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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/2020 in all areas

  1. I hate looking at the comment section for most gaming news. There's just so many fanboys on all sides, who complain to each other. I don't get it. No one is winning when you argue on social media. It's why I don't usually comment on social media, because if you have a different opinion, you get a ton of hate, so I move on from that. But, why is it that so many people take consoles and some games so seriously? It's like if you judge a game, or a console, you get a ton of arguing. There's no winning. Either it be a Sony fanboy, a Nintendo fanboy, or even a Xbox fanboy, they all argue about it and claim one or the other is better. Let's just all get along and like what we like. What do you guys think?
    1 point
  2. m76

    Games like Cyberpunk 2077

    The closest match to it is probably DeusEx Invisible War. and DeusEx Mankind Divided. System Shock II is also a First person cyberpunk in genre, but the story is completely different. Alien Isolation is also a bit similar in gameplay, but the story is even more different. Alpha Protocol is close in gameplay too, but the furthest from it in story as it is contemporary, not cyberpunk. Outer Worlds a definite maybe.
    1 point
  3. One of my favorite pizzas is pineapple with Canadian bacon! Now that I think of it, it's past due to get one.
    1 point
  4. This is Halite. It is pure salt crystals. Salt crystals in its natural state form cubes. Same thing we sprinkle on food and cook with. Cool huh
    1 point
  5. The horses in RDR2 are a real pain. You have to make sure to feed them regularly and keep them at a healthy weight so they don't starve to death and literally fall over dead. Most are slow and sluggish with microscopic stamina. A majority are just flat out stupid. The tiniest of predator animals and they completely freak out, throw your ass, and run away. Even if it's just a simple snake. The bears, wolves, cougars, alligators, and panthers I get. But the same panic attack over a snake? The fangs would break off if it tried to bite through the hoof. I've seen it IRL, and know most of the snakes IRL as well. They go low, not high when they strike. If you want a fast horse with great stamina that keeps healthy (as long as you keep it fed) longer, then you have 2 options. Wait until the stable is open in St. Denis, or head into the mountains. St. Denis sells an Arabian, but there's also an Arabian that you can catch in the mountains. The wild one is the better, and actually best horse in the game (look it up) but also the hardest of all the wild horses to catch. If you want a quality horse, she's worth the stress. Just be stubborn. Her main downside is that she's in the same group as the majority. Absolutely stupid. If you can get past that, then she's well worth the effort. But don't shoot anything if you can avoid it. The gunshot will scare her away and you'll have to leave and come back to try to get the game to spawn her again. There are wolves up in her area, so you may have to leave and come back several times due to having to kill the fucking wolves.
    1 point
  6. In my opinion, Skyrim has some of the worst mounts possible in terms of AI. I meant apart from Shadowmere and Arvak who are both immortal, the rest aren't but they'll try to fight dragons among other dangerous creatures and will usually get killed by them but they don't seem to mind.
    1 point
  7. I don’t think anyone here is stupid enough to buy from a scalper. But in the event that someone IS, then I have no sympathy for them when they have to choose between rent and food because they spent $1000 on a $400 PlayStation.
    1 point
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