opinion on the articles. You have zero idea of my social views because you refuse to even hear them with an open mind. BLM the organization are not looters and or terrorists, they just support the destruction of property and side with the looters. And say vile things like "end white comfort" as if that is a perfectly level headed and non-racist thing to say. Why do you even bring this up here, like it has anything to do with ubisoft? Your argument is because you disagree with me on BLM, therefore I'm wrong about corporate culture and ubisoft? As a moderator It's time to moderate yourself and move this to off-topic / political discussion. That's not an argument. I'm not struggling with repressed racism, and thus white guilt, I view every person from every group as equal, until I see their individual contributions to society. And I'm not afraid of statistics, because I know that just because crime rate in black communities is higher does not mean that black people are more criminal, it means there are social and cultural issues that needs addressing. However BLM and woke culture says nothing is wrong here, everything is the fault of white supremacists and racism and they think only they can uplift black people by oppressing white people. That is so blatantly racist, it beggars belief, because it suggests black people can only succeed if white people are not allowed to compete with them. As good as saying black people are inferior. Let me ask you this: Before the civil rights movement crime rate was lower, and there were much less single parent families in the black communities. So does that mean America is more racist and more oppressive towards blacks now than it was then? What I've seen described as abusive work culture is common practice in competitive industries, not just gaming, but VFX, and others that I have insights into. As I've said I found the actual description in one article of one supposed workplace abuse, which didn't seem like abuse to me. More like "I don't like being called out for not putting in enough effort in the earshot of colleagues" So by that description I assume the rest of the abuse is similar, unless you can point me to descriptions of other events. I'm not saying that ubisoft is guaranteed innocent, I'm saying I don't see evidence for a guilty verdict. Now, you are mocking me, I've been trying to honestly explain everything to you in hopes of actually getting through. What I don't understand is how can you pass judgement on another workplace based on the little actual available facts. You just perfectly described cancel culture and the exact reason why it is unsustainable and bad. Abuse must be clearly defined. If we say that whenever you "feel" abused you are actually are, then that's the very definition of cancel culture. We can't leave this up to feelings ,there must be a clear standard of what is actually acceptable at the workplace and what isn't. Anything else is anarchy and a culture of fear. Fear because if one person takes the smallest things as abuse even a joke, then you get canned for it, is really unfair. And you end up with an actual toxic workplace where everyone is sitting in their cubicles afraid to speak to anyone else, lest they offend somebody. Paraphrasing wiser people than me: Just because you are offended, doesn't mean you are right. Oh, I understand wokeness, and I despise it, because it is inherently unfair. I very much understand that some people tolerate more than others, including me, some things hurt me more than it does other people, and other things I can take better. The difference is that I don't wish reality to bend to my individual will and feelings, because it would be unfair to other people. Reality can't bend to everyone's will at the same time, so we must have a middle ground, that we can uphold. For example yesterday I've had a 16 hour work day, because we had a job to do. And there were two options. Either we finish the job and go home, or we don't and we have to stay in a foreign country and sleep in a random motel. If I had a subordinate who decides that working 16 hours a day is abuse should they be able to get me fired? Because that is what you seem to be advocating for. That if they feel abused then they are.
  7. LOL, you are not my source of news, guess what I've seen this topic covered by both yong and jim many times before, and I've seen the videos you linked before you linked them. Both of them have a history of bias over this topic and both of them get their news from elsewhere, neither of them has actual sources in the industry. I started from the gamesindustry article you linked, that linked to another article, that linked to a third one claiming to have details of the abuse, but it didn't. At that point I felt I've gone deep enough into the rabbit hole for a whole lot of nothing. I'm very sorry, but claiming that "there is workplace abuse" is not evidence of anything. that is not enough reason to fire anyone or hold them accountable. As I've said, I've seen the videos, read the articles circle jerk referencing each other, but the only description of actual events I came up with it someone getting talked to in the kitchen for not showing up to OT. If someone never showed up for all hands on deck assignments they'd get a tear down at my company as well, it is not unique to the gaming industry, or ubisoft. I can't acknowledge what doesn't seem to exist. And surprise surprise it all leads back to the same pot stirrer: Jason Schreier, who seem to revel in writing articles about games developers and their so called toxic environments. But every example of the so called toxicity, be it at Naughty Dog, CDPR, or Ubisoft, is common practice in for profit competitive industries. And no, being common practice doesn't make something OK in of itself, but it such common practice that I've experienced them myself at my workplace over the years, and I don't consider any of it abuse or toxic workplace. The fact that someone has the final world on what games get greenlit is not abuse or toxic environment, it's called being the boss. Sexual misconduct is entirely another case, fuck the responsible parties and they should be fired on the spot and not protected. But again we have to make a distinction between actual misconduct and just hitting on someone at a party. I only consider that misconduct if it does not stop after a clear rejection.
