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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. Next riddle. This is an easy one. A girl endured terrible bullying every day at school. Some of the girls in her class would even take her to a secluded place and beat her up so nobody would see them doing it. One day, the girl was found lying dead in a pool of blood in the school toilets. The teachers said it was suicide. She had sliced her own wrists and bled to death. They said she left a note behind. It read: "Please excuse the unfortunate mess. I committed suicide, but it was not because I was bullied."
  2. You pretty much got it. To get the exact answer look at his letter. Take the first word from the first line. The second word from the second line. The third word from the third line, and the fourth word from the fourth line. There's your answer.
  3. Just because some one is a bit younger doesn't mean they are immature. I knew kids that were a lot more mature than full grown adults when I was 12. Also it's unfair to say that older workers are slow, lethargic, can't see or have bad judgement. Just because they are older doesn't mean they have Alzheimer's You need to look at performance, not age. That's all there is to it. Judging strictly by age is not only discrimination, it's prejudice.
  4. Due to my MD, I'm usually in bed around 7-8. I don't have the strength to stay up much later.
  5. I change into loose clothes, kick back in a quiet room and do whatever interests me at the moment. Usually a video game and some background noise. YouTube is most common.
  6. Even though it's technically a fruit, I would say tomato. But if we have to get technical it would be carrots, potatoes, corn, okra, and definitely green beans.
  7. I like to sit back in silence and watch the water come down. I usually go out into my garage with something to drink (typically soda) and just enjoy the rain. I especially love it if it's just pouring like a hurricane with tons of thunder and lightning. I'm talking flash flood conditions. Not sure why, but I love those kind of days.
  8. The games I listed don't have my PS2, Game Cube, or Wii games in it. But that's mostly because I don't play those systems anymore. I was never the biggest fan of any of those 3, but that doesn't mean I don't have a lot of games for them. But my wife also has her collection. So there's a lot more than what I listed.
  9. I have to face a lot of the same mental illnesses as you @LadyDay. But I'm also schizophrenic on top of it all. I also have a rage disorder. I've also been diagnosed as Schizoid and borderline personality disorder (BPD). And I'm not going to lie, these issues have gotten me in trouble with the law several times. But I believe the disability that plays a more important part in this discussion is the physical one I've had back problems since I was a teenager, getting worse as the years progressed. Finally in December of 2015, I was diagnosed with Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy. For those who don't know MD is a muscle disease that deteriorates the muscles, and over time you simply get weaker and weaker. Your endurance goes down, and your strength is shot. It's progressed to the point that I'm now wheelchair bound. I'm unable to walk more than 3 or 4 steps without passing out. If I do any kind of physical activity, even something simple, like dressing myself, it often makes me pass out. I have night time incontinence due to the MD. I'm seeing my neurologist soon, so I'll see what he says. Actually I see 3 different neurologists, so I can't keep track of which one I see and when. Hopefully this one is the right one for my MD. So my MD is the main reason why all I do anymore is play video games and play around online. I simply don't have the physical capability to do much of anything else. And thank you @StaceyPowers for making this post. I had thought about doing the same, but didn't think there would be enough disabled people here for it. Or maybe I was just scared to do it. Afraid of being judged or ridiculed. I guess you're just braver than I am.
  10. For England, I can't answer that. I'm in the states, so I know very little about theatre in England. All I can say is ask around. Go to a couple performance halls and ask. If they're not showing it, ask if they have any plans, or if they would be willing to look into it. Your best bet would probably be The Theatre Royal, even though it is haunted. But it's not a bad haunting.
  11. I'm worn to the bone and just got home. I'm on my phone at the moment, but I'll post a real reply to this tomorrow.
  12. Depending on the strip, I don't see why not.
  13. Animals can smell fear and absolutely hate the aroma. It's like temporary rabies picked up through the intuitive nose. Even though I've been bitten, I've never feared dogs. Actually, off the top of my head, I can't really think of an animal I really fear. There's a shitload of animals I know better than to screw with. But I can't say that I fear them.
  14. If you love the Lion King movie, you HAVE to see it live on stage. It is so amazing, I don't think I even have the words in my vocabulary to give it the credit it deserves.
  15. Silent Scope. it was an arcade game. it had a sniper rifle as your control stick that you looked through to enhance the game to pick off your enemies. It was really awesome.
  16. I don't think WoW is ever going to go away. Hell, EverCrack is even still going on. It's nowhere near as popular as it once was, but it still has a following.
  17. To be honest, I don't know. I've never been able to beat the bastard.
  18. There's only one thing I can think of that would possibly help to curb stupid. Remove it from the gene pool. Mandatory castration, mandatory hysterectomy. And banning from adoption. But in the words of Ron White: "You can't fix stupid"
  19. Spiders don't bother me much, but if it was a black widow I would have been screaming and crying, and just completely freaking out. Here in the states that's one of only 2 spiders that send me into panic mode. The other is the brown recluse. I used to live in a house that was on the verge of being able to be called infested with brown recluses so that one tops the list for me. Thankfully that was years ago. It also had a problem with jumping spiders. Those were some weird little buggers. No pun intended. I haven't had many encounters with the black widow, but I always knew to stay the hell away when I did. The funny thing is the male black widow is really hard to identify if you're not educated on spiders, because he is so much different than the infamous female.
  20. For me though, it's any time of day. Morning, noon, or night. I could eat breakfast for the rest of my life, and never get tired of it.
  21. Biscuits and gravy, side of bacon, and fried eggs over easy. If it's a breakfast type food, then I'm gonna pig out. I love breakfast food.
  22. The original Zelda on NES. Ocarina would be a close second though.
  23. Killer Condom gets my vote. Yes that's a real movie. If you watch it, don't say I didn't warn you. Evil Bong is another one.
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