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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. I'll wait till he's at 99,999 then I'll click enter for the 100,000th!!!
  2. I love cruising around in a motorcycle in Days Gone, and it makes me wonder why there aren't more games that feature bikes! In GTA 5 you can ride around some speed bikes, but I haven't seen any old school bikes. What games do you know of where you can cruise around on a bike and even customize it? Do racing games usually feature them? CHOPPER STYLE...🤩
  3. I've been wondering about that too. I remember a while back you said you got Man of Medan because I was curious about it. But what exactly is this series, is it choices based? And are they all stand alone stories?
  4. The 'slow coup' is door to the election time coup. But your topic on 'if trump wins 2024' I'm too angry to even comment on that.
  5. Ubisoft has reached their peak and now is and has been in a slow decline. This is what we see when empires fall, where the workplace (citizens) becomes in disarray and the ones at the top won't make the right decisions. And it all is a sort of entrenched fate they created themselves as they pursue money more than support of their 'people'. And we see that direction with 'pay for service' games like the coming AC Infinity paving the way for more of this greed cycle that other developers may pursue. This can't be swept under the rug, and fans will move on while the only ones that suffer is Ubisoft themselves. If they come to the point of employee protests, walkouts, and a desperate attempt to increase pay in a discriminatory way, then they have already lost the handle. So expect to see quality diminish in their future games as their reputation won't attract those veteran employees.
  6. I've never seen that game before! I guess that is the true billiards game; well I'll be...Thanks for clarifying cause I'm sure people from different countries have a different game in mind when referring to billiards or pool. But they use a 12 ft table. The way they play, it would be hard to tally up the points in a regular setting. People would fight over it. That would be interesting to play 8 ball on a 12 ft.
  7. Billiards is the proper name of the sport itself, but I usually say pool. I remember when we used to shoot pool all the time and my friend called me up to go shoot some pool. We were chatting on the phone for a couple minutes and he asked if I had some cue tips. I told him I'd bring some. So we're in the car driving to the pool hall and he asked if I brought some cue tips. He mentioned his ear itches and it just didn't register with me at the time. All I was thinking about was pool. So I said yeah I got some cue tips. And I said I brought glue too LOL. So I showed him a pack full of cue tips and glue. The cue tips I had were the tips you put on the end of a cue stick with glue to stick it on. He laughed so hard because he wanted actual cue tips for ears!!! LOL
  8. I enjoyed going to pubs and playing games. I think I have a pretty accurate arm in throwing things, so I was fairly good at darts. My backyard is the woods and I have target practice with a hatchet and I can usually hit it and stick in the tree lol. But it's a dead tree and falling apart so no worries. I have always liked air hockey. We had a ping pong table in the garage that was pretty challenging to play.
  9. Remember the famous traitorous call trump made to Georgia official Brad Raffensperger where trump asked him to 'find 18,780 votes' so that he could overturn the election in Georgia? Well, there was a lawyer also on that phone call and her name is Cleta Mitchell who now has been appointed to the Election Advisory Board. Trump is currently being investigated by that call and could face charges due to the fact he was threatening and pressuring the Georgia official to somehow come up with just enough votes to overthrow Georgia's election. People are saying that it's actions like these by putting people in charge of elections who try to overthrow it, which is paving the way for a republican 'slow coup.' That way whoever runs on the republican ticket will have stooges in place on election time who are enablers and conspirators to overthrow it just like Cleta Mitchell and many others. Along with voting restriction bills, we may very well see the fall of democracy in a couple of years. USA 1776-2024...RIP to democracy.
  10. Thanks for that informative video! I haven’t really focused on the abilities of each gear set and the runes you can enhance it with. I usually use gear for visual effect, unless there is a big fight and I’m having a hard time winning, then I’ll go into the abilities details. Interestingly though, when you visit the blacksmith in Ravensthorpe, you actually can change the look of gear, meaning you can choose some gear that you like its abilities, then make it look like a different piece of gear you have in your inventory. So you can actually wear what you want with the abilities you want. But that's something to definitely keep in mind when buying gear or trading your opals for gear, which I'll start paying more attention to.
  11. That's true. What they offer in the store can also be earned by doing weekly quests and getting enough opals. AC Odyssey has a similar system and is more lenient on the amount you can get each week compared to Valhalla. It's a very nice thing that they offer.
  12. This game is looking freakin awesome. I want it.
  13. I know exactly step for step what will happen on our Thanksgiving day. I'd be happy just being alone and grabbing some McDonalds.
  14. In this country there are 10,000 drunk driving related deaths a year. But this technology is only for new vehicles and the majority of drivers aren't gonna have new vehicles. So we won't see an affect for probably 10 years from now.
