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    Head_Hunter reacted to Shagger in Does epic games give out too many free games?   
    Fortnite is free-to-play anyway.
  2. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to Heatman in Do you process games in your subconscious before executing your strategy?   
    Yeah, and funny enough there are so many educational video games out there. So, it's part of their learning too. 
  3. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to Boblee in Do you process games in your subconscious before executing your strategy?   
    Once you work hard and smart enough, you will get the money. There is a structure to make money from and knowing how to enjoy the money especially for your kids is another thing. 
  4. Haha
    Head_Hunter reacted to Kane99 in Do you process games in your subconscious before executing your strategy?   
    Game addiction is a real thing. I know some kids who need to take long breaks from gaming. My nephew is probably one of them. Every time he comes over to my house, he steals my PC and plays for hours. I've been cutting him off after an hour or two. 
  5. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to Boblee in VGR Member of the Month - January 2022   
    Thanks to you all, but it's not official till it's made official by one and only...😉.. 
  6. Like
    Head_Hunter got a reaction from Boblee in What games did much better than you ever would have expected?   
    GTA trilogy will always be remembered for me, as a game with high expectations, but later disappointed. 
  7. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to Shagger in I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...   
    @Candy Stick I would regard the truth that you only ever talk an out Resident Evil and haven't little to nothing on any other thread to be a little concerning, but that doesn't change the fact doing so is well within the rules.
    So @Crazycrab, please lay off him. If that is what he want to talk about then that's what he wants to talk about, it's not up to you, me or anyone else where his interests lie. Beside, it's not like @Candy Stick is bumping the topic all on his own, there are several people who post on it. I get what your saying and I do agree that @Candy Stick should branch out a little more, but I'm not going to lock this topic just because you feel it's run it's course.
  8. Like
    Head_Hunter got a reaction from Heatman in VGR Member of the Month - January 2022   
    I knew boblee will be winning this one, he's been madly active ever since I came here. I am not surprised he led with wider margin. Simply wait for DC to announce your imminent winning. 
  9. Thanks
    Head_Hunter got a reaction from Knight Plug in I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...   
    What matters is that, anyone is copying each other. Capcom have made quite long list of wonderful games in the past especially Monster Hunter, Street fighter, notably RE. Recently their games have look off the shadow, just the way EA is running. 
  10. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to Heatman in Best game of the generation so far (PS4/XBox One Era)?   
    That's completely true, someone would come and tell you that it's FIFA 22 that's the best game of this generation for him and it's what it is for him. 
  11. Haha
    Head_Hunter reacted to The Blackangel in VGR Member of the Month - January 2022   
    Her. I'm female.
  12. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to DC in VGR Member of the Month - January 2022   
    @Kane99 @Heatman @Boblee @Withywarlock @Darth @kingpotato @StaceyPowers
    Please cast your vote in the poll above for this month's Member of the Month. The winner will receive $5 USD delivered via Paypal or Amazon digital giftcard.
    Member of the Month is generally awarded to the individual who had the biggest impact on the VGR Forum. This is generally in the form of contributing the most amount of posts in terms of quantity and/or quality, but can extend to referrals/promotion and other efforts to benefit the community.
    Voting closes February 5th at 10pm EST. You may vote for yourself and you are encouraged to ask your friends to sign-up to VGR and vote for you!
  13. Haha
    Head_Hunter got a reaction from Heatman in What games could have been much better if there were one simple change?   
    That's cool man, you went deeper to get the information. I came into existence in 2002, so, I was three years then when God of war series came into live. 
  14. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to StaceyPowers in VGR Member of the Month - January 2022 Nominations   
    I've won it in the past, and I don't have a habit of bowing out, but it is true I'd prefer someone else to win.
  15. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to The Blackangel in VGR Member of the Month - January 2022 Nominations   
    I believe that everyone who is nominated is in the running, unless @DC has changed the rules recently and I didn't catch it. So far there are 7 people in the running. Unless someone bows out. The only person I can see doing that, or who may not be an able candidate is @StaceyPowers, but that's only because she works for VGR.
  16. Like
    Head_Hunter got a reaction from StaceyPowers in VGR Member of the Month - January 2022 Nominations   
    If so, then I think @StaceyPowers deserves it, due to her quality threads being helpful to the community. 
  17. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to Boblee in What websites do you use to get in depth game details?   
    There are lots of such video games forums where you can follow up on gaming discussions and news which VGR is among them on the list. 
  18. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to Crazycrab in VGR Member of the Month - January 2022 Nominations   
    I'd like to nominate @Kane99, he's not only contributed a lot of posts and topics but he clearly puts thought and effort into them.
  19. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to The Blackangel in Born in misery, lived in misery, died in misery. Happy birthday anyway.   
    I will most likely forget tomorrow, so I want to wish a happy birthday to a man whom I have admired for as long as I can remember.
    Happy birthday to Edgar Allen Poe.
    Born January 19, 1809 
    Died October 7, 1849
    May he find the peace in death that eluded him in life.
    And the raven, never flitting
    Still is sitting, STILL is sitting, on the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door 
    And his eyes have all the seeming of a daemon that is dreaming
    And the lamplight o’er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor 
    And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor shall be lifted
  20. Haha
    Head_Hunter got a reaction from Heatman in Games where you're small like a mouse   
    I got you, it's a mobile Android phone game. But it's kinda interesting, even if it is made smaller as in character wise.
  21. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to StaceyPowers in Games that do really well with typically annoying things?   
    Are there games you can think of that do a really good job with things that you typically don’t like in games?
    Like, for example, if you find fetch quests annoying, is there a game that actually makes fetch quests fun? Etc.
  22. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to Boblee in I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...   
    You are not even well informed or updated if I'm to use that word. They are facing more than one lawsuit. 
    Take your time and read through their lawsuit on copyright infringement. 
  23. Thanks
    Head_Hunter reacted to Boblee in Do you feel awkward playing again with wired controllers after using wireless ones?   
    Thanks to the heavens for saving your life. Personally, I'm getting the remaining jabs for my vaccine for the Covid19. I have delayed it long enough. 
  24. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to StaceyPowers in Did you ever buy a game and resell it before ever playing it?   
    I think people pick up things when they're on major discounts "just in case" sometimes, only to never really decide to play them.
  25. Like
    Head_Hunter reacted to Shagger in It's my 40th today.   
    Take some solace in the fact that woman age like a fine wine. Men age like beer that's been sitting out.
    Happy Birthday!
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