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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. Cooping theory; but I think that's all it is, is just a theory. Supposedly he was found unconscious by a polling place on election day. They say it's because of his alcoholism. But this was also during a time when people would kidnap others, drug them, and force them to vote multiple times.
  2. He does carry on a bit without a clear focus on the plot, but how he creates the worlds and characters with that level of depth would spark great things in the gaming environment. I think the series might be too intimidating to try and tackle as a game because there is so much material to work with.
  3. I think Omicron has to do with it. If students are still forced to go to school without protocols, then all their health and family gets jeopardized. You can only hope the school boards are in good hands and not putting lives at risk for political points because those people are also voted in, which has been a problem during all this.
  4. When they die, researchers need to get a sample of their DNA from the morgue in order to make an antiidiotic.
  5. I'm pretty impressed with the remastered version on ps4. You are right, the fighting is pretty good. The scenery of the city of Hong Kong is pretty intriguing to me. It's got a reaching story and awesome soundtrack for the radio that I need to look up. People are just plain nuts not to make a series out of Sleeping Dogs.
  6. Their parasitism is so deep into their brain, they no longer have control over their hazardous mutated viral DNA. They are now at the stage of replicating their viral load with these more advanced mutations and driven to infect as many as possible. They can no longer control their consciousness. They are simply a host now being subconsciously driven by their viral compromised proteins. They are the more advanced strain of parasitic humans, which have evolved from the anti environmentalists, pro coal and oil, anti regulations, pro racism, and everything in between. As we witness their pro 'shedding' stage, we can only steer clear of those human parasites as much as we can if we want to survive this DSUP or 'Devolved Sub-Human Pandemic.'
  7. Maybe Covid affected release dates and a decrease in the number of hit games, but it had nothing to do with all the workplace controversies and broken games. There really is no excuse for that. If they would rather release a game that isn't really ready just to make contract, then those publishers should take blame if they think punctuality is more important than quality, especially in the covid era.
  8. The sales of Plague Inc. were definitely boosted because of coronavirus. China even banned the game in 2020 and it was one of the most popular selling apps in China. There was a 'fake news' update to the game where part of spreading the virus in simulation was to spread misinformation, which I think is why China banned it because they don't want that idea to spread into people's minds. But I think instead of fearing that issue, people should learn from it. Why anyone would want to become an ecoterrorist during covid is not part of my human comprehension. It would be interesting to have a simulation game like that but more story based.
  9. It's for the best. Delete all my political posts so nazis don't hunt me later
  10. I hope your friend gets the help they need 🤞and you are a good friend for caring.
  11. I hope they do without getting caught. Every time they talk, there should be moaning noises. Remember Fight Club when he rigged movies to show a split second of porn and the audience wasn't quite sure they actually saw it, but they know they did. All government meetings need to be hacked to do that. Make it dirty too with golden showers. You know them old fake prudes love that stuff.
  12. I looked it up hahaha. We need more humor like that in the world
  13. Nope, I can't wrap my head around comments like this when most murders and terrorists attacks happen by right wingers. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jul/27/us-rightwing-extremists-attacks-deaths-database-leftwing-antifa https://www.csis.org/analysis/escalating-terrorism-problem-united-states Fact check: left-wing violence in the United States A new database by the Center for Strategic and International studies analyzed nearly 900 politically motivated plots and attacks in the US 0 Victims killed in anti-fascist attacks since 1994 21 Victims killed in left-wing violence since 2010 95 Victims killed in jihadist attacks since 2010 117 Victims killed in right-wing violence since 2010 329 Victims killed in right-wing violence since 1994
  14. Yes, R.A. Salvatore from the Legend of Drizzt series. He even has a son he wrote some books with which is pretty awesome to share that with. Drizzt is a beloved character in the D&D/Forgotten Realms universe. And also Steven Erikson from the Malazan series. His imagination would bring very unique lore to the gaming world, which I think could become something as big as the Forgotten Realms.
  15. Why are you posting such a highly political link? Whatever point you are trying to make just got washed away by having to read through a bunch of political crap.
  16. I think we all should be concerned with the monopolization of the gaming world because Microsoft and Amazon are on that path. Then Meta getting in on it makes those big three a force that is going to cost us all a lot more to game in the future. It's never a good idea when a corporation can buy up who they want and eliminate competition, at the same time being a publisher and make consoles. And when the gaming world gets consolidated, you get more anti unionization which worsens the work environment, and then as a consumer you have to be even more aware of where corporate lobbying money is going. The gaming world sure is ripe for power grabs and exploitation because it's a profitable industry especially since Covid has actually boosted that market with more gamers.
  17. hahaahaha But where did it all go??? Maybe it's memory foam and learned to stay flat. Do the instructions say to rotate the bean bag? Or excessive heat will destroy the beans?
  18. Deism I think is the correct way to describe that which is a step more than agnostic, but not quite religious.
  19. That's because some people can be agnostic or just simply believe in a deity without being a part of something organized. Alcoholics usually go through that agnostic stage because what happens when they stop drinking is really life changing in every way and you get back life and eat better, which the body and mind has been severely deprived from. And even then many times they further reach out to religion and those people are more genuine in their spirituality than someone born into it.
  20. The 12 steps in Alcoholics Anonymous are spiritual principles. It gives guidance and humility in a powerless situation. You really can't change your life without embracing spirituality and that has nothing to do with organized religion, although some may even embrace it. Spirituality to me is the energies of nature.
  21. I would love to see more exotic chopper style bikes in games. Put some turbo on it and viola! Then hit the slow mo button to watch it glide as it turns...
  22. There are assassin side missions in Watch Dogs Legion which brilliantly ties the two together. I want to see more of that; just feels like a dream come true. It came as a surprise to me when the missions became available. But it just fits in so perfectly with the assassins vs the templars and democracy vs tyranny, with reference to AC Syndicate which takes place in late 1800's London whereas WDL is a futuristic London. Thanks for that surprise Ubisoft! I think this really is going to be a revolution to gaming what Ubisoft is doing and with all the new features in gaming that Watch Dogs Legion has. I think they should really tie in the two series. If Assassin's Creed had a futuristic setting, then WDL would be the perfect example of it. And by all means, I don't mean to assume WDL is just like AC at all; because there is so much more to Watch dogs Legion that sets it apart. And pretty much sets it apart from any game. I think WDL has the best take on any futuristic setting in any game made. Well, my gaming world got whole lot interesting.
  23. I bet that's the reason why they kept Kotick on was because they were negotiating with Microsoft and didn't want to seem like all the accusations were true by getting rid of him. They probably could have gotten even more money if that controversy wasn't there. Microsoft would still have to clean house, and how many of the original employees would be left? So Activision might be entirely new and with different talent. Could go either way. They could even keep all the scumbags that made the workplace toxic.
  24. The way I see it depends on the big three hits coming out in February; Dying Light 2, Horizon Forbidden West and Elden Ring. If any of those come out broken, then we can expect broken games to be the new norm of incompetency. 2022 is gonna be a highly toxic year in general, so those companies that have controversy will either embolden their toxic workplace or get torn up in the media. The year is going to be ugly, just hope the games coming out aren't. The world is a lit match. Entertainment isn't going to float on a magic carpet, it gets in the crossfire. Add in console shortage and NFT, the changing atmosphere of gaming is going to be a clash of greed and consumerism. Which will win out in 2022?
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