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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Yeah, it's most likely an error or they have a reason why it's not there. It may as well be that they are looking at making another trailer, I can't be sure. But it's really a trivial thing to worry about as far as I'm concerned.
  2. Haha, more like having a cryptocurrency that isn't worth much now and keeping it to appreciate in value over years to come. It may work out well the demo disc.
  3. Seriously, as far as I'm concerned, I don't really believe anything that comes out of the media by Ubisoft or EA. I just take whatever I see when I see them.
  4. Exactly, it's what they fail to look out and I would see it as trying to play smart without being really smart and they got bit in the a** for it.
  5. Haha, that "Here we go" statement that just reminded me of a sports journalist Fabrizio who it's his key word whenever a transfer deal is completed.
  6. Heatman

    Last Stop

    Yeah, I got that feeling they were trying force the suspense input in the trailer which isn't that bad but overdoing might not end well.
  7. Seriously, anything that one do to make sure that his or her sensitive passwords are protected is always welcomed because their are lots of cyber criminals out there.
  8. I don't think Zoho mail was that bad but anything can happen with such. Maybe checking out more reviews on TrustPilot.com would put more light on it.
  9. I have heard about Zoho mail but never got to use it. If I remembered correctly, it's Mailchimps that I used at one time.
  10. Seriously, it's not a cool thing to do as far as I'm concerned. How would you wake up to disturb the entire neighborhood? It's not fair.
  11. Seriously, you're going to get the cops called on you if you ever try such in my country. Too much isn't allowed at all no matter what's your reason.
  12. Exactly the same thing with me when it comes to the purpose of using some browsers. Take for instance, I use Phoniex browser for all my downloads.
  13. I'm getting a time with Doom Eternal today which is my off day from work, so I'm making it count with DE.
  14. I don't think that most gamers like it when a game gets repetitive really quickly. I did had a good time with Alien Isolation to be honest with you.
  15. That's cool, I'm sure you will likely complete it sooner rather than later and you will join us with Ghost of Tsushima. You will definitely love it.
  16. Personally, I think that some of them are dying down in terms of the number of people still playing them with Fortnite as a case study. With the huge fallout between Epic games and Apple, it drastically affected the number of gamers who still played Fortnite.
  17. The person who stole it must have been observing you with it for a while and looked for the perfect opportunity to steal it. It's why I'm always careful with how I handled my Magic The Gathering cards.
  18. This basically sums it up for me when it comes to what makes getting into it in the first place. If there is no sense of accomplishment and good reward for the time spent on the Dungeon, then I'm not playing.
  19. As much as I don't like playing Candy Crush Saga game on mobile, I had to teach my mother how to play it because she likes the game which is a very annoying game for me.
  20. When you get just 1% of your completion rating after working so hard to find Donkey Kong's 64's 949 Banana coins is totally a quest not worth getting into.
  21. I love how candid you are most times because not everyone are wired that way. Ps. I would like change the ending of Final Fantasy XV and find a way to prevent Noctis from dying.
  22. I can't think of anything else when it comes to a perfect design other than Cyberpunk 2077. I'd set up a new design of my home like a night city view of the game in 3D if possible.
  23. Exactly, when you ended up investing your time in a particular video game and it ends up not being a satisfying experience, it's definitely not a rewarding experience.
  24. Seriously, anything that interfere with the graphics of any game that I'm playing is absolutely not needed for me and it's what motion blur does whenever it's on in my games. It's a no-no for me.
  25. Personally, I do both when it comes to getting my PC games. I'd prefer some games in digital copies and some in physical copies. I think the price plays a big role in determining which one I go for.
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