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Family sedan

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    Family sedan reacted to Reality vs Adventure in Get to a point where games can be played in our heads?   
    Are you talking about electrodes attached to our brain stem? If they ever get to the point where your brain can move a prosthetic arm, then yes the same can be to play a game. And I believe it's a possibility. That opens the door to cyborgs taking over as in Terminator. There is already medical implants that can alert authorities if you miss a dose of drugs. Add nanotechnology that can do who knows what on the cellular level; possibly carrying microscopic 'satellites' relaying messages throughout the brain to control bodily functions and thoughts. Who knows? In the Dark Ages they would of thought flying to the moon or communicating with someone instantly across the planet was witchery, alienation, or God resurrected. 
  2. Like
    Family sedan reacted to killamch89 in Most evil characters in video games?   
    Calypso is pretty Twisted lol. He held Twisted Metal in LA and once he destroyed that, he decided to go global with the tournament. The worst part is he held this tournament for entertainment - he didn't care about the consequences it had on the citizens at all.
  3. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in Twisted Metal 4   
    That's very correct about how evil and scary Sweettooth is in Twisted Metal 4. The glowing head is mmmh 😲. 

  4. Like
    Family sedan got a reaction from Heatman in Twisted Metal 4   
    Yeah, but he's even scarier in Twisted 4.
  5. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Shagger in What job simulator games do you think should exist?   
    These simulator games never appealed to me because they all have the same problem.
    I've talked very recently about how video games should be considered as entertainment media and should be allowed to offer the same varied experiences to all sorts of people, but the interactive nature of the platform dose make them different. Rather than being a pure observer, a video game (or at least any good video game) grants you the chance to fantasize at being someone else, more specifically the very someone else in that game's story or situation. I call it the empowerment factor. If a game fails to do that, then it fails full stop.
    Now, a game does not have to be a based on a fantasy to make this work. Who doesn't dream of being the F1 World Champion, winning the Superbowl, being the main event at Wrestlemania or winning the Champions League? Even though those things are real, they are still the dreams and fantasies of millions, if not billions of people.
    That is the base appeal of simulation games. To be someone or achieve something that you won't in real life. This is fairly straightforward in the aforementioned sport simulation games or fantasy based games, but it's much harder to do this when they simulate a job. You know, the kind of job people do because they get paid for it! Who would then pay money to do that very thing? Even if it is the kind of job a kid dreams of being like a policeman, firefighter or even a pilot, the reality rarely lives up to the fantasy, if ever.
    So game developers can do one of two things. Lean towards the fantasy within the real life occupation, or focus on making it as real as possible, a true simulation. You can't please both crowds.
    So I don't see the point in these sim games. To work as a video game, they can either deliver a boring, disappointing dose of reality, or an unrealistic fantasy that would be called called out immediately by the hardcore crowd. Maybe there is an appeal to them that I just don't get, but I can't think of any reason why they could really have mass appeal.
  6. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in What job simulator games do you think should exist?   
    I would definitely choose job simulation games over police 👮 simulation. Police isn't really my favorite subject. I hate having anything to do with them. 
  7. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Boblee in Do you play video games together with your children/relatives?   
    Our children will definitely have so much fun playing their games with their parents or guardians because of the closure. 
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    Family sedan reacted to Head_Hunter in Do you play video games together with your children/relatives?   
    I got you, card game is sweeter when you where the fun with your friends and family, it brings unity, and close bond. 
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    Family sedan reacted to Prof elohstar in Do you play video games together with your children/relatives?   
    Yes those periods are holiday seasons and it would be a great way of spending your holiday. I mean gaming with friends, relatives or children. 
  10. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in Do you play video games together with your children/relatives?   
    I would like to start out with video games that's going to be easy for them to get into and I'm definitely not giving them any horror games to play. 
  11. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Boblee in Do you play video games together with your children/relatives?   
    Whenever I have the opportunity to play with my friends and family, I always make sure to do so because time spent with them matters to me a lot. 
  12. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in Do you play video games together with your children/relatives?   
    If you look down on any gamer no matter their age, you will live to regret it all the days of your life. 
  13. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Head_Hunter in Do you play video games together with your children/relatives?   
    It is like that too when it comes to real life sports, no team should be underrated. Even a David can slay a goiath. I don't forget such kind of quote, it keeps me away from undereating anyone. 
  14. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Justin11 in Twisted Metal 4   
    That's my first time hearing about Twisted Metal, let alone playing it. It seems working for you, and you've adapted already to the game, best of luck to you. 
  15. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Syntax in Twisted Metal 4   
    I don't think I ever played the latest Twisted Metal game, but Sweet Tooth was a fun one or even Axle was a unique character/vehicle setup.
  16. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Boblee in Twisted Metal 4   
    The overthrowing of Calypso is the most fun thing of playing Twisted Metal 4 for me. 
  17. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in Do you collect gaming controllers?   
    I managed to collect one of my favorite old Sega controller called The Fishing Rod. It was released in Japan in 1997 and 1998 for the rest of the world. 
  18. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Boblee in Consoles You Bought   
    If I'm that close to my friend who's got a Playstation 5 already and we live close, I wouldn't mind visiting him often to play whenever I feel like. 
  19. Like
    Family sedan reacted to m76 in Your favourite racing game series of all - time?   
    Because it had basically no single player content at release, and it was specifically made with esports in mind, nothing else. So fans of the classic series were hung out to dry.
  20. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Justin11 in What are your hobbies?   
    That's a roster of hobbies you mentioned here, believing that all makes you happy. I love all you've mentioned too, I do get along with them in a virtualized way mostly. 
  21. Like
    Family sedan got a reaction from Justin11 in What are your hobbies?   
    I like gaming, auto racing, cars, metal, psych rock, blues, country, rap, European architecture and sports.
  22. Like
    Family sedan got a reaction from kingpotato in What are your hobbies?   
    I like gaming, auto racing, cars, metal, psych rock, blues, country, rap, European architecture and sports.
  23. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Techno in What are your hobbies?   
    I'm a huge history need, if it smells like history I'll end up digging though all the little bits of it.
  24. Like
    Family sedan reacted to kingpotato in What are your hobbies?   
    I dont have many but mine are:
    - Videogames of course
    - Drawing, Im not that good but I have been drawing since middle school, I make some doodles or draw some character ideas at least once a day
    - I love to watch history videos on Youtube, I used to watch the history channel when it was about history. As well some of my drawing ideas come from past events like wars or stuff like that. 
    - I read a lot of Manga, like a lot 😆, Right now Im following 17 ongoing Mangas according to my bookmarks, the number tends to increase or decrease. And during the day I usually just scroll around my favorite webpage for mangas looking for something new. I try to read a little bit of everything my favorites are Action, horror/suspense and romantic comedies.
  25. Like
    Family sedan reacted to The Blackangel in What are your hobbies?   
    Writing. I've finished 2 full length novels, several short stories, and a hell of a lot of unconventional poetry. Weaving. I build my own looms of different sizes and create a lot of things. Playing the aulos. I'm good at it and can come up with some good music. Creating YouTube videos. Studying astronomy. I'm absolutely fascinated by it. My favorite planet within our solar system is Uranus. My favorite exoplanet is 55 Cancri e. That one is truly fascinating. But, HD 81817 b is unbelievable in its own right. I'm a hockey nut. My team is the Detroit Red Wings. Win or lose, I'll never abandon them. Collecting. I collect skulls and Zippos. I have so many skulls, that I've run out of places to put them.  
    I have a few other minor things, but they're nothing big.
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