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    killamch89 reacted to Shortie in Naughty Dog says they're done with Uncharted series   
    I agree, it's always good when developers know when to stop with a franchise so that they don't end up going to far and ruining it altogether. Unfortunately you will get developers that will still go overboard and try their luck and end up ruining a franchise, I am just glad developers are starting to take note in some cases. 
  2. Like
    killamch89 got a reaction from Shortie in Naughty Dog says they're done with Uncharted series   
    I agree - another example is Fight Night by EA. Immensely popular series in the 2000's to early 2010's - I'm glad EA didn't try to make another one after 2011. Otherwise, I'm sure they'd have ruined it by now.
  3. Haha
    killamch89 got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in Gamers are suing Microsoft over Activision deal now   
    I know - it's been in the news over the past week or so. It's greedy megacorporations having a go at each other - I'm loving this.
  4. Like
    killamch89 got a reaction from Nebulous in Community Chat #1   
    Yeah, it's started off okay but I'm just looking out for all the craziness to begin.
  5. Like
    killamch89 got a reaction from Shortie in What are your thoughts on Destiny 2 being free to play but majority of the game being paid?   
    Aren't most free-to-play games like this? The only concern I have is for the people that originally purchased it. I got a free key but haven't played it in eons.
  6. Like
    killamch89 reacted to Smokey in Hitman VR   
    I'm a big fan of the Hitman series and recently found a youtube channel that posts clips of them playing Hitman in VR and I gotta say, it's making me wanna get a VR headset. Maybe it's my inner crazy person, but it looks fun taking out your targets in virtual reality, if I'm honest. 😄
    Here's a video showing it off:
  7. Like
    killamch89 reacted to Kane99 in Do you feel mobile gaming will get better over time?   
    It'll get better when companies stop trying to add pay to win to a lot of these apps and games. If you want to level up faster, beat the game faster etc, it'll probably be better to just pay to own the game. Or don't support games with pay to win elements. 
    If they did what fortnite does with their battle pass, maybe I'd consider more mobile games.
  8. Like
    killamch89 reacted to Empire in Is an i9 processor overkill for gaming?   
    i9 = overkill
    Even the i7 is kind of overkill for most people, the i7 12700 is within a few FPS. Even the i5-12600 is not far away. Games dont relay use many cores, it's just down to speed. I suspect a OC will almost equalise all the intel stack in 90% of games.  If you're not doing any creative work or multithreaded work, the i9 definitely is overkill for you. If you're looking to edit videos etc. it might have some value, but even then the i7 12700k is more than enough to handle most video editing purposes.
    If you're just looking for price to performance for gaming, you might want to look at AMD. The 5800X3D is still the best value high end CPU there is for gaming. It even outperforms some of the 13th gen Intel CPUs, according to Intel themselves. The only problem with AMD is that Ryzen 5000 was their last generation of zen 3, meaning you wouldn't be able to upgrade much further in the future without having to swap at least your motherboard and RAM with it.
  9. Like
    killamch89 reacted to Kane99 in What do you think is the worst pay to win video game?   
    Yeah mobile games do it all the time. I'll say that there are some that balance things fine, but then there are some mobile games that throw so many ads at you, and take forever to play, that it kinda pushes you to pay for things to get ahead. 
    It's why I don't play many mobile games, because if you want to get anything real done, you do need to pay to get anywhere. Unless you want to grind your ass off to get somewhere, and even then that just becomes a chore. 
  10. Like
    killamch89 reacted to Shagger in Vulgarity In Video Games, Especally NPC Prejudice/Bigotry   
    I agree with @killamch89. Ever since video games stopped being toys like they were before the mid 90's and became an entertainment medium, of course the stories, themes and the way in which those stories were told would become more mature and even aimed specifically at adults at times. That's why the inclusion of, let say, more "sensitive" content doesn't bother me any more in a video game than it does in a TV show or a movie. If that means having character say something or do something that would be considered offensive or inappropriate to get the message across, develop the character or fit into the setting (Especially in a game set in our own past history like RDR2.), then I'm fine with it. Obviously there's a limit to bounds of good taste and whilst opinions on what that limit is can vary greatly, I feel games tend to stay on the right side of it 99% of the time. I acutally feel controversies tend to erupt when people themselves are too sensitive like "Oh no! That character is gay! How dare they have a gay character in my game!" or "A woman on the Battlefield V cover! This will not stand!". Stupid shit, basically.
