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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. Cyber ninjas was ordered by judge to make their procedures public, and still no witnesses, and they are using UV lights to look for Chinese water marks for QANON conspiracy theories and accuses antifa and the Chinese of water marking and bamboo particles in the ballots. They also increased security in case of an antifa invasion and went through a series of security defense to stoke their fear mongering. Now they demand access to government internet routers and passwords, which puts law enforcement and privacy of citizens such as social security number and health info at risk. They aim to go door to door to interrogate voters. One of the counters was at the capital coup attempt. And the ballots are no longer in the hands of gov. officials which means cyber ninjas can do whatever they want with them. How they were able to be allowed is beyond my comprehension. The attack on democracy continues.
  2. Can I just turn myself into jail to pay off bounties? I'm reading I could. Cause I have multiple bounties in different counties. I can't even play the game.
  3. Holy smokes!!! Here is a moment in time when everything comes together. I just started recording cause things looked pretty, and then..... But I couldn't download whole video cause file size. rdr2.mp4 rdr2.mp4
  4. The Medium isn't even available on ps4. Thats messed up cause it's made by Bloober Team, who made Layers of Fear and Observer. And I'm craaaaazy about Layers of Fear.
  5. I wish I wrote essays on video games in school instead of the garbage stories I read that I could care less about and had absolutely no motivation to even read, let alone write about.
  6. That's an interesting question. I've had socialization problems and tend to live as a hermit. But I think I am fairly a social being when in the right crowds. Living in klanville, I don't want to have anything to do with anyone around here. Not at the store, not with neighbors, not anytime, no matter the mood. I have felt the difference in crowds and how my anxiety can completely break off me like a shell when around diverse people. For me, it would still be hard to imagine being in a game and be carefree, while knowing I may have to go to war against my neighbors. It is there in our minds now. But let's go back to a different time. A time when things weren't this bad. Back then I was still the asocial type. And I was still the social type among certain people. I was raised in a diverse and poor area in Vegas. Then we moved to Houston in a very wealthy and one of the most dominantly white areas of the 4th largest city. So I believe my anxiety and asocial tendencies developed there by force. Because I didn't fit in. I wasn't like the rich white kid. So for me, to completely erase that cement of the mind by trying to be carefree like a video game seems far fetched to me. But not impossible. And this may actually be a very real therapy if I wasn't scared to try it. Or I should add, if I wasn't so angry to try it. Maybe I will in another place sometime. I will keep that in my mind to just think about it being a video game. And I'm in a village admiring the people; willing to talk; willing to learn; take things in; share ideas; make small talk; compliment someone. Oh wait...I do do that. Just never here in klanville. And why the hell should I? Why does everyone have to change themselves; to work on themselves to please the haters. My anxiety is here to stay as long as racism is here to stay.
  7. Maybe if a person has a fear of something, they can play that scenario in games and maybe help cope through it by gaining confidence and experience to overcome. Or playing something that relaxes and puts the mind in a better existence has a natural anti anxiety effect. And even playing a game that you can relate personally with the story, can relieve some stagnant emotions.
  8. I can see how GTA is a great game, but not my flavor. If they changed the title to 'Surviving The City' then I'd probably be interested in it. But GTA already puts me in a position where I think, ummm city bandits sounds boring. But 'victims of urban crime trying to get out' appeals to me more. You know how sometimes a series goes by a specific title instead of a number like Skyrim instead of ES V; or Black Flag instead of AC4. GTA 6 should be called something catchy as it's own title and maybe I'll want to play it. But if I even think about playing it, all I think of is GTA and there really isn't anything special. Think about the title Red Dead Redemption by the same developers. That sounds more appealing. Imagine if it was called RTC or Rob the Carriage.
  9. If the game is cartoonish, it can get away with a remaster; everything else older than the ps3 needs a remake. I can think of a ton of games from the ps2 that could use a remake. But in this world we live, stupid prevails. Nature no longer cares about passing the stupid DNA. At this point we are all stupid. So just gives us games to reinforce our stupid.
  10. Well, the republican governor signed the bill to slaughter 90% of Idaho wolf population.
  11. Two games that come to mind are Horizon Zero Dawn and Mad Max. Both are in a post apocalyptic world where new generations grew up and some (not all) worship the machines left behind by lost generations before. If you grew up in a world with absolutely no answers to how these machines were made, would you eventually develop a spiritual bonding with them? If you think about it, a lot of men get really attached to their cars and even name them. Are there other games you can recall where humans worshipped machine?
  12. Fungus doesn't use photosynthesis! But maybe it provides a symbiotic relationship for bare min. needs.
  13. I have a hard time getting into it. It's one of those, 'am I missing something' games.
  14. I got the game, played for an hour, then deleted it from the console. One day I'll give it another try.
  15. We are in big trouble as a society if we rely on games for empathy. Wait...we ARE in big trouble as a society because people lack empathy.
  16. A finished game isn't entitlement, it's consumer rights. I don't want to buy a loaf of bread with slices missing.
  17. Are they ever gonna make the game not require the internet or multiplayer?
  18. Mad Max My car is my GOD. Take me away from here. Protect me. I will find gas for you. I will kill for you. Maybe I am a saint after all. Let's spread the f***** gospel. This is a holy war.
  19. More than anything, they really need to make it user friendly. Not many people want to stand while gaming. There are games you can sit and play, but I would say the majority of games would require you to stand and move around. That's why there are a very limited number of games in VR. The controls are weird. It's not comfortable on the face. Graphics are lagging. It would be awesome to bluetooth sound through home speakers or built in head phones to go over ears. But then it would feel like your whole head is in a can. I don't need flashbacks of the porcelain nightmares. I would want a VR where I can sit and play any game. Add the option to use actual body movement or everything on a playstation like controller. And then we could Assassin's Creed it and hook it up to someone's DNA and relive the past life of some ancient person and their memories in any time period. Sound far fetched? So was the telephone.
  20. The last title I played was a ps2 game. What is the series like these days? Is there still a million moves to learn and another billion from a cheat magazine???
  21. Yeah I'm probably gonna get. I've got that urge to play it; you know like that feeling when you want a little something special at the grocery store.
  22. I guess it takes me a couple weeks if it's an open world and linear games less than that. Then if I haven't played it for too long, then I have to relearn. So even months I can play a game casually like I do and still learn how to play.
  23. This game is a must and you would probably really enjoy it. Great story and gameplay. It's a lot cheaper these days. A gem not to pass up.
  24. I didn't really like this game because the whole story changed halfway through which pissed me off.
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