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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. I will as long as my body can carry me, so I can't be able to put a date on it till I notice otherwise. Unless something that's going to be too challenging for me not to still have time for playing games, then I will give up.
  2. I highly doubt that I would be able to appreciate the game better with the audio/sound cut off. I have never thought of doing that ever.
  3. I guessed as much too that would have been the reason why most found the 4th edition of Twisted Metal to be that easier compared to the rest. How long did it take you to complete the game? It took me about 38 hours.
  4. You see that human choice how it can be very ironical. Some people are wishing for the dead of NFTs and your wishing them longevity. Where does that leave us?
  5. Forza Horizon 5, Gears of War 4 and Halo Infinite are three good AAA games that features cross play which I love playing whenever I get the chance to play.
  6. Boblee

    COD Mobile

    It's not 14 Tiers but 20 free Tiers of content and two functional weapons although it's still 30 short of what you get from the Premium version of the Battle Pass.
  7. Do you think that switching to 2D in the game would help to eliminate how that miss of counter attacks happens since it was way better in 2D before?
  8. $200 for the Nintendo Switch Lite. It's not even that expensive. Thank you for the update. I'll be getting it for my niece. She deserves the best.
  9. It cost them a lot to fix all the bugs and glitches the game came with for years but it was definitely worth fixing because they couldn't have possibly left the game for ruin. Now, we are enjoying the game as it should have been.
  10. One good thing is that the DLC's in the Monster Hunter III Ultimate are all for free. Do you have the game yet? I'm still stuck with Monster Hunter Rise DLC Pack 3.
  11. You probably missed out on MotorStorm RC because it's on the list. Although, it's a PS3 racing game and you have PS3, so you can still play it.
  12. You're a fan of Michael Jackson and that's why you were influenced. Someone who ain't his fan wouldn't care about him being used in the game.
  13. I love headshot kills. The way the theatrics is done when they drop dead gives me adrenaline rush. Though, it's not easy perfecting headshot kills. If you're not good, it takes you longer time to get it done and properly get you eliminated too.
  14. That's nice. I think your habit of buying is something that's worth copying and it's all about knowing exactly what to buy so you don't dump your money into a game that's not going mean anything to gamers in the future.
  15. I hope that I never get to experience that in the game because I'm not sure if I would be able to bear it. I know the kind of challenges I'm facing already, to add that type of bug to make me lose a final in that way, it's going to hurt.
  16. It's the Heist that I pull off in GTA online that I enjoy so much in the game. It gives me a little bit of touch with what they did in the movie Money heist. Did they make any games on the movie yet?
  17. It's why I'm even interested in playing that particular Gangstar game Vegas. It gives me the same feeling I get when I play GTA on my console. It's a good alternative to GTA series for me.
  18. There are some teams that I'm paired against, when I see their squad strength, I know that it's a lost cause. There is no way for me to beat them.
  19. What's the most difficult side quest you have played in the game? I haven't gotten to that part of Curse Of Uchitsune yet.
  20. She's so cute tbvh 😊. It's even what I'm interested in. I love baby girls so much 😍.
  21. It was why the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in one of his press conferences that the only way Russia will take Kyiv would be over their dead bodies, that they were never going to surrender the city to them alive.
  22. It's just the game applications on my smartphone that takes up much of the storage space. If I need more free, I would just uninstall a few games especially the one's on GB size.
  23. It's already mapped out in our schedule of playing. It's not like we plan it when we meet. It's already there, so whenever me meet up, it's taking it up that remains.
  24. They probably felt that the game being on yearly releases makes it being too rushed or they have their hands full to still continue it on yearly releases which is added work for them. There is no way to tell which one till we have another release of the realistic sim large scale shooting game.
  25. If you ask me, I think they should have made it optional for gamers to choose on using the White Phosphorus in that situation.
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