  11. Like
    killamch89 reacted to Reality vs Adventure in The role of AI in games   
    AI also has a purpose of affecting emotions and not just by NPC's, but also by the environment. A great example is the Layers of Fear series. It's visually psychedelic as if everything has a mind of its own. There are no other NPC's except for your character you play as. Every scene tells a story or captures a mood, and it can change from moment to moment. 
  12. Like
    killamch89 reacted to Kane99 in What's the impact of Social Media on Gaming?   
    Gamers take things way too seriously sometimes when it comes to their opinions on video games/consoles etc on social media as well. It's either Sony fanboys vs Xbox fanboys, or Nintendo fanboys too, but they're not as crazy I'd say. 
    Social media has made it easier to complain about ones favorite video games, and it's gotten to a point that people will get heated about their thoughts. Twitter alone is a cesspool of arguments on just about everything. Facebook is about the same, arguing back and forth. I never bother commenting on social media because it's pointless, you can't win an argument. 
  13. Like
    killamch89 got a reaction from Shortie in What's the impact of Social Media on Gaming?   
    Don't forget Gamergate as well with gamers facing off against gaming media which basically turned into a shit slinging contest which never benefited any parties involved.
  14. Like
    killamch89 reacted to Reality vs Adventure in How entertainment affects your pets   
    I’m no scientist so I don’t have the answer. I do know the ability of empathy. When you lack empathy you become a follower of every single violation of humanity that is possible. So how does this relate to technology? Well, think about the tech you use everyday. The loud NOISE is what I’m getting at. Your pets have a higher sense of hearing. If you are in a smaller housing area like an efficiency or a bedroom then please get head phones for entertainment needs. Put your pet in another room if you want to get loud. And don’t ignore your pets. Thank you. I take a bow. 
  15. Like
    killamch89 reacted to Shagger in Epic Moments in Anime   
    I've seen this now, it is really good, a nice blend of action, comedy and drama. As one can see in the trailer, the animation is superb. It reminds me of Avatar, The Legend of Korra and The Dragon Prince, a colourful and rich blend of both eastern and western styles. The social commentary is interesting as is the story, you can definitely feel the love of the source material. The characters are done pretty well. They do ride close to clichéd at times, but that's more to make them more quickly relatable and each character still feels unique and like they belong in this world, they develop well as the story goes on. Some great voice talent, too.
    The only real issue I have is that it is far too short, so short that this just as easily could have been a movie. Whilst the story does honour and respect the source material, it does little to nothing to explore and expand the Dragonage world and lore either. This is genuinely annoying, first because of the aforementioned sequel bait and also because it really feels like there was so much further to go in this story, it feels like it ends halfway. It's almost tempting to say wait until season 2 comes out, but knowing Netflix that might not happen.
  16. Like
    killamch89 reacted to Shagger in First look at Gran Turismo movie   
    I know that this is a movie based on a game and even made in partnership with the company that publishes that game, but it's still a movie, so this isn't gaming news. That is why I'm moving this to the movies and TV sub forum.
    And to be honest, I don't really understand why this needs to exist. This isn't the same thing as making a movie out of Need for Speed because Grand Turismo has always been a plotless driving sim'. This will be a film about fictional racing drivers in a fictional racing series that meant to emulate and mirror the real thing, and I just don't se that working. It's got a great cast, but racing movies just work better if they based on something real like Senna or lean all into a fantasy, not a bizarre mix of both like this seams to be.
  17. Like
    killamch89 reacted to Kane99 in "Name brand" PC prebuilds or build your own?   
