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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. That sounds like something EA would do but if the microtransaction bans start taking hold in many countries they'd be screwed.
  2. At this point, it is a trademark of EA as a company...
  3. Actually, in its current state, the game is barely playable but we will see how it develops over the next 6 months before the official release.
  4. There will be a backlash coming shortly and then it will an all out civil war.
  5. I also wonder as well but I know CD Projekt will do a much better job at implementing it than Rockstar did with Red Dead Redemption 2 Online mode which is still crap after so many months.
  6. I agree that the problem still exists because some of our more uneducated/ignorant fellow gamers still choose to purchase these lootboxes so the problem will take a longer time to be resolved.
  7. Same here - I like looking down at my feet in first person for some reason. Maybe I have a foot fetish?...🤣
  8. I'm not sure how money laundering can come into effect here unless EA is the one doing it.
  9. Didn't we all? 🤣 I broke my hand and sprained my wrist and ankle doing the same thing.
  10. His equally idiotic older brother was the one that shot that video of the Suicide Forest in Japan getting banned from entering their country ever again in the process.
  11. If you're stranded in the wilderness and hunting animals is your only means of survival is not really hypocrisy because animals do the same to us. I'm totally against animal testing as well. That's a brilliant idea to be fair. Too bad the UN or some other BS organization will come with their hypocritical speech defending these scumbags.
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