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Everything posted by Empire

  1. I don't think that the year of 2021 is as strong as last following year but it's been great for me all things considered. I'm close to finishing up Eco game and loving it, I know it's not new 😛 . I still need to check out 12 minutes, the Ascent and a few others that I've missed recently
  2. Never, even to this day people or young people do not even think about it anymore ot comes to there heads. Everything is online based nowadays 😛 about six years ago there was an Autism night for those that got autism symptoms and the mother of one of those kids is also a gamer, she loves gaming. She thought about doing a gaming night each month. I went for the first night and after it failed 😞
  3. Sonic Spinball is a spin-off of Sonic the Hedgehog games that combines Sonic gameplay with pinball genre. It was made as something to fill space between the second and the third Sonic main games. Came out in the end of 1993 as part of the event “Sonic Mania”, which also had Sonic Chaos and Sonic CD coming out at the same time. 8 Megabit ROM. Those days LOL
  4. Nope, I made myself an account as it was forced onto me, The matter of fact to my point that I never really got into it. It was just nothing there for me as it's a kids little games. However, I'd like to know how hard it would be to actually design our own games? ? I know how to program and I've actually designed a few simple games on Unity using C# (platformer games mostly)
  5. I could never run a dungeon where everything was magical. My players would be disassembling the place brick by brick rather than do any dungeon delving.
  6. My go to game for me has to always been CSGO 🙂 - after doing games that are not boring but slow or just one of those days that I Need to rage at then CSGO is the game that I tend to play offline while not streaming to get myself back into the game and SHOOT at everything
  7. Empire

    Evil Apples

    Or they are lossing money
  8. Empire

    Planet Coaster

    I got to play the game when it came out! I was a good game! but I was pretty upset about the limit when I found out about it! But now I understood why it was in the game The only concern I had was why it wasn't on the nintendo switch and when I found out you could build more on next gen consoles I felt like it wasn't fair.
  9. Empire

    StarCraft II

    nope, Apparently I'm the only one who didn't like it. I played the original and brood war campaigns over and over as a kid, and I got to masters (pretty high) on the online ladder, but I thought the campaign was boring and badly written. I tried so hard to force myself through it, but it was just really boring.
  10. played wow for a while...from vanilla wow all the way to 5 months ago. I regret the whole damn thing. Not one thing i can use from that game in life. What am i going to put on resume...works well in teams to raid, when he should have been out doing something else more productive. Not to mention its a giant cash sink. There is no completeness with MMO is just a 1/2 asses story they slap together to get more customers on the carrot. I'm not saying blizzard makes a bad game, they probably make the best MMO out there, but its the whole genre, its a total waste. Not only does it take too much free time, but you actively look to devote more free time to it.
  11. Hmm, I’ve never played any Souls games, so it looks like a more intense Castlevania to me. It looks interesting. I would probably get lost going in and out so many times. I did hear that a physical version is coming, the “Drowned Tome” edition for the end of October for $30. I will be picking that version up.
  12. I somewhat enjoyed the first two seasons of The Kominsky Method and was happy to see a third season available. That is, until I found out that Alan Arkin dropped out and they just went on without him. No thanks. Just finished Schitt's Creek. Initially I was hesitant as it was so cringe but it really grew on me and features some real beauty.
  13. Hands down the Xbox. PS can not come close to the available library. They have like 5 decent games right now. Everything on xbox launches day one on gamepass. Better hardware, better UI and tons of games. Then again it's peoples thoughts or my thought. But again, Sony has só many amazing console exclusive right now and others on the way like GOW, HZD, SPIDER, as his exclusives seems more intereset to me, and I have a PC with gamepass, where I can play the Microsoft exclusives and some índies.
  14. Adult and his kid(s) go and see the film and turns out that the adult enjoys it far more then the kids do 😛 It's always true right. Most of the time that kids do not understand things that well if they are younger and only see cartoons and nothong more.
  15. Empire

    BattleRite MOBA

    I like the fact that we have a battle royal moba style game, what I don't like is the fact that you have to pay for it. As one of the couple thousand players to still constantly enjoy the base game, I think its only right that we deserve some kind of compensation for our time spent playing your game.
  16. Empire

    Evil Apples

    What did happen to the game then, I known about it but I never even played. someone complain to Google or anything? I've read the Twitter feed that basically they've been suspended for being offensive on all kinds of things (which, DUH). This is super hypocritical of Google, but what can we do as the community?
  17. This game looks ok but it has a horrible pay-to-win business model. Anyone starting the game now faces a massive disadvantage to players who have invested a great deal of time and money into this game. There is a serious flaw in the inability to trade cards, meaning any dollar spent on this game is extremely wasteful. This cash grab by blizzard should be avoided.
  18. I have not even seen the film and not even think about the game 😛 Be fun for the kids to get into or anyone that is so bored that they have no other shoice to get there hands into this game if they have nothing else 😜
  19. I'd like one simply because I watch a lot of shows/movies on my phone. But I also live by the mantra that "the more moving parts, or bells and whistles a product has, the more likely it is that something will fail, or simply not last.
  20. Almost every game that you have and see and game that you can modify 🙂 There are games like mine craft where you can build almost anything, RPG Maker that lets you build your own game from the ground up, mods that can alter a game and allow you to add what you want.
  21. GTA5 I remeber when it first came out back in 2013 it was or where around 80GB. Now when I look at the game file size over the years since I fisrt had it back in 2013 it's over 100GB 😉 I mean - That's just how much online new content they added. Still, 280GB for MSFS2020
  22. I'm not surprised at how dated this looks, GameFreak as a company are finally playing catch-up to the rest of the industry after years of coasting on the pokemon IP. This is what happens when you make the same game for 20+ years, with the same mechanics and are suddenly asked to do something new. They're learning lessons the rest of the industry has long ago learned.
  23. Damn, this looks awesome. When I first played this game I cried when I finally managed to get back to daylight version of Silent Hill. This game was creepy as hell. Great horror game at that time
  24. China is just taken over the world and doing what they want people or for themselves to do. Shocking. Everything is from china nowadays that gets made there as they can do things just cheap. that's a hell of allot of companies just gone.
  25. I don’t trust science articles anymore, whenever there’s a cool discovery, it’s always spun into some bullshit. With that said, I’m confused as to how ‘brain cells’ (notably referred to as such rather than just mini brains) are able to ‘believe they are the paddle’ etc. Plus next they will say another story that they came around on finding.... COME ON
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