    I think I'd rather build one, just because you can get parts a bit cheaper than buying a pre-built of the same caliber. But I understand wanting to get a pre-built. It's more practical, easier, and you don't have to build a PC. 
    I would consider a pre-built if it was set up by a company that doesn't add any bloatware or unnecessary programs. 
  18. Like
    killamch89 reacted to The Blackangel in The evil of the animal kingdom….   
    Macaws aren't built to ride around in cars. They need space to be free in. As for being a handful, they're on the same level of a 3 year old child. They typically only get destructive if they're not getting enough stimulation. They need attention, and they need things to do. They also need to have toys to play with. You need to keep them on a schedule as to things like bedtime. When to get up, when to go to sleep. They have the same emotions as people. Happy, sad, afraid, angry, content, etc. So yes, they are definitely a handful. If you have a bird, they will eventually bite you from time to time. My conure bites everyone who isn't me. Yet she still bites me from time to time. With a macaw, they will bite from time to time, but sometimes it's a bit different for them. They're like a baby and experience the world through their mouths. Unless the bird is angry or scared (or just a mean bird), they usually don't bite hard enough to do real damage. But if they do bite with intent, they can remove body parts. Their bite is strong enough to pulverize bone, and their beaks are sharp enough to shred skin. So you could easily lose a finger under the circumstances at that moment.
    I don't know if I have mentioned it (probably have) but we used to have a blue throat. He hated men but was ok with women. Except me. He loved @Rain Dew and was unwilling to give her a moments peace. Blue throats are an endangered species with an estimated 300-500 left. We loved him, but when Covid hit we couldn't afford him anymore. So we had to let him go. It broke both our hearts.
  19. Like
    killamch89 reacted to Empire in If you could make any movie a video game, what would it be?   
    I always thought Metal Gear Solid would make a really good movie if done right. The dialogue would be a little hard to pull off, and the boss battle style scenes would need to be re-worked. The game has enough twists in it to make it really interesting though. Snake is a cool hero type character, Otacon good comedic relief, and the FoxHound members make great morally grey villains.
  20. Like
    killamch89 reacted to Kane99 in What has been your favorite Call of Duty map to date?   
    Nuketown is always a good one, but gets annoying after a while. Firing range in black ops is dope. Crash is a good one on cod 4. Terminal on mw2. I'm sure there are a lot more, but I forget their names and the games they're in. 
  21. Like
    killamch89 reacted to Shortie in Gaming hardware and accessories   
    Very much so a charging station for sure. I have a charging dock myself that I got with my controller a few months ago and if I am honest, it was the best thing I got as I haven't had any issues with my battery dying on me as I always keep it on the dock when I am not using it. Also, thumb grips as well are something else I would recommend. I have been using my thumb grips now since around May 2020 and now when I use a controller without thumb grips, I find it so uncomfortable and can never understand how I used to play without. 
  22. Like
    killamch89 reacted to Shortie in What are your favorite games to play solo?   
    Need for Speed: Most Wanted is one I had forgotten about but man that game is so much fun. I haven't played it in a long while but the last time I played it I have a lot of fun with it, it's definitely a game you can go back to whenever and be able to play.

    It got me thinking about another game I like to play solo as well, Burnout Paradise is another one, man that game is a lot of fun. I downloaded it again on the Xbox One a little bit ago and played it again, still so much fun!
  23. Like
    killamch89 got a reaction from Shortie in What have you found is your best method that works when bettering your gaming skills?   
    For me, it's just playing longer and staying completely focused on the game I'm playing.
  24. Like
    killamch89 got a reaction from Shortie in Do you think free online multiplayer games will become more frequent?   
    I mean, they have been around for many years now and the trend hasn't shown any signs of slowing down but I have observed that many of these games are basically poor imitations of Fortnite/ COD Warzone/ PUBG. I'd like to see some of these games with more unique mechanics.
  25. Like
    killamch89 got a reaction from Shortie in Video Game Live Streaming on TikTok   
    To be honest, I don't even really use TikTok all that much so I haven't tried it all. It's a very strange platform in terms of monetization and how they handle creators especially new ones.
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