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The Blackangel

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  1. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from kingpotato in Too Much Gaming!   
    There was a kid, I think in South Korea, that dropped dead at a gaming café after playing 51 hours straight of an online game without breaks, except maybe to go to the bathroom. I don't remember which game he was playing. I know here in the states gaming cafes always have a closing time. Usually somewhere from 10pm to midnight. And normally they don't open until somewhere from noon until midafternoon. I used to hang out at one, just for something to do back when Diablo II was the hot new thing.
  2. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Too Much Gaming!   
    Physical exercise is somewhat impossible for some people. Myself being one. I’m in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. I have advanced muscular dystrophy. It deteriorates the body’s muscular system and is a terminal disease. I’ll die in a wheelchair. I don’t have many options to stay occupied or entertained anymore. I can’t work due to the MD. I’m stuck at home.
  3. Like
    The Blackangel reacted to skyfire in Are you loyal to any video game companies?   
    I am more loyal to video games than the companies though. for example, some games from EA are good but EA itself is pretty much evil. So I am kind of attracted to the end product they make. 
  4. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from Aerielle del Rosario in VGR Member of the Month - September 2019 Nominations   
    I nominate the following members:
    @Aerielle del Rosario
  5. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from DylanC in VGR Member of the Month - September 2019 Nominations   
    I nominate the following members:
    @Aerielle del Rosario
  6. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from Executor Akamia in Ask Akamia   
    Yeah, SP is the clamshell design.
  7. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from kingpotato in Ask Alyxx   
    La Llorona being number one?
  8. Haha
    The Blackangel got a reaction from kingpotato in Ask KingPotato   
    I had a somewhat similar experience when I was 8. A Doberman bit me directly on the ass. I don't know why. The dog just got it in his head and nipped me on the butt. He wasn't trying to me mean or attack me. I think he was trying to tell me that I shouldn't go where I was going. My sister was babysitting me and we had gone to a friend of hers house, and they had 2 Doberman's. Me being so young I think the dog was just trying to watch out for me. It didn't really hurt or scare me from what I remember. It more surprised me than anything. But it did leave a good sized bruise, and I think he did break the skin just a tiny bit. But I have no problem with dogs even to this day. I'm still a dog person. I even had a German Shepherd try to actually attack me when I was just a bit older. This dog would have killed me. The crazy thing was that he knew me and I had played with him a million times. I even lived there for a brief time. I guess his mind was going and he perceived everything as a threat.
    As for a person biting a dog, that's actually a normal practice around here. It's done to show dominance to dogs. We bite them on the ear when they want to be disobedient and ignore us. We don't do it hard, just enough so they know that we make the rules and they follow them. It's actually a really effective training technique and it doesn't hurt the dog. 
  9. Haha
    The Blackangel got a reaction from kingpotato in BLASPHEMY!!!!   
    Hail Skyrim
    Hail Skyrim
    Hail Skyrim
    Hail Skyrim
    Hail Skyrim
    Hail Skyrim
    Hail Skyrim
    Hail Skyrim
    Hail Skyrim
    Hail Skyrim
  10. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from killamch89 in Loot Boxes Condemned By The Church Of England   
    Personally I think organized religion should be eradicated. Believing in whatever is not a problem. But religion uses its name as an excuse for some of the stupidest and worst actions in history. One title tries to commit a successful genocide of another title. While I have my beliefs, I refuse to claim any title. It’s a headache I don’t need or want. I’ve had a certain religious organization forced on me by literally every person I’ve ever had to deal with in my life which is why I absolutely hate absolutely everything associated with said religion. People I don’t even fucking know, have never seen, and will never see have pulled this. I got up one morning, and some coward had left their religious text on my windshield because I had a bumper sticker that said “No gods no masters”. I threw it on the ground and pissed on it.
    To sum up: FUCK RELIGION.
  11. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from Alyxx in Sega Genesis Mini - Are You Getting It?   
    And those of us who are 80's kids and grew up with the retro systems find the dumbass hipsters hilarious when they try to talk about it.
  12. Haha
    The Blackangel got a reaction from StaceyPowers in If you had to live in Rapture or Columbia ...   
    I already live in Columbia. That’s no joke. My home town is Columbia MO.
  13. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from kingpotato in Ask KingPotato   
    I was an 80's kid. Everything back then was big hair and guys with more makeup than me.
    But it's proven that music attained perfection in 1986. It's a scientific fact.
  14. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from DC in I miss the early 2000s   
    I wouldn’t call it colorful. Bleak would be more appropriate. When you’re homeless and doing all the drugs you can get your hands on, there’s not a lot of color.
  15. Sad
    The Blackangel got a reaction from DC in I miss the early 2000s   
    All I know about the early 2000’s is I lived in an abandoned warehouse with a colony of rats, and I was doing drugs. Virtually everything.
  16. Haha
    The Blackangel got a reaction from killamch89 in Sega Genesis Mini - Are You Getting It?   
    No way, no how. I have a real Sega, and I have no interest in an imitation Sega. Getting one of those is like choosing a sex toy over sex. 