  15. That's a good point. But to make it less intrusive, I think the new technology may have something like that installed in the steering wheel that detects breath. And I've been wondering about the mask thing and if it really would stop the smell of alcohol. Thinking about it, I don't think a mask will stop the smell of alcohol. Because we also sweat it out and the alcohol fumes are so strong that even with a mask on, the sensor will probably still be able to detect alcohol if installed in the steering wheel. But what you said about breathing into the breathalyzer may be most accurate. And it won't allow you to start the vehicle if detected. If it's in the steering wheel and casually picking up the air in the car, then how far along in the vehicle can you drive before it detects anything? But people will complain about breathing into something to start a car. I had the option to do that one time but I decided I'd rather go to jail than do that. lol
  16. This doesn’t even scratch the surface of the insanity in our country. But we sadly are witnessing the collapse of society. I think a huge part of what we are seeing is a privileged caste system that has ceased to evolve, and has really had no incentive to evolve and compete. This caste privilege, or you can say white privilege, is a caste system that has pampered certain people so much, that they now are falling apart and can no longer cope with an ever changing world and society. Their minds simply cannot function in today’s world anymore. They are falling apart and are a very lost and confused species with really no future or contribution to help societies thrive and progress. These Americans will burn it all down if the circus can’t hold onto to their undeserved privilege and will drag us all down with them into crazyville and turmoil. We all have our problems and we all have our moments of craziness. But this is a new level of craziness that actually is societal and widespread and should be considered a mental health epidemic in this country. But they will destroy such a great country with all its potential before any help gets there to treat this mental health epidemic.
  17. I would ask for a game for Christmas and save my money for FEB 2022 because there are some big hits coming that month.
  18. Nothing wrong with that. You collect zippos and RDR2 stuff. When you start baking RDR2 cookies with the soundtrack playing, and dress up as one of the characters and talk like them, and draw up train heists, then we need to start thinking of an intervention.
  19. How many times do you wish you can go back and refresh your memory on part of the story or just simply enjoyed a mission/quest so much you wish you can replay it? A lot of times I find myself wanting to start a new save file and new game to run through some earlier quests to get a better grasp on the story. I wish all games had that replay function, where it won't change your status in the game. What are some games you know of where you can replay a mission/quest whenever you want? GTA 5, RDR2, and TLOU2 are like that. The older Assassin's Creed games are like that too. For some reason they did away with it in the newer ones. There are other games that unlock that function after beating the game, but what's the point when you want to refresh your memory before finishing it?
  20. That same red flag can be used scanning ID when buying alcohol because many times when I bought alcohol, some stores actually do scan your DL and swipe it through a machine I guess to see if it's real. Some stores scan everyone's DL as store policy I guess. But who knows, they probably also check for warrants. So why not have all ID's have an alcohol purchase monitoring system. If you think about it, who knows what all the bar codes on our ID's contain. Driving is a privilege and not a right. So checking your DL for alcohol purchase doesn't violate any rights like a facial recognition might cause a lot of controversy.
  21. Those breath tests are always designed to make you fail it and leave it up to the courts and urine sample. States in the U.S. are all different, but in Texas if you go to jail then the urine sample is mandatory. They only check blood sample if you refuse the urine sample. Then you could actually sit in jail for a couple months till you get the blood lab results. But they don't tell you that so you might as well piss in a cup. As you mentioned, there are too many flaws and legal red tape. I would take some serious drastic measures and target alcohol itself instead of vehicle technology.
  22. That is true, and it won't stop those who plan ahead from drinking and driving if they got some booze stored up for the weekend or some party. But this idea will cut down on those that are a very high risk, the alcoholics, who aren't good at storing alcohol for future planning. And those every day drinkers would be the primary target who pose the greatest danger within that 24 hour period. Not to say the weekend binge drinkers aren't a threat, but there isn't much to do about them except relying on vehicle artificial intelligence that knows their driving patterns. Even then, issue would arise on when the 24 hour cut off begins. It should start 3 hours after purchasing alcohol so there is plenty of time to get home. But the car can malfunction and cut off when you are still in the parking lot. So there really isn't a one solution to prevent drinking and driving except to ban alcohol or tax the hell out of it.
  23. I haven't been gaming for years so I can't say what makes me stick to a series. But in AC Odyssey, when I first played it I fell in love with the flying eagle. Also the abundance of different types of gear and being able to switch it out as much as I want. There is also a feature where each gear has certain abilities so you can wear that gear, but physically choose whatever gear type you want it to look like. So you can look how you want and keep what abilities you want. And being able to tame wild animals to travel and fight with you is awesome. There are many others that I can sit here and go on and on why I love it so much. And GTA 5 is now one of my favorites. I love being able to get whatever vehicle I want, and all the cool shows to watch on tv, and the best radio music. Flying planes is awesome, boating, and I love the director's cut mode where you can gung ho without consequence.
  24. We are getting close to the stage of throwing books into piles and burning them. Greg Abbott is now launching actual criminal investigations of books that have LGBTQ content as 'pornographic' too kids. And who exactly is going to be prosecuted? They say it is anyone who distributed that material. And who is that? Teachers? Why on Earth would they get prosecuted for library books? Authors who wrote the books? School boards that approved the books? Where are the witches to burn at the stake? But not only are LGBTQ books getting vetted, but also all books that have any teachings of racism as they claim part of the critical race theory. So is this now also the 'critical gay vetting?' Seriously, when are we gonna see piles of books getting burned right in the school front yards? https://www.yahoo.com/news/texas-gov-launches-criminal-investigation-140100147.html
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