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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. It has been said that the last thing a child who loves animals should aspire to be is a vet. Such an individual would have to work very hard throughout school and higher education to finnaly land thier dream job, only to find themselves spending thier working days putting down racehorces because it's no longer ecomincal for thier owners to keep them alive and putting pets to sleep because the family doesn't have adaquate insurance to cover a simple treatment. Video game testing is similar. Nobody who likes video games should want that for a job, you'll just end up with your favourite thing in the world completely ruined for you.
  2. Magic Carpet 2 (DOS PC). EA was EA long before most of us knew it. This is truly a gem of a game, but playing it was like siting on ticking bomb with no timer. You knew it was going to blow, but the trigger could be anything from your toenails growing one billionth of an inch to a massive earthquake, then it would crash. You were afraid to sneeze playing this game. 25 years later, and it's still just as busted.
  3. @Reality vs Adventure is right about at least one thing, this has got to a point whare you're not dicussing politics in direct relation to video games anymore. Your quite free to continue this debate, but please do either throgh pm or on the appropiate section of the forum.
  4. The worst example of this I've seen has to be the Broken Steel DLC from Fallout 3. Without this DLC, the game literally just stops. Ends. Just like that, with the main story only half told. The "ending" also happens without warning, so if you still have side missions and other stuff to, pray you have save file before starting the last main story quest available, otherwise that's you'll have to start all over again. I hated that, especially in an open world RPG.
  5. Welcome to VGR, friend. You need not fear such hostility here. We're a fairly small, but tight community with respect for each others views, even if we disagree from time to time. Always a pleasure to welcome someone new and if have any questions, I'd be happy to answer. I did play Genshin Impact got a little while there, but life kind of got in the way. Perhaps I should get back into it.
  6. Arcade games have still existed in family pubs, children's entertainment centres and bowling alleys for far longer than, sadly, actual arcades. Arcades were just a little before my time, but nostalgia has kept the idea alive.
  7. When I come across shit like this, I usually get pessimistic and dismiss it, but this time I want it to be real. What we are essentially looking at here is a reiteration of the Steam Machine (to be be clear, I hated steam machines and they soon faded away), but this interesting. This is a PC that uses the heat vented out of the components, usually wasted energy, for a practical purpose. Don't ask me whare I saw it because I'll never remember, but I once read a publication of an experiment online whare somebody built a fully functional gaming PC, removed the heat sinks, made the necessary seals the immersed this circuitry into a tub of cooking oil. Not only did the PC work, after a few minutes they able to fry food in the cooking oil as if were a deep fat fryer. That's how hot these things get. They promise up to 240fps at 4K. The estimated price I've seen quoted is around $2000, so we're talking a mid-high range PC, and if it does come out, for someone looking at a new PC build at about that price, I think it's a neat idea.
  8. If true, expect Nintendo to pull the plug on that immediately.
  9. I'm locking this thread because you're right, there has been a lot of chatter and threads about Cyberpunk 2077's rocky launch, most which you yourself have started, and we don't need yet another one. This could easily be discussed on one of the existing threads.
  10. The obvious answer to that question as a moderator is absolutely not. As long as it is relevant, posted in the correct place and doesn't violate any rules, people can post whatever they want whether it interests you or not.
  11. What country? This is only possible and practicle in certain parts of the world, so it's a hard question to contemplate without knowing what country/state you're refering to.
  12. You said the sport is interesting to watch. That means you were watching a professional match. In other words, you answered your own question. But yes, Table Tennis can be played professionally in both regional and world championship rankings and it's also an Olympic sport. Seriously man, you really need to try asking Google before asking us. This is a video game forum, not a sports dictionary. Wikipedia page on the World Table Tennis Championship
  13. Thesse two topics were similiar enough I decided to just merge them togeather. Travelling is a foul whare a player takes more than (I think) 3 steps holding the ball. That's why players tend to bounce the ball when they move with it becasue that's technically not holding onto it, it's way for a player to hold onto possesion without violating the travelling rule. A 3 point basket is scored when a basket is scored from outside a certain zone marked on the court (see the picture) further from the basket than a regular 2 point basket. The 3 point line is the large semi-circle. If may recommend doing an interent search when you don't undertand sports rules. It's a faster, more reliable way to obtain that information when compared to video game forum. Just saying.
  14. This is a very good thing. Glad to see this kind of action being taken against this.
  15. I agree, and that's why gonna lock this and remove the video. VGR can do without this. This shouldn't have been posted here in the first place.
  16. Locking this for the same reason as the other thread you posted.
  17. Locking this thread as this has nothing to do with video games. If your friend and this very vague business of his need advice, he needs to go someone or something more qualified to offer it than a gaming forum.
  18. The only place a bully belongs in relation to gaming is away from their computer or console doing their homework like their mothers told them to do. Seriously though, there is big difference between a bully's way and a leaders way when if comes to helping people learn the in and outs of a role in an MMO, especially as part of a team. One if them is helpful, satisfying and works, whilst the other us degrading, frustrating for all concerned and doesn't work at all.
  19. A bit late to the show, but the notion that companies should pay their employees more if the company makes more money is, unfortunately, just not the way it works. What a company pay you is defined by how much money they make, it's defined by how much they would have to pay someone else to do your job abd how easy such an individual would be to find. Going on to top level executives, their job is to make that company as profitable as possible, that's the demand of shareholders. Like it or not, laying off staff and paying them the minimum they can get away with for maximum productivity is thier job, and if that includes decisions that leave hundreds of people out of work, the so be it. Like it or not, that's what they get paid for. However, what I really can't stand, and it happens way to often in the gaming industry, is when executives are paid huge bonuses for failure. Studios closing, share prices have dropped, the companies reputation harmed, yet these "Captains" are "thanked" with millions of dollars for abandoning that burning that ship that they set alight in first place with everyone below them still on board. I can't wrap my head round that at all.
  20. Locking this thread as this topic and the issues raised have been discussed directly and directly in several other threads, such as; Education Negative Effects Gambling And this may be a useful thread as well. I also ask @bomb to not post new topics so spuriously. Check for other topics before posting your own and give people a chance to see what new threads have opened up. You're on the verge of pushing your own threads of the forum. You don't need a new thread for every new idea you have. Slow down a little bit.
  21. I really enjoyed Marked for Death in Titanfall, although I'm sure other games may have had their own equivalent. 5v5, one player from each team is randomly marked and its the goal of of each team to kill the mark on the opposing side whilst defending the mark on you team. Fist to 10 mark kills wi e, or the most within the time limit. Titanfall's mech warfare crossed with parkor movement mechanics really enhanced this idea.
  22. Honestly, last time I played it I didn't find Dawnguard much more buggy than the rest of the the game.
  23. This is just another sad example of a game that will only be finished after it is launched. I'm sure there's a good game to be found in Cyberpunk 2077, but let's just I'm glad to not be an early adopter on this occasion. I have full faith that CDPR will get it sorted, it's just a question of when.
  24. Topic locked as this thread does not conform to the Rules and Guidelines of this sub-forum. Hiding URL's is strictly forbidden in this this section.
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