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  1. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from Steffan in Amazon Prime Gaming   
    That's the first time I'm getting this information, I'm too late to grab this, even when this thread existed since January this year. I'll reactivate my twitch account since it is connected with Amazon prime. I'll see how it works, this might be my next go to streaming video game platform, or a place to look out for free to play games. 
  2. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from Ajibusu in Games that you wished were on a PlayStation console.. but aren't?   
    With the Xbox is going, I wouldn't think it can come over to play station anytime. Xbox are just seeking for monopoly, they want to be the leading gaming company around, and relegating others as chasing packs. 
  3. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from killamch89 in Share your crazy stories about MMO economies   
    The harder it is to gather resources the more likely you have it only in the hands of a few people who could decide to sell it at an outrageous Price unless you are suggesting that resources should be made too hard to gather and yet too low in value to even bother about gathering them.
  4. Thanks
    Justin11 got a reaction from Ajibusu in Hades fans, sell me on Hades   
    I like how  beating a level gives you options to choose which level you would like to get in next and the benefits of beating that level.
    I like straight forward game play where you know where you are going and how you could get there, less puzzles , maybe a few difficult bosses but nothing as hard as what you find in dark souls or sekiro shadows die twice.
  5. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from Family sedan in Last Game Played   
    I had a swell time today playing Gran Turismo 7 on my PlayStation 4.
  6. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from Family sedan in I've just purchased WRC 9.   
    I have played WRC 8 ,I was considering getting the wrc 10 rather than 9 because I heard it's much more better than wrc 8 and 9 combined.
    Has anyone played the wrc 10?
  7. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from killamch89 in Do you see Liverpool FC becoming the first English team winning the quadruple this season (2021/2022)?   
    In their last match against City, their was a ball he ought to have dragged back to his teammate that is closer to him, instead he decided to square tbe ball to a player in the other flank, that was how the goal eluded his team. But to say, Nunez's form aren't bad, the kid has about four goals in the league and remember he hasn't played much, he's just coming through three match suspension. 
  8. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from killamch89 in Songs You Remember From Your Childhood   
  9. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from Akun in General Gaming Discussion   
    If only I was as Interested in anime games as you are, the issue is I can't even get hold of one even if I try to because of how little they are displayed on stores close to me.
    Maybe In the future I might get into anime games since I enjoy watching anime as well.
  10. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from Knight Plug in Silent Hill fans can finally rejoice!   
    A good blend of horror and adventure, though I am not into survival horror games but I did enjoy playing silent Hill 2 which in my opinion is the best sequel from the franchise.
  11. Like
    Justin11 reacted to killamch89 in Premier League 2022/2023 discussions   
    You know, it'd be funny if Erling Halaand has a record-breaking season and Man City doesn't win anything this season. We all know they're not winning the Champion's League and the Premier League finally looks way more competitive with Arsenal really stepping up this season.
  12. Like
    Justin11 reacted to killamch89 in UEFA Champions League season 2022/23 Talk   
    Honestly, I'm far more worried for Barcelona - Unless they beat Bayern and hope that Inter losses to them and draws with the other team, Barca will end up in the Europa League for the second year in a row. With the summer they had, they need to be doing better than that - for heavens sake, why does he insists on playing Busquets when we can all see he's finished, Frenkie has done a far better job in his role but Xavi just keeps him on the bench. Furthermore, Xavi keeps making Raphinha and Dembele stay wide instead of cutting inside and shooting and also interchanging positions. Barca are performing way below expectation with the quality of the squad they have.
  13. Thanks
    Justin11 got a reaction from Ajibusu in If You Have A PS4.. Do This Right Now   
    Yes, the narrator, narrated everything according, with simple tenses, that's why I was able to get the real facts. I've corrected the effects of lagging on my PS4, I'm enjoying my game like never before. 
  14. Like
    Justin11 reacted to Akun in Will video games still exist in 1,000 years? Or even 100?   
    I just haven't seen any real signs that gaming would fade out at this time. Even with the advent of VRs, non-VR gaming is still relevant and has a big market. Consoles are still selling well despite the PS5's struggle with exclusive games. The PC hasn't really changed much from the 2000s aside from better graphics (longer than that if you count MS DOS as a "PC"), and I have a feeling it's going to be the longest survivor if gaming does become dated in the future, especially with how much we use the PC for a variety of activities besides gaming.
    I do see VRs as the big thing in the future though, but as much hype as I'm hearing about it, I'm just personally unimpressed by the tech. It feels like one of those technology where it feels like sci-fi, but still feels pretty grounded and contemporary in the same way cars still feel grounded and contemporary (unlike the flying cars of sci-fi films). Until I see something truly groundbreaking and revolutionary like holodecks (where I can literally smell the flowers and touch the grass in a game), I just don't feel the "technological change" in the industry yet from my gaming experience in the 2000s/2010s.
