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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. Don't listen to her @michaelwilson, she's crazy. None of us are this nice.
  2. @Kane99. This is a stupid topic. Syntax is right, you may as well ask why more games don't feature the Easter Bunny. You knew the answer before you even asked the question.
  3. It's very difficult for game game developers to see the difference as their programming it. A match loss for disconnecting, but without being branded a cheat, I think is as fair as can be expected.
  4. Most of those were knock-off, clone consoles filled with crappy (and often illegal) ROM's, kind of like that stupid thing Soulja Boy was trying to peddle a couple of years ago. I remember the Wii in particular had dozens of these things and they were all crap. They basically excited to fool ignorant parents into buying from kids. At least most of them had the common sense to be cheap, unlike Soulja Boy who tried to sell his for the price of a PS4. Fucking idiot.
  5. You're exactly right. The limits I as refering to earlier set a high bar whare anything above it is generally unacceptable, but also set a low bar where complaints about anything below it are generally an attempt to take censorship too far and in those circumstances it is the case whare people need to lighten up and not take whatever it is so seriously. People who make a stand on either side of those limits need to be prepared to face the consequences and take responsibility for what the say and do. Listening to both sides is important because that tends to draw people back in between those lines to a compromise.
  6. I would be fine paying a little bit more for new game that than typical in the past if it wasn't for the fact that new games are only getting worse with the special editions, microtransactions and DLC. Games being rushed out the door too early don't really factor into wether or not I'm willing to pay more money, but more onto my willingness to buy them at launch or them at all. I try to avoid that these days.
  7. This is just going to be Madden, except with EA paying less royalties than they normally do. Everything, all the way down to the lootboxes (oh, sorry, "suprise mechanics"), will be exactly the same with the only expectations being the team names, motifs and shirt designs will be that of colleges instead of the NFL. They'll probably embarrass themselves by including Madden and/or NFL artwork on banners and flags by mistake. This is going to be a terrible, lazy rip off. I'm calling it now.
  8. @The Blackangel did start a topic about this situation in the politics sub-forum, so I think I'll merge the topics together as this isn't directly a gaming issue. It's still nice to see the these people are not only not the hypothesis that the top 1% of Wall Street clearly are, but are actually kinder as well.
  9. I've this from Video game deals to general gaming. That's whare it really should have been to begin with. And I'll say the same thing I always say, key re-sellers shouldn't be trusted.
  10. Deal expired, locking thread Well, I just got this game for free by checking the PlayStation store via my console, but the PlayStation Store website indicates a 35% discontent price until 3/2/2021. So, I'm a little confused. I didn't see any indication that the game's "free" price was for PS+ members only, nor did I see any sale end dates for that price on the console either. So my advice is log onto your consoles NOW and try and claim this just in case it's some sort of error and take advantage while the opportunity is there.
  11. I can see why that would get confusing. I remember do a poll on what I think was my Kindoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning review and getting thrown off by the same thing. Maybe there's a way to fix it so people can fill poll parameters without having to switch tabs?
  12. First off, explain to me at what point I'm trying to decide for somebody else what should be censored and what shouldn't? In fact, when did I even mention censorship at all? That's not what the thread is about anyway. You're doing that a lot here, claiming that people who aren't agreeing with you to be censors clearly because you find that easier to debate against. You see censorship as stifle of free speech, and I suppose it kind of is, but free speech, like society, has limits of what's acceptable. You can't have a world people can say and do whatever they want. Ironically, though, you're the one who wants a world without people having a choice because you want a world whare nothing is censored and anyone who finds something in bad taste are the ones who get blamed for feeling that way. In your world, people can be sexist, racist, ageist, homophobic, trasnphobic, defile others religious beliefs and be as exploitative as they want in the name of creative freedom, and damb anyone who dares stifle that. The obvious problem with that, in fact there's several obvious problems with that, but more specifically minorities are ones who will be almost certainly be attacked and possibly even demonized by such a system with no way to fight back, causing what might be a massive human rights issue. And why, just so people create games like Rape Lay, Kill the Faggot and Ethnic Cleansing? Pardon me, but I don't think that's worth it. Creative fiction and the reality those who create it live in are reflections of each other, so imagine a reality whare those kinds of games are acceptable. I dread to think. Despite what you falsely claim and they way you put words in my mouth, doesn't change fact you're right, it's not up to me what's acceptable and what's not, but it damb sure isn't up to you either. That's a responsibility that can't rest on one person, or even group of people. That can only be set by society itself. That's what organisations like ratings boards and the community feedback systems that work with them are there for, to measure soicity as guide to set these limits and enforce them. It's not a perfect system, but it's the best we can realistically do.
