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Everything posted by Empire

  1. Older games are like that, but I do not like games that just crash on you that you know it will crash on you as they have been no fix for it. With newer content you can always edit the game files to skip the starting of the game titles 😛
  2. Apple has always been on the high tech for there systems but there is no competition with them, if you are an apple person that use apple only then you have not got a option and same for windows and other users.
  3. DOn't blame Razer, If they see a very large market on them then they will get into the market so that they can get to earn and be rich 😛 Like anything else it will die down. End of the day my £280 phone can always do gaming and PubG LOL so think about that for the price.
  4. FiveM isn't on epic, but it's on steam as it's listed. If you look at the tope 5 games on steam of how many players it get 😉
  5. I believe the show is great because unlike the competitor show,”family guy", The Simpson's don't try too hard to be funny it just naturally happens throughout the show, the comedy isn't forced at all. The show is original and it continues to do its own thing, as more characters come about, more natural comedy comes with. Homer isn't as stupid as Peter is on Family guy, some people don't like stupidity as a hit comedy all the time. The Simpson's stays at a constant and even when they need to spice things up they automatically do it with the littlest features. The Simpson's could add as little as a new character, or change the intro either way the story will always be something that a family can relate to somehow some way.
  6. Don’t put things down. Put them back. If you have to use something one time or for less than a few times, put it back immediately when you’re done. It’s amazing how many things I use that just don’t get put away and all of the sudden everything is a mess.
  7. Do not need to look hard and you have people contacting you or you may read a post and then you can PM them 🙂 I have not added and or looked for over a year or so and once in a blue moon I look at my affiliates to see if they still running and also still have the deal set 🙂 If not I rmeove them. Does not help at all anyway so not really my fist major job
  8. Always a sane that it's better late then never right, yet google is just a madness company at times. Who is using the search bar anyway?
  9. Hmmmm I wouldn't be surprised if Konami's major IPs are outsourced to other companies to do remakes, remasters, ports, etc. I think Konami would probably be in the market to license out their IPs to other companies and be on more of a supervising/approving role in said games.
  10. Honestly, I'm convinced the only reason governments haven't figured out how they're gonna deal with this yet is because the whole covid thing started. Not that I'd rather they ignore that to try to fix gambling law, just my thoughts on why it would take this long after investigations started.
  11. Absolutely loving all these gaming phone reviews, as I've grown older I playmore on my gaming PC thought 😛 and less mobile games, come on people why spend $800 on phoners just to play games on a 6inch screen. So many great ones out that I'm glad that my phone are being targetted as best budjet . Hopefully you guys will do a comparison of all the major gaming phones soon!
  12. I've never ever owned an apple, but these chips are absolutely crushing everything else, I hope everyone else can catch up. Don't they lease some of this tech from the founders of ARM though? That would give me hope
  13. Won't slow down, then again GTA and also FIveM will just get bigger and bigger, already on the tope 5 games on steam for the best played amount of games
  14. Depends on what you get and what you got to do, if it was just a simple then I do it anyway. But 100% of the time I do not win anything.
  15. I do not have any personal rules really. Just commen sense on the ways of life when you are at home or just going out down the street. Just get out of other peoples way and if other people push you, you say sorry to them. If you get shot at then you say sorry to them.
  16. Maybe they will or not. With covid, most have been delayed or stopped then again they are all working from home. If it will make them far good amount of sales and money they will do it 🙂
  17. Wasn’t even aware of a Gotham by Gaslight game being in production! That would have been something to see based on the video excerpt. Whats funny is they could totally remaster Time Splitters 1-3 and sell it like the Nathan Drake Collection. And the money they'd get from selling the remasters they could fund a new game.
  18. When I read the tile there are games that are still alive to this day and being supported. Not just the GTA series that will shell always be famous and most played games of all time, GTA5/FiveM is just massive. I'm talking about games like battlefield two 🙂 that I still play to this day, released back in 2005 and as of today people still play online. CSGO is not dead, minecraft is always big since 2011.
  19. I prefer sad endings, then again depends on the story. I think they leave a longer lasting impression than happy endings and make you think more. I tend to analyse and think a lot more about the plot of the book if the ending was sad. Makes me more intellectually stimulated and motivated to find out 'how did it get to this?'.
  20. Not really did story games, I have done all GTA series but they not the best that I had or got my hands on at this point in time. Most GTA series is the same just about. if I was to pick then I would say, The Walking Dead games 😉 played them and they are good since you have to tthink and it's like watching the film as you ar eplaying it.
  21. Has anyone played it then? To be fair, a video game doesn't actually need any new ideas to be good as long as what it does, as long it's it's been done well. However, if the level design is indeed as mediocre as implied, then that's a legitimate problem.
  22. Ace Attorney really is a memorable series I'm not so gladthat I can't play this game, just didnot get my hands on it, I'm still hoping for the AA community to get something brand new though.
  23. As of this week, even that the game has been around for many years that they just added World Of tanks to steam. Better to be late than never. But I won't be playing WOT through steam.
  24. Best is probs Sonic 3 & Knuckles, that's honestly one of the greatest retro games ever in my opinion and everyone should play through it at least once.
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