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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Something about the design still seems kind of impractical to me but I just can't put my finger on it...
  2. I haven't really mastered it yet because there are still things that I am learning about the game but the only game I could say I have mastered is Skyrim and it doesn't take a lot to master Skyrim.
  3. How'd I forget Papa John's...oh right, they are halfway across town.
  4. I mostly agree with this statement as well - relationships are really a hassle and that energy can but used to improve yourself.
  5. It is true that watches aren't an absolute necessity especially nowadays but it makes for a nice accessory when going out though.
  6. Since about a week after release and it has been a blast!
  7. It rarely happens like 2 times since I have encountered the issue and I have wrote hundreds of posts but I will do it.
  8. Exactly Mont and most of them don't own or operate any business of their own outside of their place of worship.
  9. According to them, it was the only practical design to ensure they would break free of the Earth's gravitational pull since they will have far more people and resources to transport to Mars than usual.
  10. My favorite one is Quiznos because their sandwiches are absolutely delicious! I have no idea what they put in it but I find myself buying 2 or 3 of them at a time. What is your favorite and why?
  11. Why did I make these threads when I am thinking about food? 🤣. There is one near me named Tony's Pizza that sells excellent pizza but sucks at the actual delivery/customer service so I hardly use them.
  12. I have been observing the whole Brexit saga so I am all too familiar with who Theresa May is.
  13. Probably won't have to wipe my butt with toilet paper and instead use wat...wait that already exists...We need that technology available for the common adult. Toilet paper is expensive! 😂😂
  14. So...you are the pimp or getting pimped? 😂 (Don't take me too seriously but you really set yourself up for that one.)
  15. I once had snapchat for like 2 weeks and delete the account - it is such a waste!
  16. See! I told people that those of us who like Pineapple on pizzas are not aliens or are from Area 51. Excellent choice by the way...dammit I'm hungry! -_-.
  17. What is your most favorite version of Twinkies ever made and why?
  18. Yeah, it has happened to me a couple times too but it's nothing that major and isn't that frequent for me to bring it up.
  19. The standards by which Mobile Games are measured is much lower so I agree that it may be an acceptable Mobile game.
  20. Rockstar needs to go back to their single-player roots with GTA VI and I hope they release DLCs for the single-player on RDR2.
  21. No, it's not lol. When the blocks start moving faster I'd like to see you fit them all in time! 🤣
  22. 1) Metal Gear Solid 2) Grand Theft Auto Vice City/San Andreas 3) Castlevania Symphony Of The Night 4) Devil May Cry 5) Super Smash Bros. Melee
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