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Everything posted by m76

  1. In Splinter Cell Double Agent when you have to sacrifice someone who previously helped you unconditionally.
  2. I know next to nothing about this franchise, I'm interested in trying it out, but all the various sequels remakes and expansions leave me utterly confused and intimidated. I have zero idea where to start with it, what game is a good starting point if I have no desire to play retro games?
  3. Battlifeld - I've tried one or two of them, and they were all horrid, I'm not a big fan of the rival COD, but compared to BF those are masterpieces. God of War - The concept just does not appeal to me on any level. Pokemon - I don't even know WTF is this and don't care Mario - I just have no love for nintendo Zelda PUBG Fortnite Minecraft Metal Gear Final Fantasy
  4. I love strong female protagonists, if I could I'd play every game as one. One that would be particularly interesting is playing Splinter Cell as Lara Croft, or Skyrim as Kassandra from AC:Odyssey.
  5. If you could play any game with any other games's protagonist, which game would you play and as who?
  6. To me it was the very beginning, where there was no centralized on-line gaming. You dialed directly to your friends land-line with the modem and we played that way. The only game I regularly played on-line was quake in the late 90s.
  7. i'm a sucker for historic stuff IRL too, so I love the same thing in games as well. Re-visiting locations in different periods is always awesome. To see how much it has changed.
  8. I don't play sport games anymore, mainly because there are no decent sports games anymore. Outside of ea cashgrabs there is really nothing. Last FIFA I played was world cup 2002, and even that was due to peer pressure. I used to love golf games, but pga tour got the ea plague long ago. There are zero billiard / snooker games nowadays, which I also used to enjoy. And finally I'd love to play decent tennis games but nothing of the sort came out since virtua tennis 4. I actually tried all of these sports at least once in my life. I don't think there are any sports games I played that I never did in real life. But there are sports I did IRL that I never played in a videogame. Like Squash, Cycling.
  9. Yeah that just means less money from me, then. I've purchased many of their AAA releases in the past few years, starting with Wildlands, Odyssey, Breakpoint, and I would've purchased Valhalla and Legion as well, had they not made their own bed with uplay plus. But I have zero interest in f2p games, they are one and all total garbage, made with sole purpose of conning you into in game purchases. They couldn't make it fly in their AAA titles as "time savers", now they try this. I look for a quality time in gaming and F2P is just not that.
  10. I feel if I Went with that, that would massively overstate my efforts.
  11. Well I'm not going out of my way to get one. So lack of supply kills demand. There is no real reason to get one now anyway. If it was readily available I might have bought one already, but as it stands, to me it's koalas in the rain.
  12. But seriously, I never could choose just one favorite there are too many
  13. I think you guys misunderstand the question. Not what game you bought cheapest after they got discounted. But what games you bought the cheapest when new as in just released.
  14. RGB will not turn me away from an otherwise decent product but I don't seek it out. On most higher end devices it can be customized and that includes turning it off or to a single dim color, which I actually prefer over completely dark.
  15. First they'd need to come out with a protagonist I actually care about. The only way I'd have any enthusiasm about GTA6 is if it has a custom character creator option. Because at this point I'm convinced that Rockstar is either incapable or does not want to do a likeable protagonist. So until then I don't even care about the story.
  16. It's a stand alone game not part of a series. I loved the actual Jedi Knight series, starting with Dark Forces, up to Jedi Outcast, I wasn't that into Jedi Academy.
  17. Witcher 3, RDR2, Shadow of Mordor, Jedi: Fallen Order, Battlefield (all of them), Call of Duty (except for infinite warfare), Borderlands, Gears of War, God of War, Princeo of Persia Sands of Time, Warcraft, Starcraft, Doom (2016), MGSV, Prey (2017)
  18. No, I approach videogames differently because they are not real, and I don't want to miss content. Real life has way too much content I couldn't care less about.
  19. No, i don't like stealthing past enemies, but not for a lack of achievement. But I don't like leaving active threats behind my back. If I get discovered later it's better to know that there will be nobody running up to me from behind.
  20. Only the best videogame ever: DeusEx. Nobody came close to that ever since. Where there are many solutions to beat every level. Not one or two or three options, think a dozen, depending on your skill and choices. With multiple outcomes. It needs a graphics and gameplay upgrade and it would still blow everything out of the water.
  21. TLOU is a very demanding game, fan getting louder in it than other games is normal. I wouldn't worry about it, trying to use compressed air might make it worse without opening the system up as the air might just push the dust deeper into the finstack.
  22. I only finished Dishonored & Dishonored 2 this year so far, those were really good games. Apart from that everything else I tried were kind of meh. I'm currently in the process of playing RE2 remake, it might be good enough that I actually see it through to the end, but it's nothing to write home about. I've tried dying light, but it's kind of a frustrating game that could be so much better if it were done right.
  23. An affordable lightweight wireless set that does not require you to give up your privacy. Yeah, I'm looking at you oculus requiring a facebook account. Hell no, even if it was affordable I don't want to link my gaming persona to my irl persona.
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