  13. I'm not sure I agree with you there. More modern games with the better tech used to craft them really blur the lines between video games and motion pictures and have allowed developers to tell stories in a more contemporary way. Even if you're right and developers could spend less time fussing about with graphics and focusing more on story, let's be honest, back in the 8-bit and 16-bit eras, most developers didn't exactly take advantage of that. Most games told pretty much the same, clichéd stories like save the princess from the evil lord whatever or some shit.
  14. I do feel this is the beginning of the end for Sadia, and it's not like alot of people will miss it. It has been a complete joke from day one. Nor am I suprised to see Google giving up, it certainly isn't the first time they've something like this.
  15. What you're implying here and in your other posts is that when people do, say or create something that's in bad taste, that the controversy is everyone else's fault for recognising it as bad taste, which is complete nonsense. There's a big difference between people turning something into a controversy when it just isn't and people calling out something for having no purpose other than being deliberately offensive and intended to hurt.
  16. In the days of CD-ROMS, that was pretty common.
  17. I don't want a game to hold my hand, all I want is quest markers (because I don't consider that hand holding, just convenience) and for a game to understand the difference between offering a problem to solve and being cryptic.
  18. Just because collectively Microsoft have already made twice the money the spend on this since that deal, doesn't mean that aforementioned deal has been worth it to them yet, it's as not simple as that. Buying Zenimax won't be a profitable deal for Microsoft nor it's investors untill that deal makes them money directly on it own, that's how it works. It's goes to show how much Microsoft actuality makes for us all to stare in awe, but is anybody actually that surprised?
  19. Moving this to the PlayStation Sub-Forum as this isn't really focused on a specific deal and is more a matter for regular forum discussion. They've been there a while. I bought Primal a good while back. They run at a higher resolution so they'll display properly on modern TV sets, but they look pretty much the same as the did on PS2.
  20. Joy many Jaicee's does it take to change a light bulb? (Sorry, I don't take these things very seriously, I just make jokes)
  21. A quick question. What do you mean "We are Back" when this is literally your first post on VGR? You could have at least made it look like this wasn't a copy/paste piece of SSP. We don't appreciate people here who use our forum like free billboard to promote their YouTube channel or whatever. That's why I'm locking this thread and removing that image. Offer a real and honest contribution to the community, and I tell you the response will be more possible and we'd never far more likely to support you and your channel.
  22. A little update. I'm now playing the game on console (PS4 Pro) as it was recently reduced in price. This would obviously have been optimised for console hardware as all concole games are, so the frame rate issues seen on my laptop are gone and the I would say the sharper textures can be seen more easily, most likely due to a larger screen than my laptop. However, there are still issues with odd graphical glitches and pop-ins (on character models, mostly) that I just don't remember being there the first I played the game. So, whilst I call the version at least playable and does actually boast more visual improvement (but again, it's on different screen), I still have a hard time recommending it, at least untill the new expansion is released.
  23. I'm very sad to learn that one of the world's most talented 3D digital artists and the man responsible for creating The Thunderjaw and the other iconic robotic creatures in Horizon: Zero Dawn, one of my favourite games, has passed away aged just 36. Mike Nash was best known and most revered for his work on HZD, but has had shown talent in creating beautiful, realistic, futuristic designs for many years. The design of the machines in Horizon: Zero Dawn was such a huge part of the game's identity that it's impossible to understate just how critical Mike's work was to the game's success and a huge part of what we so loved about the game. It's a shame he won't see the last of his work published as part of Horizon: Forbidden West later this year and even sadder that's the last any of us will likely see of it. Here's a Game Rant article on the story. I thought I'd share some images of his designs as a little tribute. RIP.
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