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Everything posted by egghead

  1. I use gaming laptop but I also have external keyboard and a mouse.
  2. Have you played Valorant? It is PC exclusive game. However, they have announced that they will also release the game on Mobile platform
  3. If you know the hardware, building a PC is not hard.
  4. I like in game sounds, I don't listen to music while gaming.
  5. I have 12 years old laptop that takes 10 minutes to boot, do you think I can play game on this laptop?
  6. I don't have a desktop computer, let alone a gaming desktop. I have a gaming laptop
  7. egghead


    I have never played PUBG on PC, I have played PUBG only on mobile.
  8. I am using Windows computer, I have never used Mac or Linux.
  9. I spent about $1400 for my laptop.
  10. I play this game, it is a good game. I am waiting for this game to be added on mobile platform in my location.
  11. Keyboard is all I need. I don't need extra device
  12. I am not a developer but as a user I think the developer should strive to create unique game. Many new games are just a copy.
  13. I don't use password manager, I save them in a browser.
  14. Now I understand what I mean. In game purchases are not mandatory but I think sometimes buying power, new armor, etc, doubles the fun.
  15. These days I am playing Minecraft, Fortnite, Roblox, and Valorant.
  16. Having a lot of products in the market is good for users because you will have better option.
  17. I wouldn't say consoles are "unnecessary device" but I believe having a gaming laptop serves better purpose.
  18. When my laptop was new I could game for 7 hours, now I can game only for 3 hours.
  19. egghead

    Gaming on Mac

    I don't use Mac. I hear that Mac are great for professional use but not for gaming. I hear 16 inch Macbook Pro is someone good for gaming.
  20. I started PC gaming in 2016 by playing Minecraft. I still play Minecraft.
  21. That's correct. I spend more time on my phone when I am outdoors, but spend more time on my laptop when I am indoors.
  22. What kind of statement is that? Do you mean to say all paid games sucks?
  23. I would not spend $550 on a phone that is not well known in the market. I would rather buy a mid-range Samsung, for example A72
  24. egghead


    Your post does not tell anything about the game, I am at least informing other users that the game is paid and has no reviews. My replies are not generic, I am providing information on the game so that users can take a cue.
  25. Look who is talking. Your posts are one liner with a youtube video embedded. I at least took a pain to check play store and inform other users about game price, ratings, reviews.
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