  17. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from DC in BLASPHEMY!!!!   
    in this game you call blasphemy on someone for something they said or did in relation to gaming. If they haven't played a certain game, or weren't a fan of a certain game/system, or anything else as long as it's something to do with gaming. Then you give them something to do as penance. It doesn't have to be X amount of hail whatever. It can be anything. Think something like asking questions in the member interviews section. And they don't have the choice of not doing or answering it. But nothing crazy. No 5 million hail Skyrim. If you go that route keep it under 50.
    So lets get it started!
  18. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from kingpotato in Community Chat #1   
    I have family that is Mexican, and I wished them a happy Independence Day.
    ¡Feliz día de la independencia!
    ¡Viva México!
  19. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from kingpotato in What are the most annoying disruptive events in video games?   
    Being forced into carrying on a mile long conversation with NPC's drives me insane. Also there's a special trick that FF8 likes as part of the story. When Ellone jumps you back into Laguna's era. I don't give a shit what Laguna was doing 17 years ago. I got shit to take care of in the present. Fuck Laguna. He's the president of Esthar now. Ok. Good for him. Now back to kicking someone's ass, getting that last fucking GF, then heading to cactuar island to learn abilities quickly.
  20. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from killamch89 in Craziest Encounters you've ever had   
    If I had been able to think at the time instead of scared almost to the point of pissing myself, I probably would have. I actually intended to shoot him in the body, but squeezed the trigger too soon. When he dropped that was all I needed to get myself the hell out of there. That was a .380 that I shot him with. Now I carry a .45 loaded with hollow points. I’m not fucking around. If this kind of shit happens again, I’ll most likely be facing manslaughter charges. But I don’t care. If I get you in the leg, I will then walk up to you and get you in the head.
  21. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from kingpotato in Hunting animals good or bad ?   
    I was a hunter when I was a kid, and we always ate everything we killed. That was our main reason for hunting. Food. And we hunted almost every game animal available in Missouri. But even then, I didn't like the idea of trophy hunting. It just didn't make sense to me. It still doesn't. I lost interest in hunting years ago, and actually sold my deer rifle and shotgun recently. I think I kinda got ripped off, but if I was stupid enough to let that happen then I deserved it. But even if I wanted to go hunting I couldn't because I'm in a wheelchair now. The closest I go to hunting now is trying to find the right shoes when I have to go out.
  22. Haha
    The Blackangel got a reaction from killamch89 in Loot Boxes Condemned By The Church Of England   
    Wow. Just wow.
  23. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from killamch89 in What’s your most hated song?   
    Danielle Bregoli is a disgrace to women. She is the kind of slut that makes us all look bad.
    Ok I assume you want to be taken as a woman. But you're a brainless child. And before you can be taken as any kind of woman, you need to know a few things.
    1) Speak English. "Cassh me ousside how bou dah" is not English. Even though the USA doesn't technically have an official language, English is the language the majority of the country has agreed on. Ebonics hasn't been taught since the 1990's. That's more than 20 years. Catch up
    2) Unless you're going for a Guinness world record, 4" nails aren't smart. Cut your fucking nails kid. They're not practical, they look stupid, and they're a hinderance. Hinderance means they will make simple things like opening a soda can hard as hell for you.
    3) I assume you're trying to come across as a female. You could be a pretty girl if you wanted. But you choose to try to be a rough boy. Unless you're transgender, be a fucking girl. You were born with a vagina (i assume). Be a girl. Being transgender is not a crime, and is perfectly fine. There is nothing wrong with that.
    4) The tit job was not a good move. Your breasts weren't even done growing on their own naturally. What the hell were you thinking? You don't need plastic tits.
    5) If you want a musical career, you should first have talent. You have none. You think you're rap, but you've been leaving the first actual letter off the name of your personal style of music. That letter would be a C. Real rap is good music. The C-rap you're spewing out is not music. It's pathetic.
    6) As a final note, I assume that your problems are because you're an ignorant child that is actually coming across as completely stupid. Back up. Grow up.
  24. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from killamch89 in Anyone else skateboard?   
    I was never into skateboarding, but I was a pro-am snowboarder. I competed in several competitions. I usually did pretty well, and the guys competing were always super cool to each other. I was the only girl, but that didn't really matter to anyone. One guy tried to pick me up once, but I was spoken for at the time.
  25. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from killamch89 in What goes into a useful game review?   
    The reviewer needs to be free from social constructs. They need to be able to review a game without receiving condemnation for reviewing it at all. What that means is, think of games like God Of War. There were a lot of evangelical christians going off the deep end because it was about the ancient Gods. Coincidentally enough, the very Gods and Goddesses that I pay homage to and worship. But since it was a different god than the one of christian mythology, they went ballistic. So a lot of reviewers were too scared to give it their full honest opinion. Granted there were also a lot that didn't give a shit what the radicals thought, but still. And it doesn't stop at religion. There's also racial games. There's anti-group1 and anti-group2 games that reviewers are scared to review. And it's because they are held back by the status quo. Anything that threatens that, no matter how small, is gonna make shit hit the fan and no one is going to have time to duck.
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