    As for whether gaming itself will become irrelevant regardless of the VRs' existence... unlikely. People will always need a hobby and something to kill time, going as far back as the cave-drawings of the Stone Age. We've just become more advanced in our leisure time beyond painting in caves. I haven't really seen the next big thing in leisure yet, unless you want to count the problematic Metaverse, so I think gaming will still be around for at least... optimistically speaking, the next 50 years.
    100 years is a more challenging gauge to measure though. I'll grant you that, at the very least, over the last two decades, how we live as a society has changed a lot, so who knows with the following century. And in the past century, technology has definitely improved exponentially. To quote a deleted scene from the movie, Prometheus, "20th Century: the automobile, television, nuclear weapons, spacecrafts, Internet. 21st Century: biotech, nanotech, fusion and fission and M-theory - and that was just the first decade." So yeah, technology has advanced on a far more incremental pace than ever, so who knows with the next century?
    But I still stand by my stance that gaming inherently wouldn't really go out of style, nor will people's need for leisure disappear. Perhaps we might see a new form of gaming in the future. Well, I wouldn't see because I'd be dead. Our children would, but I wouldn't know. lol
  15. Like
    Justin11 reacted to DC in Enter the VGR Pumpkin Carving Contest for a Chance to Win Cash or Points   
    Getting ready to carve your pumpkin? For a chance to win cash or points, enter the VGR pumpkin carving contest.
    To enter, just carve any gaming-related design you want into your pumpkin together with the letters “VGR.” Then, snap a photo to share with us here in this thread by October 30.
    All members of the VGR community will then have a chance to vote for the winner.
    The first place winner will receive $25 via an Amazon gift card.
    All other participants will receive 1,000 points (which can be redeemed via Bid for Rewards) just for taking part in the contest.
    If you have any questions about the VGR pumpkin carving contest, you can post them here or PM me.
    While you are at it, you will want to drop by our Trick or Treat thread where you can participate daily for a chance to win a trick or a treat! Happy Halloween, everyone!
  16. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from Akun in Songs You Remember From Your Childhood   
  17. Like
    Justin11 reacted to DC in Trick or Treat - Participate Daily   
    The prize for yesterday's participants was 20 Points. @Techno @Crazycrab @Justin11
    Be sure respond to this thread with "Trick or Treat" everyday.
  18. Like
    Justin11 reacted to DC in Trick or Treat - Participate Daily   
    Congrats you won a $5 Amazon Gift Card. I'm surprised that you were the only Trick or Treater yesterday. PM me the email address you want the code sent to.
    Be sure respond to this thread with "Trick or Treat" everyday.
  19. Like
    Justin11 reacted to Kane99 in Ideal length for a game?   
    More so the time you get out of the game versus how much you put into it. For me, I just want the game to have a decent enough story, gameplay, etc, but for it to last a fair deal of time before I call it quits. Like, if I was spending $70 for a game, I'd hope it doesn't have just a simple 4-6 hour story mode. If I'm paying high price for a game, it better have enough content for me to enjoy. I think the shorter the story, or game in general, it should be priced accordingly. Like Stray for example, that game came out priced at $30 if I'm not mistaken, and it was relatively short. Which is fair. If it was priced at $60-$70, idk if I would have agreed with that price point for the amount of game there is. 
    Most short games tend to go for cheaper prices anyway, so I'm not too worried about it. 
  20. Like
    Justin11 reacted to Shagger in If you could spend a day in any video game universe, which would you choose?   
    So given the choice to spend time in any video game universe you want with thousands of amazing and unique fantasy's to explore and you two would choose to spend time in the reality we actually live in...

  21. Like
    Justin11 reacted to DC in Trick or Treat - Participate Daily   
    @Techno, @Justin11, @Shagger, @The Blackangel - 25 Points awarded to everyone.
    Be sure respond to this thread with "Trick or Treat" everyday.
  22. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from Kyng in Chec-Kyng in!   
    You're welcome "CJ", we are happy to have you here. We'll be happy seeing you communicating often and bringing your experience too. 
  23. Like
    Justin11 reacted to Kane99 in Xbox gamepass made Microsoft a ton in 2021   
    Microsoft recently revealed how much Gamepass has made them for the year of 2021, and it's a pretty big price tag. They made $2.9 billion from gamepass on consoles in 2021. But Xbox gaming made a total of $16.28 billion for the year of 2021. 
    Looks like Gamepass is paying off for them right now. 
  24. Like
    Justin11 got a reaction from DC in Share your VGR experience!   
    DC is trying his best to keep VGR busy and interesting. It will be hard to find VGR less fun, anytime I'm here, I find new enticing threads to comment on. The bid for reward is there, admin gift users here free games just for posting around the forums. You can't see this kind of feature rampant in other communities. My experience here in the past 365 has been tremendous, and I'll be for a very long time. 
  25. Like
    Justin11 reacted to DC in Ask DC   
    Focusing on creating new content, introducing top tier moderators, continuation of Bid for Rewards, new contests like Trick or Treat, SEO, strategic partnerships with other forums and websites, posting on other gaming forums with VGR promotional graphics and clickable links in my signature, etc.
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