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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2021 in Posts

  1. 💙like 💙like 💙like That's 3 more likes That's cool about the night witches! Having to fly in those dinky planes and turn the engine off; damn!!! And I haven't even thought about the ninjas and their role during feudal Japan. It's interesting that most actually came from the lower class. So status wasn't important to them. They did their job as an assassin, saboteur, spy, and kept what they did secret. They never wanted credit or anything like that. And if caught, they would take their own life. It was funny at the beginning of Ghost of Tsushima (no spoilers) the samurai despised thieves and people that would hide around or stalk the night. If you play the game you will see how that relates to this. I agree that there are so many battle tactics that need stealth over face to face combat. One that comes to mind was the powerful British against American revolutionaries who would ambush the British as they stood out in the open in formation. That would have been terrifying standing there taking shots and watching your comrads fall before your eyes. And not be able to do anything but load your damn weapon. Even though the samurai honor seems so justified, so too is stealth which may be even more justified. But even that at times has its controversy because what is used for good, also is used for bad.
    1 point
  2. I personally disagree with that statement completely. There was and still is merit to stealth and ambush tactics. Hell, it's what most elite military and special forces units like the US Navy SEALS and British SAS are trained to do. In feudal Japan the "Ninja's" who represented the lower class knew that they couldn't best the better equipped and decadent royal Samurai in a fair fight... So they didn't fight fair. That's how the whole ideas of the Ninja's stealth tactics came about. In World War 2 there was a particular squadron of all female bomber pilots in the Soviet Union. They had slow, outdated biplanes there were far below the stall speeds of the German fighter planes at the time. So their strategy was to fly at night, cut off the engines and glide and slowly and quietly, drop their bombs and then take off (video's posted below). Similar techniques are used by stealth bomber pilots today. Would I describe any of these individuals or cultures as being "cowardly"? Absolutely not. If anything "Striking from the Shadows" is a bigger risk, both in gaming (mostly) and in real life because it's higher skill, lower cost, bigger reward. I applaud and respect people who use this tactic and I strive to do it in games whenever I'm given the opportunity. It's more satisfying to me than charging in like Galahad.
    1 point
  3. I love these videos of people making what looks like a PS1 version of a newer video game. This time around it's The Witcher 3, and man does this bring back PS1 memories for me lol. Imagine if these guys actually tried to make a version for the PS1. How many discs do you think it'd be? lol
    1 point
  4. I played Diablo like crazy, and this is the first I've heard it referred to as a Roguelike. Even If it is, I'd say its missing some important roguelike traits. I would suggest looking into other roguelike games. The few I've played have been pretty challenging. Losing progress and items when you die are definitely hallmark traits.
    1 point
  5. Makes sense - hopefully when you get a PS5 and you can get the Special Edition, you can finally use some mods because it changes the entire Skyrim experience for you.
    1 point
  6. Let's just hope that they have some great storywriters work on this and that EA doesn't bother releasing the game in a broken state because they take every opportunity to shoot themselves in the foot.
    1 point
  7. There was a lot about John that was revealed in RDR2. Things that most would never have guessed at.
    1 point
  8. I suppose TLOU2 could be considered to be in that category by playing as Abby and Ellie. It's not as simple a case as one's the antagonist and one's the protagonist, but for fear of spoiling the game I'm not gonna explain further, but the way they did it definitely creates a lot of conflict within the player.
    1 point
  9. It is one of the most distinctive-looking caves in the whole game. Almost all the Skyrim caves look fairly alike to me. This one is more like a little outdoor dungeon that is simply accessed through a cave. It has this almost idyllic sanctuary-like ambiance to it, which is fitting as one of the last Blades took refuge there. I wish I could have a house there. I saw someone modded that, but PS3 doesn't allow mods.
    1 point
  10. So far, all I've heard from their community is that they hate it - I've yet to get a proper argument as to why they don't like it. It's more or less the same with Final Fantasy 8, it's no worse in any department than FF7 but receives way more hate.
    1 point
  11. I'm not sure what to think about this whole story. I do agree that this is invasive though and what would they do with that info anyways.
    1 point
  12. I hate waiting for checkpoints especially when I don't start back at the spot I quit at so I would have to play that part over again. I think it was easier to just go to the menu and equip weapons. The newer weapon wheel throws me off sometimes because usually time is still going but slowed, and the pointer never quite clicks on the item I need right away. Sometimes the wheel works great though. So I'm 50/50 on that.
    1 point
  13. Shagger

    PC or PS5? Or both?

    Nothing wrong with having both, just so long as you're not stretching yourself financially to do so.
    1 point
  14. You're better off just getting a used 360 than getting it repaired. I see them all over facebook and shop sites for really cheap. If you had the original 360, maybe it's time to upgrade to the slim model.
    1 point
  15. They're like Walmart in that regard. They consider themselves a "family company" and thus have to keep to a certain "child friendly" code of ethics. Code of ethics my ass. PlayStation and Xbox didn't suffer from having GTA and RDR on their systems. Quite the contrary. They grew their fan base exponentially. Prior to watching my girl play RDR2, I had absolutely zero interest in western games. They bored the hell out of me. Even when I was a bull rider, I didn't like them. Now, I'm a huge fan of at least that series and willing to give other westerns a shot. I picked up Call Of Juarez: Gunslinger a few months ago for Switch, and even though I'm not a fan of first person, it's a sweet game. And to be honest, if you play it and RDR2 both in first person there's not a hell of a lot of difference. The same vulgar language is used, the same graphic violence, the same criminal activity, the same substance abuse, the list goes on. So I'm wondering if it isn't some kind of licensing fight between Nintendo and Rockstar about these games, as opposed to their content.
    1 point
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