  8. You serious? Have you not heard of cancel culture? If someone takes offence at what one prominent person says or does they are as good as dead, and companies instead of facing the mob quietly try to remove them. This is insanity, mob justice, anarchy. I'm merely saying that I'll reserve judgement until I see facts. If abuse was so common occurence how come there is no detialed description of what the actual abuse entails to? If you can point me to a detailed accounting of the misconduct, I'll judge them based on that. But I'm not going to condemn anyone based on blind accusations of nondescript workplace toxicity.
  9. If accusations were proof everybody would be in jail for something. It still seems to me that this is blown way out of proportion by snowflakes whose definition of harassment and abuse is way detached from actually harmful conduct. And the articles are all vague on detail none explaining the actual conduct that was considered abuse. Even the article that is linked by another as "containing detailed accounts" has none in reality. The only concrete description of the alleged "abuse" I found was this supposed "kitchen meetings". I mean would it be better if they called you into the office for slacking off work? This is just ridiculous. Calling you out for never showing up for overtime work is not abuse. In fact you should have a hard look at yourself, because when you never show up for OT, you leave your co-workers to pick up your slack.
  10. Lumberyard is a fork of cryengine, amazon literally bought a version of cryengine and added a few things related to MMOs. (like aws integration and web services) It is based on a 2015 version of cryengine.
  11. Well, that'S really the scummy part of digital distribution, you can't ever resell games. Which kind of sucks, and that's why I'd never buy a digital only ps5. Selling accounts is definitely against TOS, and will probably get the account banned if discovered, not to mention the huge security issue it presents. Both as a seller or a buyer.
  12. Well, some countries are backwards savages. there are still theocracies and communist dictatures and countries where women have no rights. So I don't expect everyone to be on board, but if the biggest first world economic powers acted against it, it would be pushed into insignificance.
  13. Compared to hollywood actors they are probably underpaid, but compared to the average job holder, I think they are more than fairly compensated. But it's not as if I'm privy to their salaries.
  14. I had the exact same dislike of RPGs, I only started slowly coming around after Mass Effect. But I still don't like the RPG genre per se, I like RPGs that can be played as immersive sims only.
  15. As long as lawmakers don't crack down on cryptocurrencies and scalping.
  16. I can't blame gaming for anything. I never was able to just sit down and learn, it is not in my nature, so I gamed instead. If it wasn't gaming I'd have spent my time with something else.
  17. I hate the classic turn based games like panzer general and might and magic, but I love some more modern turn based games, like XCOM, Jagged Alliance.
  18. Oh, I see, I thought you were saying the legendary edition was free.
  19. Jedi Fallen order simply has a generic protagonist, it has nothing to do with being white or male, it's just an uninteresting, badly written character. As soon as you tack on the words white and male, you are expressing racism / sexism. AC Valhalla is not relevant, because you have the option to choose a female protagonist. Whitewashed? How can an original character be whitewashing? Jedi Fallen order would not be a better game whatever the skin pigmentation of its hero. And stop with the "We" you don't speak for anyone else but yourself. It saddens me that you choose to judge characters by their group identity. You obviously didn't play the game, just spew ideologist talking points, because had you played it you'd know that the "obi-wan" type character in the game is a black female, so if they were trying to demonize the group that shall not be named they were doing a lousy job.
  20. I originally really enjoyed Chronicles of Riddick Escape From Butcher bay, but when the remastered version came out later and I replayed it I was disappointed how short and simple the game was compared to how I remembered it.
  21. I'd say that's more amazing than scary. And it is testament to why the game has the best AI among horror games as well.
  22. If they are in the same universe there is nothing to "cross over" the very word implies a crossing of fictional barriers. A character appearing who is from the same series and same universe does not qualify as a crossover to me. I'd call it a guest appearance, but definitely not a crossover.
  23. Well that's not really a cross over if it's the same series. The only crossover I could think of is Sam Fisher in Ghost Recon.
  24. Alien Isolation for sure. No other game comes close in terms of terror. It has both the most scary enemy and the most creepy ones. The alien is sheer terror, the working joes are dread.
  25. To be named "worst company" you also have to be one of the most popular companies. And you only become popular if you make popular games. That's why I never punched my ticket for the EA / Ubisoft hate train.
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