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The Blackangel

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    The Blackangel got a reaction from Aerielle del Rosario in Suggest some Psych Thrillers to watch   
    I can't believe I forgot Triangle.
  2. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from kingpotato in If you could create a video game what would it be?   
    I would make something that is complete fantasy based (wizards and warriors type of stuff) but every small choice you make changes the outcome of the game. One wrong move and you can't get a certain weapon you need for a very long time, or a dungeon is blocked off and it's pure luck that you come back later and find it open. Maybe the path to an area on the map is changed. You go to town to buy items, but forgot something. When you return to the area there's no town. You return 5 minutes later on your way through and there's a completely different settlement. You beat a few monsters and you're back at your home. Something with more twists and turns than the biggest roller coaster and corkscrew on earth. And no players guides allowed to be printed.
  3. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from DC in Ask The Blackangel   
    Alright I'm here. I doubt this will get many replies, if any at all, but I figured what the hell. Ask away people. I'm an open book. I'll answer pretty much anything. Within reason of course.
  4. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from killamch89 in What video games wouldn’t be as good if they were made today?   
    There's a lot of early system games that wouldn't have the audience they once had when they originally came out. One that I think wouldn't have the same audience would be Contra. It was a great game in the 80's, with a slight Vietnam war feel to it. Or maybe that part was just me. But today even South Park is fighting aliens. And the war games like Socom, and CoD would surpass Contra in such a great way, that it would most likely flop completely.
    Then there are games like Dig Dug, Galaga, Q*Bert, and Marble Madness that kids would look at today and flip out asking "WTF is this shit?!" They were mind blowing then. They would be mind blowing today, but in the opposite direction.
  5. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from El8482 in Religion   
    It's good to see followers of Allah.
  6. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from kingpotato in Streaming services, are they worth it anymore ?   
    I still have Netflix. I like documentaries, and there's also a lot of movie choices for films that I've either never heard of or just haven't seen. Yet. Also if you're into stand up comedy they have an awesome selection. I highly recommend Felipe Esparza. He's the funniest man alive. For those here that are Latino/Latina you will love him. He's Mexican and pokes a lot of jokes at his heritage.
    There's one streaming service that you may like though. It's Shudder. They show nothing but horror, thriller, and suspense movies. I've been meaning to sign up, but always forget about it. And their library is enormous.
  7. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Best difficulty mode structuring in games   
    Diablo 2 was good about this. It had 3 settings. Normal, Nightmare, and Hell. You had to beat the previous setting to unlock the next one. It also had another difficulty feature. Hardcore. In that, no matter where you are in the game, If you die, that's it. You have to start from the very beginning of the entire game, with nothing that you had previously found. Obviously that part is entirely optional, and I never chose that option. I pretty much sucked at the game without creating my own items, but you always have the choices. Also if you want to make it extra hard, you can stick with the equipment you have at the beginning of the game and never upgrade anything. But you can do that in pretty much any game, so I don't know if that one really counts.
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    The Blackangel got a reaction from DylanC in Arnold Schwarzenegger Wants An Old Man Conan Movie   
    Jar Jar didn't bug me too much. But Hayden Christiansen made me want a brain enema, or to have my entire memory wiped clean. It doesn't matter what the movie is. If Christiansen is anywhere near it, it's not worth seeing. But the thing that really pissed me off was the end of episode 6. They actually had the audacity to remove Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker when he was part of the force with Yoda and Obi-Wan and replace him with Christiansen. That was when I vowed to never watch that movie again unless it was an original copy on VHS, from the 80's. Before Christiansen was born.
  9. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from Executor Akamia in Are children to young to play games?   
    I think you said it right. It's fine for children of any age to play video games, as long as it's appropriate for the child's age. I don't think you would want your 6 year old playing GTA of Call Of Duty. Or even something that seems cartoony like Conker's Bad Fur Day. Which I might add started out as a child's game until the developers got perverted.
    But pretty much any Mario, Zelda, or Sonic game would be fine for pretty much any age. Then there's games that are aimed for more of a younger age bracket like Banjo Kazooie. I'll admit, I'm 37 and LOVE Banjo Kazooie. But hell I still watch Fraggle Rock, so go figure.
