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Everything posted by Shortie

  1. I always forget that when I have Nintendo Online, I have access to this game and there are so many to play on there as well. I know the last I checked Yoshi's Island was on there and I absolutely loved that game as a kid and going back to it would be amazing! Don't they add new games to it periodically as well? I can't remember the last time I checked but when I did there was a huge number of games to choose from.
  2. I remember the game Alan Wake when it was first released but I never got into it myself if I am honest. I know a few people that did, and they really loved the initial release of the game but I too was not aware there was going to be a port of Alan Wake though, so this is news to me to be honest. I can only imagine people would be comparing this port to the initial release of the game and when doing that, you are bound to have some kind of let downs.
  3. I guess it depends on the kind of gamer you are to be honest. I myself am still quite a kid at heart so I love playing the games that Nintendo has to offer and also with me having kids as well, they love to play the games that Nintendo has to offer. I feel though if you are someone who is looking for games that are a little more on the adult side, I can see your point on why you have not jumped on the Switch yet as they don't really offer a whole lot of that like PlayStation and Xbox do.
  4. Not being a huge fan of PlayStation it's not very often I ever get something from the PlayStation store and usually it's only if there is a game that I would like to play is only ever available on the PlayStation. For example, when Fall Guys first released, we got that from the PlayStation store with it only being available on the PlayStation and also another time has been when we have wanted to try betas of Call of Duty games when they have been on the PlayStation earlier. Other than that, I don't really bother with the PlayStation store.
  5. No, I do not own all the PS consoles at the moment. I have had access to all the PlayStation consoles over the years though from the PS1 right the way to the PS4, but I have not had access to the PS5 or even considered purchasing one. At the moment we still have the PlayStation 4 which my two youngest sons still use from time to time for some games that they like to play but for the most part, it ends up just sitting and collecting dust now as all of us are more PC and Xbox gamers.
  6. I have a cupboard that I keep in my living room which is in the corner where we keep most of the games that we have and some of them are also kept in other cupboards of the house. At the moment I don't have any solid place where I can keep all the physical games that I have due to lack of funds to get something like that which is kind of why I am glad digital is now a thing as that means less worry on where to keep games when I get them so there is less clutter.
  7. I think for me out of all the games I have for my Nintendo Switch now, Animal Crossing New Horizons has to be my favorite. I have spent so many hours on that game, most of it was spent in the lockdowns back in 2020 that we had due to the pandemic, but I still find myself jumping on it every now and then just to check updates and collect things. I have been considering redoing my island, but I have had it for over 2 years now so it's a decision I am not taking lightly.
  8. In terms of physical I'd have to say around 200 but there could be more if I am honest. I am actually thankful that games are digital now and not just physical as it means I can have games and not have the worry of where to put them all which can sometimes be a pain to be honest. Not only that but you have less worry that they will get scratched or be unplayable as well which also means less chance of losing money if that happens.
  9. Shortie

    Warzone Mobile?

    I may download Warzone on my mobile and give it a shot, much like I downloaded Call of Duty Mobile and gave it a shot as you never know if you will like it or not if you don't try. I guess the only thing that worries me is that I never really got into Warzone on the console version so would it be any different on the mobile app? It's worth a try though just to say I tried it. I can imagine it will be quite sweaty still though especially with those who tend to play a lot more mobile games than console games.
  10. A few years ago, when I purchased Just Dance for my kids for Christmas, we only had 2 joy cons on the Nintendo Switch at the time and they all wanted to play at the same time. They downloaded the app for that purpose, and they found that the app worked really well and synced well with the game which was amazing as it meant they could all play together as they wanted to. I would definitely recommend downloading it and giving it a try.
  11. This is crazy and I honestly did not know that there was anything such as scratch and sniff for video games. When thinking about some of the games we have I could not imagine how bad some of the scratch and sniff options would be for some games if it was a normal thing for all games. I feel it is a little weird to make the disc the thing that you scratch and sniff though. Is it just a disk on its own for that sole purpose or is it the game as well? Still a very interesting thing that I didn't even know was a thing.
  12. Of all the ideas I thought I would see for a video game; this was definitely not one of the ideas I thought I would ever see. I can see it being quite popular in the beginning as many people will be curious about it but as a game that will be popular after initial release, I feel it may die out after people who are curious have tried it. It does seem like a weird idea from a game developer to be honest, but they must have some inkling that it will work out well or must have some ideas for it. I guess we wait to see what happens.
  13. This is a tough one for me as I have had a lot of consoles growing up and beyond that. I guess if I really had to choose one console out of all the consoles, I played to be the only console I played for the rest of my life, it would definitely have to be the Super Nintendo. I had way too much fun on that console with all the games I had, especially the Mario games that I had and given the chance, that would be the console I would stick with if it was the only one.
  14. You always know when it's close to Christmas when the Game Awards is almost up on us. It doesn't seem 5 minutes since the last Game Awards last year, this year has gone way too fast! In terms of predictions on winners I haven't got any at the moment, but I am curious to see if there will be any reveals or any surprises during the Game Awards. It's always something I look forward to towards the end of the year and will definitely be catching it when it airs!
  15. When my daughter got her new phone last Christmas, I took her Android phone that she used to have as it was still fairly new and one of the first games, I downloaded on it was Call of Duty Mobile. I was actually quite shocked at how quick I was able to get used to the controls and how it plays on mobile. I believe you play against bots in the beginning which is why I found it as easy as I did. I still have it installed on my phone and do go back to it from time to time, but I haven't played it in a little while if I am honest. It is a fun game and a lot of fun though.
  16. Losing save data on any game I was playing was always a worry of mine, I am so thankful that we have the cloud nowadays for saves as there is less of a chance, we will lose our save data compared to how it used to be with memory cards. I guess it really depends on the game I was playing and how far through the game I was, if it was a game I really enjoyed and spent a lot of time getting through, losing the save data would have really upset me and got me angry as having to start again would have been the worst.
  17. I remember me and my brothers first ever actual console was a Sega Master System and I always remember Alex the Kidd being a built-in game on that. We spent so many hours playing Alex the Kidd on that console, and I remember having so many fond memories of me and my cousin trying to beat the rock, paper, scissors on that game. They are memories I will forever cherish! I wouldn't say that Sega is my most favorite console, but it definitely brought a lot of good memories in my childhood that I will never forget
  18. Yes, I was very disappointed when they announced they were cancelling the backwards compatibility program. So many people including I always hoped that maybe one day we would see Simpson Hit and Run and Simpsons Road Rage come to Xbox under the backwards compatibility program but unfortunately, we were disappointed when they cancelled any further plans to keep it going. I would have loved to see both of those games come back to Xbox again.
  19. Shortie

