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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. I'm a former addict, and adding the time I was using and the time it took to get clean, there's 4 years of my life that I only get bits and pieces of on a rare occasion. Other than that, it's a complete blank. Fighting the urge to use again, is a never ending uphill battle at a near vertical incline. We're like ants pushing boulders the size of the moon up hills the size of the solar system. I could go out right now and pick up a gram or two. I know where to get it, and who the pharmacists are. There's several in my former neighborhood. MS-13 moved a lot of it in when I was living over there. When my next door neighbor had a bullet fly through her wall one night, that was when I decided it was time to move.
  2. These days, it's nothing to hear a 5 year old saying things like that. I crack up when I see it, but it's not uncommon. The other day at Walmart, I was looking at some of the movies, and this woman and her 4-5 year old son came into the aisle. I wasn't paying them any attention, but I heard her tell her son that she couldn't find some kids movie or cartoon series. And I swear to you the little kid just said "Ah, shit." and they walked off. I laughed for the first time in years.
  3. Recent attempts at new Contra games have proven that all too true. Capcom's heyday is long gone. They were killing it up through the N64/PS1 era. But after that, they started suffering and seriously screwing up virtually everything they touched. They ended up being like a rebirth of LJN. Don't get me wrong on that, there's a lot of LJN games that I actually enjoy the hell out of. It's just an analogy that I know everyone will understand. But after that era, they (at least from what I have seen) more or less faded away into obscurity. I haven't seen much out of Konami either, especially since the death of Castlevania. The last Castlevania game I saw released was Lords Of Shadows II on PS3. Has there been another one released since then? If so, then it seems it garnered very little publicity. If any at all. The TV show doesn't count here. This is about games. It's just seeming to me that some of the best companies, (that early in their run had some of the best games) are dying off. Capcom and Konami are just the first two that come to mind for me.
  4. Lets hope its not a rehash of the Power Glove on NES.
  5. There's only one thing about that RDR2 trailer that confuses me. It's at the end. "Product not yet rated." Who the hell didn't see this game getting an M rating? Seriously? There wasn't any sexual content that was graphic enough way to warrant an AO rating, and it's got way too much to only get a T rating. What dumbass was on the fence about it?
  6. I will most likely forget tomorrow, so I want to wish a happy birthday to a man whom I have admired for as long as I can remember. Happy birthday to Edgar Allen Poe. Born January 19, 1809 Died October 7, 1849 May he find the peace in death that eluded him in life. And the raven, never flitting Still is sitting, STILL is sitting, on the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door And his eyes have all the seeming of a daemon that is dreaming And the lamplight o’er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor shall be lifted -Nevermore
  7. These are my own personal 14 tenets. Take from them what you will. 1.) Treat others the way they treat you. 2.) Mind your own business. 3.) Take nothing at face value. 4.) Stupidity is unacceptable. 5.) Entitlement is inexcusable. 6.) Defend yourself viciously and without mercy. 7.) If you allow yourself to be taken advantage of you deserve the repercussions. Some situations excluded. 8.) Respect is never to be granted, but only ever earned. 9.) Animal abuse carries with it a torturous sentence of death. 10.) Robbery/theft carries a sentence of lifetime imprisonment in solitary. 11.) Sex offenders, pedophiles, and all child assault crimes forfeit all human rights including but not limited to food and water. These criminals are the ones used for medical research instead of animals. 12.) Individuality is to be encouraged and celebrated. 13.) Those of the LGBTQ+ community are to be welcomed with open arms. 14.) Women have the right to choose.
  8. Your bonding with the horse determines how well they will listen and how quickly they will come when called. If your bonding with the horse is low, you may as well be riding a damn bicycle. If your bonding is high, then you're on a golden hog.
  9. It's kind of a mix of both. You can move the red circle in the middle around with your thumb like an analog stick, or you can just press the black ring on the outside like a typical D-Pad. The red part will act like your thumb when you move it to whatever part of the D-Pad you're needing. So it's a lot easier on the fingers. Especially if you're playing a game with any parts that you have to hit a button rapidly. The turbo buttons are a godsend.
  10. I wasn't into Undead Nightmare. It just bored me and ruined the game in my eyes. But then I'm often a bit of a prude when it comes to games. Play it original, or don't play it at all. If I'm reading this right, are you saying you didn't like the graphics of RDR2? What's your gripe? Thee graphics were so realistic, that the first time I saw @Rain Dew playing it, I actually asked her what movie she was watching.
  11. I'm not particularly familiar with Geek Fuel, so I can't say. But the Respawn is a mix that you shake up.
  12. I'm at the age where Fuck You, Fuck Off, and Fuck That answer almost every question I'm asked.
  13. I have a Respawn kit that I actually won here at VGR, but I haven't used it in forever. The drinks were great. I really loved the flavors, but I drink way more Diet Pepsi than anything else. If you see me, there's an opened Diet Pepsi somewhere nearby.
  14. I forgot about Lavender town. There's also Ben Drowned. While good ones, those are both events after game releases unfortunately.
  15. Until I get the Legend Of The East satchel in RDR2, I'm constantly low on supplies. None of the other satchels can hold shit. 3-5 of any given item. The LOTE satchel can hold 99 of EVERYTHING. The only exception to that is things like watches. You can only hold 10 of each quality (platinum, gold, silver) watches at any given time. So 30 watches in total. But carrying things like food and medicine for yourself and your horse, is almost a lost cause until you get that satchel.
  16. I'm missing something. What is the goal of the game? Is it an adventure game on the ocean? What are you supposed to be doing? Is it a farming game? Is it a Diabloish game fighting daemons of a sort? The trailer bounced around so much I couldn't pinpoint anything.
  17. Check out the Dark Pictures Anthology. I've been playing Man Of Medan and it's great. Every teeny tiny little thing you do affects the entire story. And I mean EVERYTHING YOU DO.
  18. The first Scream was a semi-entertaining movie. Overdone, and predictable, but still a way to kill an hour and a half if you're waiting on something and there's nothing better on. Like for example if the Scientology network isn't coming through, then put Scream on.
  19. Mainstream music since the 90's is pure shit. Democracy doesn't work, despite our best efforts. Shrooms are a lot of fun. All terrorists, both domestic and foreign should be executed without trial or due process. Nonhuman lives should be valued equal to that of human lives. Marijuana: Just fucking legalize it already. Prohibition didn't work in 1923, and it sure as shit ain't working now.
  20. There's stranger missions, challenges, bounties, upgrades, debt collecting, and all sorts of shit to do out of the story line. You can also set your own challenges. Like for me, I like to try to get every animal I can in my compendium. I just want to get them listed in it. Whether I fully get it or not is irrelevant. That means studied, killed, skinned/collected. As long as it's in my compendium in one way or another, I'm happy. I also like doing the same with the cigarette cards, horses, fish, weapons, and so on. It's not any kind of requirement for the game, and doesn't affect jack shit, I just find it fun.
  21. It's grown rather significantly since then. If I was to list it again, it would probably take 10 minutes to read the entire list. And I also left several systems off the list, because I don't play them anywhere near as frequently as I used to. So they're just not listed.
  22. They do both have that distinct boomerang shape though, moreso than the Sega Genesis controller does.
  23. It looks like a Kentucky Saddler, or possibly a Morgan, but walks like a Missouri Foxtrotter. The way the horse moves his front legs is what makes him look like the Missouri Foxtrotter.
  24. At best the game runs roughly $200 on eBay. And that's mostly for repros, not authentic carts. Personally I couldn't do a repro. I would have to spend the extra $ and buy an authentic cart.
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