  10. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from kingpotato in Indie titles   
    I picked up Shovel Knight recently, but haven't actually gotten around to playing it. But it looks like a lot of fun.
  11. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from Aerielle del Rosario in Suggest some Psych Thrillers to watch   
    The Island Of Dr. Moreau
    Cry Wolf
    The Ring
    Saw series
    Red Dragon
    Secret Window
    The 6th Sense
    The Stanford Prison Experiment (this one is a true story)
  12. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from Aerielle del Rosario in Suggest some Psych Thrillers to watch   
    Nick Of Time (Johnny Depp)
    Fear (Mark Wahlberg)
    The Bye Bye Man (no super big names IMO)
  13. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from killamch89 in Arnold Schwarzenegger Wants An Old Man Conan Movie   
    2019 is the year of remakes, and shitty sequels.
  14. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from DC in Arnold Schwarzenegger Wants An Old Man Conan Movie   
    2019 is the year of remakes, and shitty sequels.
  15. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from jonbones in Father Dresses Son As Hitler For Halloween   
    And too many damn conservatives supporting those "very fine people".
  16. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Are children to young to play games?   
    Also they aren't willing to admit that they are the failure so they need a scapegoat. Video games are the perfect patsy. It's not like Richter Belmont is going to pop up out of a random Castlevania and defend himself.
  17. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Disabled Gamers   
    I'm an amateur writer. I've finished 2 novels, a few short stories, and a shitload of unconventional poetry. I don't know if that counts as a craft or not, but I enjoy it because I get to be god (or in my case goddess) and do whatever I want to the characters. I can get out my frustrations and be as cruel or kind as I want.
  18. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from LadyDay in Disabled Gamers   
    I'm an amateur writer. I've finished 2 novels, a few short stories, and a shitload of unconventional poetry. I don't know if that counts as a craft or not, but I enjoy it because I get to be god (or in my case goddess) and do whatever I want to the characters. I can get out my frustrations and be as cruel or kind as I want.
  19. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Gaming collection   
    I buy a lot of plastic tubs at Walmart. I fill one up, then buy another. I write on them what system they're for and that takes care of it. I keep them under my coffee table for the most part so they're out of the way. Then when I want to play a game, I just pull it out and pop it in. The only hiccup is the NES. But you gotta remember that it's a 30 year old system so it's gonna be moody as hell.
  20. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in Anyone got any good riddles?   
    You pretty much got it. To get the exact answer look at his letter. Take the first word from the first line. The second word from the second line. The third word from the third line, and the fourth word from the fourth line.
    There's your answer.
  21. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Most memorable lines in video games   
    "The reason is because we haven't promised yet."
    "I'll be here. If you look for me, you'll find me here. I promise."
    - Final Fantasy VIII
  22. Haha
    The Blackangel got a reaction from killamch89 in What's your baby?   
    The weirdest pet I ever had was a scorpion. It's name was Fluffy.
  23. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from StaceyPowers in Disposable or Rechargeable   
    Rechargeable is also better for the environment. I'm not one of those green-is-god assholes, but you can't deny that they're right about batteries.
  24. Like
    The Blackangel got a reaction from DC in Cleaning   
    If you're using physical copies instead of downloads, then it's crucial to keep it clean. Dirt can really screw up your gam play. For discs I just use a lens wipe like I would use on my glasses. It does it perfectly. But don't ever use one of those lens cleaning discs for the laser inside your system with the little brush thing on it. All it will do is scratch the laser which will force you to have to either replace the laser or get another console.
    With cartridges, even though it says not to, I use the best cleaning solution I can find and a Q-Tip. Very gently I clean the points on the game then use the other end, or a whole new Q-Tip to clean as much of the fluid off, then let it sit and dry for at least 2 hours. I've saved a lot of games this way.
  25. Haha
    The Blackangel got a reaction from DC in What's your baby?   
    The weirdest pet I ever had was a scorpion. It's name was Fluffy.
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