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Everything posted by Darth

  1. The game was a mess during the beta and it really is a shame because I was looking forward to trying it out this year. COD didn't interest me this year so it was time to return to Battlefield. Luckily for me, Halo Infinite has been good so far so I can still get my FPS fix from that. Hopefully EA get their act together for the next instalment.
  2. Has to be the Grand Theft Auto V trailer when it was coming out for the Xbox 360 and the PS3. The hype that the trailer created was just out of this world and I can't see any other game creating that much hype and anticipation. I think only GTA 6 could rival it.
  3. Definitely true especially when you consider how many open world games are out there. Thinking about it, I would love to see a Sons of Anarchy style open world game come out. Imagine just cruising around a huge map in a Harley with your own biker gang!
  4. I would love to see an Avengers game that is developed like Spider-Man and Spider-Man: Miles Morales on the PlayStation. Insomniac Games did such a good job with those two titles and it would be awesome to see an Avengers story based game come out.
  5. Never tried a speedrun myself and I've never bothered to watch someone try to speedrun a game. I just don't see what is interesting or entertaining about it, to be honest. I want to enjoy a game and not be stressed about whether I can finish it a few seconds quicker.
  6. I presume you mean in more normal games than ones that actually make sense to have gambling in it like poker. I don't think it will be a huge problem, to be honest because real gambling will result in games being given the maximum age rating. So for those games that are targeted at all ages, publishers will be a little bit reluctant to implement it. Especially since they can just keep microtransactions in games to make money.
  7. I guess it has become a bit too easy but that is probably to try and make different games a bit more welcoming to different types of players. The more welcoming it is, the more likely people are going to play it/spend money within the game. As long as games keep the difficulty setting, I don't mind this really.
  8. The Cayo Perico heist is a great way to make money in GTA Online. Unfortunately, it's the only good way so you kind of have to keep playing it over and over again if you want to afford some of the things in the game. It definitely gets boring if you have to do it all the time.
  9. To be honest, compared to most games, FIFA isn't that bad with bugs and glitches. It's usually the gameplay and the content that can be a bit boring every year but when you're a massive football fan, that can sometimes not be a huge problem.
  10. The chairs look like quite cool especially the Ant Man edition. The chair and desk combo deal is amazing as well. A massive reduction in price so I'll definitely be checking that out. Really badly need a proper office chair at the moment.
  11. Yay for me. I play FIFA and F1. I have played a few other sports games as well but those two are the main ones that I tend to play the most. FIFA is a lot of fun especially as someone who follows football a lot. And as I'm starting to follow F1, the game is great to learn the rules as well.
  12. That actually sounds quite fun. I did the same as you and got my hands on a PlayStation 1 a long time ago because I never had my own. It was a lot of fun for a while but eventually I just gave it away to someone that wanted it.
  13. Not for me, personally. I think it would just be weird when you're aware that they aren't a real person. I think it's even worse when other people are aware that the person you love is an android lol so definitely not for me.
  14. I don't have a specific preference but the games I tend to play mostly have health that regenerates. I think the only games that I've ever played where this was not the case was battle royales where you have to use a med kit or potion to regenerate your health.
  15. I agree with Heatman, it does not look similar at all. The only similarity is the overall shape of the controller but that has been built with our hands in mind, it's not just copied from each other.
  16. Yeah, it's crazy that they were even thinking of that. A lot of people have been waiting for updated versions of the game and would have been happy to spend any amount to get a proper remaster or remake of the trilogy. The only thing they've managed to do is to slightly ruin their reputation.
  17. I don't have a problem with it. If it's one of the pre-order bonuses, so be it. I've taken advantage of it for FIFA because of the fact that the early access time is quite valuable in Ultimate Team. It does give you a bit of an advantage but it's available to everyone if they want it.
  18. I could never use a wired controller again. It's just so much more convenient to use a wireless controller especially as I'm not exactly close to my consoles so I would require a very long wire. The only tired it's ever "wired" is when I'm charging the controller whilst I'm playing
  19. It's an actual joke how bad the remasters are at the moment. Rockstar did an awful job at selecting a third-party develop to do this and really should have remastered it in-house. I'm not sure why they thought Grove Street Games could do a good job since they butchered the mobile versions previously as well.
  20. 10 pounds is around is 4.5kg so it wouldn't be the end of the world if I gained that much. I guess I could lose that much weight in a week or two as well if I really worked hard. I think being banned from the internet for a whole month would just be too much.
  21. Darth

    Sea of Thieves

    A bit complicated for a complete noob, I'm not going to lie. There were times where I was slightly confused about what I had to do, and where I had to go. I don't like how you can't save progress during a quest/mission either. Some of them take hours and you have to finish it in one sitting.
  22. That is an awesome achievement and here's to many more big milestones in the coming future! And thank you very much for the special mention. Glad to be a part of this amazing community, alongside some other great users 🙂
  23. Remakes are usually good because there usually is enough change to justify getting the game again. Remasters, like the recent one from Rockstar, are usually never interesting enough to justify a huge price and they annoy me. I really wish they remade the GTA trilogy instead of just remastering it.
  24. Agree with you on the narration and the cars. I wish they didn't cater the game to all ages because it just makes the story boring and way too PG. And getting these amazing cars at the start is extremely boring. We should be starting off right at the bottom and be able to grind to the top
  25. Darth


    Available via the Xbox Game Pass as well so that should give a few people a good opportunity to try it out. Personally, I'm not going to try it since it seems to actually be a child's game. It does look pretty good though so I'm sure a lot of kids will love it.
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