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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. If you have played Spec Ops : The Line, which cannon endings would say there are in the game?
  2. Heatman

    Sea Game

    I wish I could get into keeping fish as pet/hobby in fish tanks. I have seen so many exotic tanks with beautiful fishes and I really crave having it. It's why I love sea games that are played under water. One of my favorite one's is Subnautica. I really enjoy playing it on my Switch.
  3. This is why I always made use of at least two reviews in any game's that I'm interested in playing before deciding to purchase the game, so that it doesn't end badly for me and my poor money 💷.
  4. I can't wait for October 28th 2022 for the release of RE Village Gold Edition. The Winters Expansion looks solid and it looks like they have done a decent job with it.
  5. There's already a thread Here on the Tokyo Game Show. It's best suited for discussion on the subject in case you haven't gotten a chance to see it 😊.
  6. For $500 with your iPhone 12 for it, I think that it's a fair price for it by all means. I know you're going to enjoy it.
  7. You're right about him being a complete show off. He prides himself on being different from the rest which I don't see any essence of it. He could have used the money in better ways but that's not in his plans. Anyways, it's his money and no one is gonna dictate to him how to spend it. I call him iPhone freak whenever we hang out.
  8. It's only skipping such wouldn't be the best way to forward in progressing on the game that I would forced through the pain and frustration of playing it.
  9. There's a guy that does that here in my neighbourhood with his iPhone. Once a new model gets launched, he would return the older model and pay extra cash and upgrade to the new one. He doesn't use any iPhone more than 1 year.
  10. Wow, that would be very kind of you and I'm very sure that any of you're member that's lucky enough to get it would be very thrilled. I loved it when I got because I couldn't get into handheld gaming with my smartphone but with the Switch, it was easy peasy.
  11. A lot of games have been delayed right since 2021 through 2022 and most of them are likely getting released next year. It's definitely going to be an awesome blast of a year for all of us. I'm watching this guy's channel now.
  12. The way VR can be exploited is limitless. They haven't scratched its surface even when it's looking like developers have done a good job with it so far. When we revisit the capability of VR in the next 10 years, we would be wowed by what's attainable with it.
  13. Yeah, I have evaluated it very well and found out that it's going to pull a lot of resources to have a game developed that way. It's never going to be a game that can be rushed in any way, otherwise it's not going to work. Maybe in the future, we'll see such games become popular.
  14. Seriously, it's like a signature move for Square Enix with their Final Fantasy franchise. I'm already bracing up myself very well for what they are going to do with it in their next Final Fantasy 16 that's coming out in 2023.
  15. I love trolling too especially when they are dished in a way that's going to make me me up my game and be very good at it because sometimes I tend to slack a bit. It's never cool to pick on the weak guys, not cool at all because we were all at that stage at one point.
  16. Shadow Warrior 3 soundtracks are also on top my list. I have all of them downloaded and played off gaming.
  17. I completely agree with you on this one. What makes this very good is that it's going to give each gamer a different and unique story to play through and not make it the same thing for all gamers. That's why too boring!!
  18. I was going to mention Jack and Delta in the BioShock games but you have already done the job for me 😊. So, I would say the character of Crono in Chrono Trigger and also The Penitent One in Blasphemous.
  19. We always have a talk and discuss when it's going to be convenient for us to play together. There's no way we could do it randomly and meet ourselves online to play.
  20. You can read up on all the benefits you get to enjoy for having PS Plus membership in this article @Kane99 https://moneyinc.com/benefits-of-being-a-playstation-plus-member/
  21. BEST: Sony Nintendo Xbox Rovio Nexon Riot Games WORST EA Ubisoft Activision Blizzard
  22. One thing that I don't like about cannon endings in video games is how they usually cause a heated debate amongst gamers. The Minutemen ending in Fallout 4 is a typical example of one such cannon endings.
  23. It was just like you read my mind. It's definitely something that can make IGN's life and work a lot more easier for them because it's very obvious with how they have been with their reviews of late that they don't have more time to invest in it.
  24. Getting caught up in lootboxes is the height of it for me when it comes to spending money on games. It's so sad that these guys go to any extent to have their way into gamers pocket and milk them so hard. It's one gaming practice that should be rooted out by all means.
  25. Video games generally are designed to work on us like that. It's another world where we can go into and phase off from whatever that's bugging us at the moment. It's not only video games that does that for me, movies works the same way for me too.
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