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The Blackangel

Why do you visit a persons profile?

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We have all done it at some point. A lot of people have their profile visited on a nearly daily basis. But why? For me, I typically visit someone's profile because I'm looking for a post they have made at one point or another. I know everyone here very well, and know their personality as well as anyone can online. But often there's a comment someone has made that I want to find and possibly quote in another thread, rather than give a link to the post. So that's my reason. What's yours?

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Lol, I visit some users profile page, because I want to know if they're online nor not, their last seen is important to me, if truly the user is active or not. And again, I love to go through the recent posts of the user to know which topics he/she responded to. 

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Sometimes you come across a really interesting comment and you want to just see what else that member has been posting here , their last activities and the likes.

I think that has to be the reason why I visit the profiles of other members here.

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Sometimes out of curiosity lol or I was looking for a thread/post they made but can't remember where it is so I just go there to find it. I know the search function is there but sometimes I don't ever remember the title of said thread or post.

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I visit my own profile here on VGR almost every second of the day when I'm online. Just love to view the profile, and also love viewing others. That's the reason admin added the feature, so we can view each other and watch who is online or offline for long period of time. 

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22 hours ago, Justin11 said:

I visit my own profile here on VGR almost every second of the day when I'm online. Just love to view the profile, and also love viewing others. That's the reason admin added the feature, so we can view each other and watch who is online or offline for long period of time. 

Loving your own profile that much? That's pretty narcissistic.

That was always there. Ever since I signed up almost 4 years ago. It's on every Invision board.

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