    Game Pass Wishlist

    It probably would not happen if I were honest as much as many people want it to and would love to see it happen, but I would love to see both Simpsons Hit and Run and Simpsons Road Rage come to Game Pass at some point in the near future. There has been so much talk between gamers about wanting these two games to make a comeback, but it doesn't seem to be happening at all at the moment which is a shame. I could imagine seeing these two games on Game Pass would be a huge hit for many.
  20. I will be honest because my PC is starting to get a little older now, I play less games on it now and stick with my Nintendo Switch and my Xbox One X to play games. Prior to my PC starting to get older I used to play a lot more games on it than I did anything else but that has now changed, and I tend to do more working and web browsing than I do playing games now. I am hoping to one day upgrade my PC to a better one and when I do, gaming will definitely be at the front in terms of what I do on the PC.
  21. I honestly did not know there were sites like this where you could keep track of your games and such. This is actually amazing especially being that so many people have a backlog of games, and it can sometimes be so difficult to keep track of them which often leads to just not bothering, at least that is how I get. Definitely going to look more into this and see if I can start to get through some of my backlog which is a very long backlog!
  22. Yeah, I can't say I ever see them anymore to be honest not like I used to when they were first released. It was like a phase where people went crazy for them when they first came out and now it's died off and we no longer hear of them. With a quick check it seems they do still do them for the Nintendo Switch, but they don't seem to be as popular as they were.
  23. My sons all have an Xbox Series S each and they have often complained about the lack of storage they have for their console, and I can feel their pain. At the moment I have an Xbox One X and I have a portable SSD for that and without that I would be so lost, and they have 1TB of storage. The Xbox Series S has I believe 500GB or storage and I know some of that much like with all other consoles gets taken up by the OS on the system, so they are left with less space. With games becoming bigger and bigger as well I can't imagine 500GB holds a lot. With them asking I did look into the SSDs for the Series S hoping they may have dropped in price or there may be third party ones for a more affordable price. Unfortunately, there isn't which is a shame and a shock after 2 years as well. If you are on a budget, it's seeming very difficult to get more storage for the next gen consoles. Hopefully one day we will see a third party one.
  24. Oh, for sure if they were to include game pass and cloud gaming in with a handheld console it would definitely be a huge success. Everyone knows that gaming is a very expensive hobby, but Xbox make it so that it's more affordable for all with their Game Pass service. This paired with a handheld console would be absolutely amazing and a huge hit for those who want to see them release a handheld. Being that Xbox has never released a handheld before as well, the hype to get one and see how it is as well would be immense. They have so much gone for them that would be a success to release one, but I can understand why they may not with the ability to use phones and controllers with phones now.
  25. I couldn't agree more with the people will still buy it year in and year out. I know myself I have done but that has been because my kids play it and I purchase it for them. Many will complain but because that is what they do and they release the game yearly, they are going to want to play it and their only option is to purchase it because what other choice do they have? I would say the best way to get them to release updates over a brand-new game at retail price would be to just not bother purchasing but that would have to get everyone on board and that would be the difficult part.
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