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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. If you're asking about human friends, I only have one. And she's the first actual friend I have ever had in my life. Growing up I literally never once had a friend. I was the kid in school that everyone hated. So I was in a lot of fights. If we're talking non-human friends, I've had at least 100 over the years. Dogs, rats, birds, and all sorts of other creatures. For a while I had a hedgehog and a couple dragons. I would love to get another hedgehog, but at the moment @Rain Dew isn't letting me. Mainly it's because I have so many rats.
  2. I would restore a lot of rights that have been taken away from us. I would also make some offenses punishable by death without the luxury of spending 15 years on death row. I would make sure that cultures were kept up. Different countries would be welcoming of immigrants instead of building walls. And I would throw Perjury Traitor Greene, Lauren Boebert, and Adolf either into a deep hole, or on a tiny island in the middle of the ocean that's completely uninhabited and leave them there to either figure out how to survive, or just rot.
  3. In gaming, I do things out of order. Like in Zelda, I always play the dungeons out of order. In everyday life, I don't have my backyard mowed. It gives the dogs something to romp around in. And considering that we have a privacy fence, it's not something that anyone else can notice. That's the best I can think of, as I don't really do much of anything these days. I'm too old to get much into anything else.
  4. Johnny Depp, Tim Burton, Roger Clark, and the entire band Disturbed. I would love to be able to hang out with them in their downtime. Hell, I would love to be able to hang out with them any time.
  5. I always thought that any scene involving the ocean were actually shot in the ocean. I didn't realize it was shot in a man-made water tank. Sure some of them are big as hell, but it's a completely controlled place. The horizon and sky are then added digitally.
  6. Both. I can be absolutely terrifying when I want to. There's very little that scares me, with the exception of a few phobias.
  7. The Wii controller was a joke. It had no redeeming features except for being wireless. I lost interest in the Wii quickly because that controller and nunchuk were hands down, the worst abomination in the history of gaming controllers.
  8. My puppy slept on me all night last night. If I had been able to I would have gotten a pic, because at one point he was sleeping with his head on my pillow and a paw under his head. Which is the exact same way I go to sleep.
  9. The American dollar gets less and less valuable over time. Ten years ago I could buy a soda from a vending machine for a quarter. Now they're all at least $2.50 for a simple soda. That's literally 10 times higher. 30 years ago I could buy sodas in glass longneck bottles for a dime. But in these last 20 years the internet has become king the world over. When I was a kid, the internet didn't even exist. Computers obviously existed, but "internet" wasn't a word in the English language.
  10. Almost. I always have one within arms reach that I'm drinking.
  11. Take it easy everyone. We're not going to close this thread unless it gets way too far off topic. We will tell you to get back on topic a few times before we go the route of locking a thread.
  12. Nostalgia is a huge factor for me as well. I still have my old NES and SNES among others. I'm about the only classic gamer here. I play systems from Atari 2600 to N64. I don't play much past that era, but there are a few games I'm on. RDR2 being the main one.
  13. I play because it's a break from the real world. And I can be whatever I want to be through games. It can't get any simpler than that.
  14. It's definitely Goblin Sword on my Switch. I'm not uninstalling it simply because I paid for it. And what a waste of money it was. The game is fine for the most part. But it gets redundant after a while. You have to find 2 treasure chests and 3 specific gems in every stage. But that's not the thing that makes it a waste of money. That is due to the fact that the game doesn't have any kind of ending. It just stops. So the only reason I won't uninstall it is because I paid real money for it.
  15. I have to say A Boy And His Blob on NES. It's absolutely crazy. There is a blob that needs your help getting back t its home planet, Blobonia. In the game you feed the blob different flavored jellybeans to turn it into different forms like a ladder and an umbrella, so that you can traverse through everywhere and get him home. That's one of the things I love about the era. Risks on the part of the developers.
  16. I would have to give it a tie between the Game Cube and the Wii. The Game Cube was just uncomfortable as hell, and the buttons were in a completely fucked up location. The Wii was just worthless. I played it a bit for a while, but that whole controller scheme they came up with was sickening.
  17. Are you serious? Ninja Gaiden is one of the easiest games on the console. So is Zelda II. i honestly don't get where people are coming from to find either of those two games difficult. These days, I try to avoid as much stress as I can. But at the moment, the only game I can think of that stresses me out is RDR2. A lot of it is small stuff, but it's a bitch and a half to get some of the small stuff taken care of. Deciding how far into the game I'm willing to go is another thing. Anymore I don't tend to go past chapter 3 and never past Chapter 4. After that, there's just too many things I can't bring myself to do. I've played the entire game, and gone all the way into the second epilogue, but there's an emotional toll that it takes on me. I'm going to do one more full runthrough of the game for our YouTube channel, and after that, never again.
  18. Every couple months I would get a new copy of Tips & Tricks. It had all the cheats for NES, SNES, N64, Sega Genesis, and PS1. I don't think the magazine is around anymore. But I also had a couple different code books for the Game Genie. There's a lot of codes that aren't listed in just one book. To get them all for a single game, you need multiple books. Nowadays, the only cheats I have ready are RDR2 cheats. Unless I'm playing something I've mastered, because then I'll use a Game Genie to make the game more challenging.
  19. 1985 Games had style, originality, and uniqueness. Developers were willing to take chances back then. Sure some games were flops, but a hell of a lot were massive hits. Nowadays, everything is a damn sequel. I can probably count on one hand the number of people here who remember waking up early on weekends to play SMB or Duck Hunt. And the kids who had more games than that, were rock stars. Everyone wanted to be their friend.
  20. @Rain Dew and I have a YouTube channel. It doesn't have a whole lot of content right now, but we're getting stuff ready and will hopefully have it posted soon. 2 Chix Gaming
  21. The Switch has a shitload of indie titles in the eShop. I've gotten several, and to be honest, they're a hell of a lot better than a large number of AAA titles.
  22. Where are you from? What's your favorite game? Why? What's your preferred method of gaming? Console or PC? If console, which one? Why?
  23. Grandma was the only one who actually cared about me. My biological grandfather died before I was born, when my sperm donor was just a kid. The Grampa I knew was technically my step-grandfather. But I was always with them as much as I could be. I loved being at Grandma's house. My grandparents on the other side, I was never close to. I just wasn't comfortable around them. And like my paternal grandfather, my maternal grandmother died before I was born. So biologically, I only got to meet two of my grandparents. I really miss my grandma. I loved her like crazy. I still do. I wish I could have one more day to spend with her.
  24. I know when I was born a new car was in the $7,000 - $8,000 range. Now you're not getting anything new for less than $30,000. And that's if you're lucky. It's why a lot of people are buying used. The last 20 years has had us all bent over and taking a royal reaming straight up the ass.
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