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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/12/2022 in all areas

  1. Shagger

    The Moon is Here!

    Hi and welcome to VGR.
    1 point
  2. DC

    Twitchcon 2022

    So a lawyer would need to prove that this contraception was improperly designed and did not contain sufficient foam blocks for padding? Is Twitchcon culpable or is the vendor who brought this in culpable? Btw, I've see these devices at gymnasiums and birthday parties all the time, I've never been interested in trying.
    1 point
  3. So given the choice to spend time in any video game universe you want with thousands of amazing and unique fantasy's to explore and you two would choose to spend time in the reality we actually live in...
    1 point
  4. That doesn't really mean much since Christophe Gans is working on a reboot film of Silent Hill. So the best people to talk to about a Silent Hill movie is the team who originated it I imagine. I don't think that necessarily means that there is work being done on a new SH game though. He could be asking questions about Silent Hill, the story, the characters, etc. Or may be including some of the Team Silent in the mix, like Akira Yamaoka, who did the music for the games and the movies. And I can see him wanting him back for the music whenever a reboot movie does drop. I would love for their to be a new Silent Hill game too, but I'm not betting on that happening anytime soon.
    1 point
  5. Kane99

    Ideal length for a game?

    More so the time you get out of the game versus how much you put into it. For me, I just want the game to have a decent enough story, gameplay, etc, but for it to last a fair deal of time before I call it quits. Like, if I was spending $70 for a game, I'd hope it doesn't have just a simple 4-6 hour story mode. If I'm paying high price for a game, it better have enough content for me to enjoy. I think the shorter the story, or game in general, it should be priced accordingly. Like Stray for example, that game came out priced at $30 if I'm not mistaken, and it was relatively short. Which is fair. If it was priced at $60-$70, idk if I would have agreed with that price point for the amount of game there is. Most short games tend to go for cheaper prices anyway, so I'm not too worried about it.
    1 point
  6. @Techno, @Justin11, @Shagger, @The Blackangel - 25 Points awarded to everyone. Be sure respond to this thread with "Trick or Treat" everyday.
    1 point
  7. She definitely has a lawsuit. They didn't include enough padding and a soft one that would support human weight. Their negligence caused the woman's injury, so tehy're entirely responsible for her having a rod put into her back. That's not a cheap procedure. It's insanely expensive. So her medical bills, pain and suffering, and possible work loss should be awarded to her alongside punitive damages.
    1 point
  8. Kane99

    Twitchcon 2022

    Yeah I heard a streamer broke her back on that gladiator pit thing. You can see that below. Wonder if she has a potential lawsuit for this. Because I imagine they expect the pit to support them, and it seems as if they didn't include enough space for the padding. Now this young woman needs a meter rod in her back.
    1 point
  9. Akun

    General Gaming Discussion

    I find it annoying when reviews encourage pity-buying a game just because it's an indie game made by one person. While I could appreciate the hard work such a game would require, if the game doesn't appeal to me (whether it's because it's an indie game lacking the budget of a AAA game is irrelevant), then it doesn't appeal to me, and I shouldn't be guilted into spending my hard-earned money on something just because some other folks want to squander their money on supporting indie developers. Would you pay a large sum of money for a low budget mobile game over a AAA game just to support the developers? If you want to do that sort of thing and support the indie industry, it's your prerogative and more power to you, but don't gaslight, manipulate or guilt-trip me into buying it, saying how "other reviews are comparing this game to a AAA game." Of course they make comparisons to AAA games - they have a bigger budget and are a lot more fun, and therefore they feel those AAA games are more worthy of purchase. That's the sad reality of the industry, and no amount of good intentions from indie developers is going to change how cool-looking and high quality gameplay a AAA game will have over most indie games. If your positive review of an indie game requires the dismissal of the "high budget" of AAA games to make that indie game look better, then maybe the indie game you're defending just isn't that quality to stand on its own merits without comparing "developer budgets." I like Undertale and Spiritfarer, for example, but as much as I love them, I'm not going to pretend that they're far superior games than most of the higher budget AAA games I've played in terms of gameplay mechanics, game length, storyline and especially visuals. The specific game that got me to talk about this issue, however, is Prehistoric Kingdom. It's been in development for over a decade now, and many reviews complained that it has the bare minimum a dinosaur park management game should have, and I think that, at the very least, they're justified in feeling bored, even if such criticisms might've been unfair towards the indie developer working with a minimum budget. The sad reality is that if you're working with a lower budget, your game will have less features than a higher budget game like Jurassic World: Evolution 2. For all the flaws of JWE2, it's undeniable that it has 1) a lot more dinosaurs, 2) higher quality visuals, 3) a lot more gameplay features. That's not a subjective opinion; that's a fact. It's an opinion to say you enjoy the minimalism of Prehistoric Kingdom, but it's disingenuous to say that Prehistoric Kingdom should be bought just to support low budget indie games, especially when they haven't done jack to develop the game at all for 10 years. It's like begging for a charity case, and it's manipulative.
    1 point
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