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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. Syberia are great games. I think you'll love them.
  2. You can't not have GoW Chains Of Olympus. IT was originally supposed to be a PSP exclusive, but Sony later released it on PS3. Either way, you gotta have it. It's my personal favorite in the entire GoW series.
  3. Here's some pics of mine. It can hold 2 Switch Lite's if you want to put 2 in it, but I usually just carry mine in it. At the moment the one in the pics is @Rain Dew's Switch. I do need to get a new one that holds more carts though. Despite having 113 DDL's, this one is one slot short of holding all my carts.
  4. We all know that music attained perfection in 1986. It's a scientific fact. The music I can't stand is opera. Assuming it can be called music. All it is, is some jackass standing on a stage and moaning. I'm not into jazz or reggae, but that's only because I've never been exposed to either. I have nothing against them as I have no basis to form an opinion. Another that I can't stand is country. Which is weird because it was all I was allowed to listen to as a kid. But now, it just scrapes on my nerves like a sand belt. The music I love is metal. Rap is a close second. And not all metal is singers not singing. If you look at Disturbed for example, you will see that David sings more than he "yells".
  5. I'd choose my idol. I could get out of this life, and not have grown up the way I did. None of the memories that are locked away up in my head. It would be a release finally.
  6. I thought about adding Mortal Kombat, but thought it was too obvious an answer.
  7. For me it's usually a Zelda game or FF8. I know virtually everything about FF8, and the same can be said for the Zelda games on NES, SNES, and N64. The only exception is the SNES Zelda. I actually do know everything about that one, with one single exception. I still don't know who the hell Chris Houlihan is. Needless to say, I've played it way too damn much.
  8. I'm about to the point that this kind of bigotry is an actual diagnosable mental illness. These people get so bent out of shape over us, as if were spraying nerve gas over the world, especially their family. I'm LGBTQ+, and the shit we have to put up with is getting worse by the day. It's almost to the point that we have to hide what and who we are just to survive a trip to Walmart. I'll never hide who and what I am for anyone, but I won't tolerate this kind of shit either. I would say we have just as much right to live as she does, but we have more of a right to live than her due to her bigotry and stupidity. I hope her kids turn out to all be sterile and denied on any adoption applications. The last thing we need is more children INDOCTRINATED into this kind of narrow minded, bigoted, chickenshit thinking.
  9. All deals have expired. Thread locked. South Park: The Stick Of Truth 60% off $29.99 now $11.99 Sale ends 11-17-21 ++++++++++ Syberia 1&2 94% off $34.99 now $1.99 Sale ends 11-16-21 ++++++++++ Bioshock Infinite: The Complete Edition 60% off $19.99 now $7.99 Sale ends 11-15-21 ++++++++++ The Outer Worlds 60% off $59.99 now $23.99 Sale ends 11-15-21 ++++++++++ South Park: The Fractured But Whole 75% off $89.99 now $22.49 Sale ends 11-17-21 ++++++++++ Bioshock Remastered 60% off $19.99 now $7.99 Sale ends 11-15-21 ++++++++++ Borderlands: The Handsome Collection 60% off $39.99 now $15.99 Sale ends 11-15-21
  10. Hatred could be a good entry to your list. It's pretty gruesome. When you're just murdering everything that walks, it's not exactly on par with Care Bears.
  11. If they can contain their seeds and work with farmers, then I see them being a great thing. Their so called "frankenfood" could feed the world since they're growing crops in climates and times of the year that they otherwise could not. But if they wipe out legitimate farming, then there will be worldwide famine. Wars will be fought over the tiniest scraps of food. I've never seen it, but going by the title, I'm assuming that The Hunger Games would be a good representation of what I'm talking about here?
  12. RDR2 has several. Annesburg, Van Horn, Strawberry, Valentine, Rhodes, St Denis, Blackwater, Armadillo, Tumbleweed. Then there are a few small settlements and locations that could be considered a town or have at one time been a town. Lagras, Emerald Ranch, Colter, and perhaps even the Wapiti reservation. There's a lot to encounter. Including some dumbass that can't figure out that snakes bite, no matter how many times you give him medicine when he comes out screaming about being bit.
  13. I zipped straight down without reading. Is this one safe to read and view the images?
  14. I'll enter, but I don't expect to win either way. I don't create nearly as many threads as other members, so I'm not holding my breath.
  15. I would be interested, but due to my experiences in the Marines, I can't play games like this. My psyche can't handle it without having a total break from reality and a stay in a psych ward. I don't want to go through that again.
  16. Today is my 3 year anniversary of being a member at this awesome forum! Thank you to everyone who has broadened my horizons in gaming and introduced me to games I would otherwise have never known about.
  17. You can buy a Shire at a few of the stables in RDR2. I don't remember exactly which ones it is, but I know that one or two of the sell a Shire. If you have the Ultimate edition codes then you can get one for free in Valentine. You just have to do the hunting mission with Hosea, because stables aren't open until then. But it's one of the earliest missions in the second chapter.
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