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Everything posted by Empire

  1. I can't find a source for you right now but it was confirmed multiple times that any references the games make to each other are Easter eggs and nothing more. So officially they aren't in the same universe but they really should be. On a sidenote, it would be so cool to see a Watch Dogs/AC crossover.
  2. Since the beginning Minecraft never offered a tutorial, Usually people learn it by just spending hours discovering And also by Watching Survival Lets Plays on YouTube that's the main source for all things But if you want a very detailed "All thing about Minecraft" check this https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Minecraft_Wiki It shows information about every Item/Block/Entity/Dimension/ and stuff you'll probably never use.
  3. Empire


    The game looks good, but what’s up with this music? It sounds like you have an AI a bunch of dramatic scores and had it generate this nightmare. Also why is it the only thing you can hear in the trailer? Where are the sounds of the game itself? It’s bonkers
  4. Game looks great, story seems quite involved and not necessarily "easy reading" but honestly thats an interesting change from how most games present their stories. The name though.. eesh..
  5. This game looks cool 🙂 Bold move to release it on Mario Day though, I hope it doesn't lose out on the attention it deserves, Has anyone else played it as of yet?
  6. Remember when we played video games for escapism from the reality of a deadly pandemic?
  7. Dying light. I just love zombie openworld games but this one was really just amazing, combat felt good, gameplay always felt rewarding and it is still stunning to look at... I think I'm gonna start another new game actually.
  8. Never even played the normal game verion of minecraft and not alone the pocket edtion 😛
  9. Depends, are you getting into it to play at home 2 times a month with your buddies or are you trying to get into a game for a long time? Because mk11 isn't supported anymore with updates, there will be no new content, so if ur gonna buy it, make sure that is on sale.
  10. Sleeping Dogs was great and so underrated in my opinion. It had a great story and its own identity away from gta and saints row. I'd love to see a sequel but I doubt it will happen now
  11. Pixels. I mean, it’s a movie where Josh Gad’s creepy crush on a video game character causes Q-bert to shapeshift into that video game character and marry and have Q-bert babies with him. It doesn’t get much worse than that.
  12. For those who has read the American Gods novel, you might realize the plot was a bit different from the original source. But if we separate the novel from the series, you can see that the series itself has a very unique and great storyline. The series also add some plot that can complement the novel, such as Laura Moon and Shadow backgrounds, saleem's journey after he met the iffrit, and Mad Sweeney's journey.
  13. Only one that comes to mide that will last for 50 years and into the furture is GTA series you know LOL that's what I say and do and think.
  14. Simply because of platforms, PS you got Sony and Xbox Microsoft for example, PC on the other hand has a huge variety of platforms ranging from Steam to Origins to Epic. Yeah PC can be cheaper or the same in that matter
  15. I think the best mix of oldschool isometric and modernisation of the gerne was achievied in Pillars of Eternity: Deadfire - but it's the second in a series and I would advice playing the first first for story purposes. And let's just say the first part was my introduction to the gerne and I deem it suboptimal at that to put it kindly.
  16. Assassin's Creed? You could choose any game of the series... Medieval setting, Renaissance, American 18th century, French Revolution... L.A. Noire is also pretty good, if it is not too recent. Hope that helped
  17. Far Cry Evolution was better. Halo was more of a Star Wars geek thing. Like an FPS without the blood and the "violence" of it all, felt like softly cushioned blows throughout tiny little maps to run around in circles in and respawn over and over. To me it was terrible and unastounding in every way. Nothing special about the game. It enabled four players at once online, I think that was it. Still wasn't worth playing.
  18. I dont think first you should work on your meta game first because it doesnt matter how fast you are, if you are looking the wrong way, its useless. Pros have pretty much the same reaction time as you and I, just they are better at interpolating and predicting where you should be.
  19. Played it on PC with like not even 30 hours int othe game. I never would do the Mobile verion. I do not see myself doing it.
  20. Empire


    I think HardwareUnboxed or GamersNexus mentioned in one of their videos recently that manual OC'ing of CPUs is really only an enthusiast hobby these days rather than a real means of significant improvement. The auto-OC features have drastically improved from the past, so you can only squeeze out a little extra performance that won't change the actual end-user experience enough for most people to find it worthwhile. Plus it's easy to OC then back many PC years ago 😛 Just turn on some things in the Bios and it does it for you, Unless you really want to push it to the max and get 5.2ghz 🙂 like I have 😛 - most or same games do not like it anyway and so I do not see the point and the lifespane of your system won't live forever
  21. I love the dissection of Fancy's lyrics here:
  22. WOrse I say was not to long ago with covid restrictions and many companies did not turn up or in our case it's all online. The worst E3 was the one in Santa Monica. That was the year Disney had its High School Musical singalong/live performance and Activision hired Jaime Kennedy as a presenter. Was in the audience for both. Jaime Kennedy was more embarrassing.
  23. Dead Space. I know a lot of people liked 2, but I don't think any of them measure up to the first. Having said that, I'll gladly take another one. As far as atmosphere and tension none of them match the first. That game was perfect in my opinion as far as horror goes. I refuse to play it with headphones on anymore. The sound messes with my head and I get myself all worked up. It had a really good pace as well. Dead Space 2 was fun but it was more action oriented. I didn't really feel afraid and with the weapon array I felt like a peenut
  24. This Game reminds me bit Of Makoto's Anime Movie Voice of a Distant star and a bit of place promised in our Early days. Never did try thid game out XD
  25. Empire


    why so many sucky games recently i remember a time where all games were pretty much awesome...
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