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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. You can play together on some games. For example Final Fantasy 14 is playable on PC and console. And you can join your friends from either platform.
  2. Another year to wait. And I'll most likely still be playing PS1/PS3.
  3. In a single word, describe yourself.
  4. Considering that I keep a .45 with me and an 8" blade, I'll kill it. I know it's already dead, but 2 clips of hollow points and a sharp blade taking it apart, might just slow it down and ruin its day.
  5. I nominate the following @StaceyPowers @killamch89 @kingpotato @DylanC
  6. What is it you're wanting to know?
  7. No money. I don't trust the big national charities. They're typically more of a corporation than a charity. I don't even trust the small local ones. If all you want is my money instead of possibly some volunteer hours, then you're obviously running a scam and you can kiss my ass.
  8. I'm the same way with android. I had one of them a while back, and the damn thing was so user unfriendly that I said never again. iPhones are, in my opinion, the best for cell phones. Which is kinda odd, as I hate Mac.
  9. I have an iPhone 6s, and it's a kickass phone. I bought it brand new (not used) this year when my iPhone 5 crapped out on me. It only cost $200. Whereas the newer stuff was running around $1000. It runs games smooth as silk, and can hold several. It does get really hot after a while, but if you hold it against a cold water bottle, you can play nonstop for as long as you want. A couple rubber bands against the bottle, and you're golden.
  10. If you guys are Doom fans, I say you should check out Hexen. It's basically Doom turned medieval. It's flat out awesome.
  11. Yeah. Really. You know when a character attacks with something other than a standard physical attack, or tries to draw magic, a gray bar appears at the top of the screen that says what is happening? Well the Bite Bug will fly up at you and a cloud of sickly greenish gas will hit you, while that gray bar is at the top of the screen and says "fart". The first time that happened I had to pause the game for about a half hour trying to figure out if I had really just seen what I thought I had seen. I more or less convinced myself at the time that I just misread it. Then it happened again. More than once. I'm wondering if these may be the same guys that created Conkers Bad Fur Day.
  12. I had a couple chairs like this one here in the pic. They wouldn't have been bad if they weren't so damn small. They were way too short and narrow for a full grown adult. Only wide enough to fit one butt cheek on it and short enough that you could only fit it up to about half way up your back. I honestly think that while they are marketed towards adults, the designers were using kids to test them out.
  13. It all depends on what I’m going to be doing. If I’m going to be working on something semi-important, then I’ll have a game that I’m a goddess at. If I’m not doing anything but watching YouTube, or something else that’s no big thing then I usually play a game that I’m a rookie at. I have a lot of games that I’ve never played, so I have plenty of options to try new things and to have new experiences with.
  14. The title says it all. For me it's Zelda Goddess Of Wisdom. The game is beyond hard. The dungeons are a major bitch, and I can rarely figure a single fucking thing out. YouTube is a requirement if you want to make it through just about ANYTHING.
  15. When I get into a new game, I usually just dive in. If there's a players guide available I'll probably pick it up just in case I get hopelessly stuck. But otherwise, I go for it, and just hope I make it. I've been playing Goddess Of Wisdom for a while now, and I'm barely making it through. I've ended up being forced to watch playthroughs on YouTube just so I know what the hell I'm supposed to be doing. The game is a bitch, and will in all seriousness make you end up feeling sick as if you have the flu. You will be completely worn out as if you had spent the entire day both running and reading Shakespeare at the same time. Mentally and physically, you're screwed if you had any plans for the next day. But to me, it's worth it. A Zelda game that is looking at hard in the rear view mirror. Fuck Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. The same to Majoras Mask and Zelda 2. This one takes the grand prize as the hardest one. Granted it's a ROM-hack, but still, it's a Zelda game. I haven't played Parallel Worlds yet, and I tried to buy Ancient Stone Tablets on eBay, and the guy sent me the Super Famicom copy. I don't have a Super Famicom, so I'm kinda screwed there.
  16. Then I have to get on a system I’ve always hated. But then again, I was always a Nintendo fan but hated Game Cube, and was really not a fan of the Wii. So maybe Xbox One will show me something different from the previous two. Here’s hoping.
  17. I’m stuck using my powerchair. Being disabled to the point you can’t walk without being in extreme pain the entire time is a bitch.
  18. @killamch89 I think someone is a major rap fan....
  19. If video gaming didn't exist, what would you do in your spare time instead?
  20. If you could have a chinchilla or a hedgehog, which one would you pick and why?
  21. What was the grossest, most stomach churning thing you've ever eaten?
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