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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. The irony could also be selling tobacco and alcohol at a pharmacy. I always thought of that as ironic that aren't part of a grocery store. At that point they are no longer a pharmacy, but a corner store.
  2. Assassin's Creed is going to have a major reset with Infinity and that's the last of the series probably as it will continually get updated with new things. And I think they might have something brilliant planned because after playing a bit of Watch Dogs Legion, they are in a way integrating a little of Assassin's Creed into it. So I think there will be interesting plans between those two series. Remember your post how you thought if AC should have a modern setting? WDL and Infinity could be that.
  3. I think it's absolutely pointless. It is a symptom of a self absorbed societies that have gotten so overindulged in social media, making everyone think they are someone, and then now NFT's are more of the same arrogant disease where people want to spread pointless and worthless pics to sell or own like it's a a happy sticker on a test you passed in school. And when Melania Trump gets in on it making NFT's of her portraits, then oh God you know it's bad when the crime boss family gets in on it this quick. That should tell us something. We are an egotistic society and only becoming worse.
  4. I will have to question research coming out of a highly religious institution like Brigham Young University. There is no doubt some people get addicted to gaming, but what are the real underlining issues? That's what research should be about. Otherwise, I assume there are a variety of discrepancies and bias that countries like China will use to ban gaming. And when church and state becomes one in the USA, we should be seeing Chinese laws coming in place. So expect gaming to get banned, that's after the NFT's make a fortune before it all gets burned to the ground. We will go back to playing Jacks in between praying sessions.
  5. Especially with one of the most popular series like GTA that everyone wanted a remaster, and now that's all we're gonna get. This is a new generation of gamers and so you are right, that mess is what they are going to associate the makers of GTA with. Rockstar does need something new to chill the fan base. GTA 5 is still a strong game along with RDR2 which isn't that old, but they should release some news on a GTA 6 or something.
  6. Well, the retinol is Vit A, so it’s for wrinkles? I guess that’s like buying milk thistle with a bottle of liquor. Hiking trail then smoke; there are two wrongs there. One is fresh air with a smoke; the other is flinging the butt on the ground so a fire can start. Maybe they at least had enough sense to stomp it in the dirt, so a bird can go choke on it.
  7. Only a handful of voice actors are going to monopolize the market, and when their voices are used in harmful ways, would they even care if they got their pockets full? This is a greedy move for sure and this is a good example of when leaders in their profession fail at upholding standards and competition. YongYea is right by saying that every time someone even tries to explain NFT, it always just sounds the same and cultish. I've also thought the same about it. Not one person can ever explain the benefits of NFT without sounding like a used car salesman who knows that junk is gonna fall apart when you leave the parking lot. It's always a bit eery, like those old days selling you motor oil for hiccups. Are we still that stupid? Guess every generation is. It's always when we need diversity and people want diversity, when the complete opposite like this advances. How many voices can Troy actually do? Might as well have character NFT too where they all look alike, and just change the skin color.
  8. We have something special for supper. It's fresh!
  9. So far I've got Mafia, Sleeping Dogs, and Watch Dogs Legion. I want to try some of the older GTA, Saints Row, and Watch Dogs. I'm really enjoying the change of scenery in Sleeping Dogs and the beautiful Hong Kong setting. Once I finish Mafia, I plan on playing Mafia 2 and 3. A lot of these games are remastered for the ps4, but some in the GTA series I might settle for the ps2 and ps3 version. And if I go the way of ps2, then I might as well play True Crime. I've played Godfather, so I might try Godfather 2. There is another fun looking game called Total Overdose I'd like to try. I don't know how many games I'll be able to tackle because open worlds take longer to play.
  10. That's interesting. I don't know the history of GTA; but I am now aware that GTA went dark in 4. It isn't as much captivating as 5.
  11. They probably asked the same question when automobiles came out. Maybe headsets will come with a replaceable pack of Scopalamine.
  12. Here is some music from Blood and Wine DLC while playing Gwent. Pretty music!!! It's nice to play Gwent with this music in the background. went
  13. GTA 4 is a bit gloomy and depressing. It needs a bit of life in there. Brighten up the streets and improve the color. It seems every time I play it, it's always too dark. The driving mechanics slides too much when you brake. The fighting is completely asinine. But the story is pretty good. The game greatly lacks the humor GTA 5 has. So lighten it up a bit in every way if they remaster it.
  14. My preference for games has dramatically changed already for 2022 because I've become obsessed with non racing open world driving games. I plan on broadening my horizons in that genre.
  15. Decision based games do that. Sometimes they don't give good options and you are stuck making a decision you wouldn't even make that results in a bad consequence. And then you feel guilty for it as if you made an immoral decision when you wouldn't have chose those only options. Some games have random encounters where you can help someone. I feel like a jackass just ignoring it. I'll never finish the game if I try to be a saint.
  16. The only hospital games I want to play are bodies rising from the dead
  17. That’s a trick question because today there are many people following in his footsteps straight out of a playbook.
  18. I don’t know why, but I have both ps4 boxes and all wrappings for both my ps4’s and a ps3 box for my ps3. I think it looks better with a box in case you want to sell your console, but I don’t plan on selling mine. So why the boxes? I think it’s a hoarding issue.
  19. It's likely to get to that point especially the coming wave of intrusive abuse in VR that's going to get out of hand. And when it does they will look for solutions. I don't know how they will separate the network users in a household. If you think about it, allowing a bunch of strangers to gather online and hear each other chat like chickens is just a recipe for disaster. I don't see how it's possible to fix the monster they created even by banning them. Cause everyday there is a new person to take their place.
  20. Mafia and Sleeping Dogs I'm hooked on GTA style driving games for 2022. I want them all. I got the juice
  21. @StaceyPowers and @Shagger I think addiction vs compulsion is a good topic

    1. Shagger


      I agree, but this this is now moderation issue. Please say out of it for now.

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