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Knight Barida

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Everything posted by Knight Barida

  1. The Covid era affected a lot of things, but I have my doubts when it comes to why Sony is behaving this way with the production of PS5.
  2. Seeing from distance makes the difference! An advantage especially when you have reached a difficult level in the game.
  3. Thai is true because even when the fake reviews can get some gamers to download their games, the gameplay is what is going to keep anyone that really like the game.
  4. I will say 2 at most. I have got much time to do some other things instead of trying to finish more than 2 games at a particular time.
  5. I'm just old than Playstation by a couple of years. Happy birthday to the gaming console that brought happiness and unity to gamers worldwide.
  6. Aside that, the game is one that will make you glued to your mobile for some couple of hours. Never played it? Try it and get back to us.
  7. Candy Crush is a game that you can play as long as you wish. I have this belief that the game got no end even when you play as a pro.
  8. PayPal is strict to an extent. Sometimes, you will be hoping that they will relax some of their operational rules, but they care less about what you think.
  9. Yes, when you are looking at saving some costs and enjoying some good games, then Android is great. IOS is more about class than giving you value for money.
  10. This is exactly my thought! The hype around 5G devices are not worth it. I prefer to stick around with 4G devices as long as I get value for money.
  11. Does this explain the reason some of my old pals likes Playstation games than what Xbox got to offer? Because this comment made me felt that way.
  12. I won't bother much about doing this since I am not the type of person that is keen on showing my creativity skills on my new PS5. I want to enjoy the game I love and nothing more.
  13. Apart from getting some of those games on the store since I can't get it elsewhere, I don't see any incentive that will make me want to keep buying from there.
  14. I don't think Playstation will consider doing this. I mean they have no issues selling their consoles and adding this Feature will definitely mean more work for them.
  15. Well,scammers are now growing on Facebook and that's pathetic, if you ask for my opinion. How most of those guys were not banned by Facebook is still shocking to me.
  16. GTA games such as Vice City helped a lot of kids create memories back in those days. This is something you will like and always wish to recreate even as an adult.
  17. It doesn't and when you look at the changes, then you will see that the console developers were looking at what will make it easier for everyone.
  18. Playstation has not given me any reason to stop using them. I believe that they have always looked at what the consumer wants whenever they give access to new games on the console.
  19. I don't really joke with discounts. That is what makes me want to buy from a different platform instead of the other.
  20. That is true and when I read about Facebook's allegations that they sold personal data. of users, I felt bad and thank goodness that it was false.
  21. Sony will always dominate the gaming community and I believe they have plans to create most of the old games from consoles on PC too.
  22. Well, if you never had consoles and have a personal computer that can do the work that you like as well as give you the opportunity to play games, why not go for them?
  23. I prefer to play on consoles too. It gives me the feeling that I am doing what I enjoy the most and while PC is great, I can get distracted by trying to do other stuffs.
  24. The way Android devices are secured is also trash. You have better security features by using Apple devices and just like you said, that is one key reason people use it.
  25. In as much as you get to pay more in order to have transactions occur on PayPal, I believe that it is one of the best financial apps that makes life easier for everyone that work online.
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