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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. Outlast isn't bad. I have Outlast 1 & 2 downloaded on my Switch. They're good games. The problem is that it seems the only reason it's considered a horror game is due to jump scares. At least that's my take on it. But I'm also more into the psychological kind of horror games, so I may be a bit biased.
  2. Is anyone really all that surprised by this? Microsoft is as shady as it gets. They make a lot of asinine moves that literally make no sense whatsoever. This is just another attempt to keep people locked in and paying their obscene rates for their shit. It's part of the reason that I rarely touch my Xbox. @Rain Dew got it for me because there was one game I wanted on it. Then later I found the game on Steam so now I play it on my computer.
  3. Typically not so much, unless it's here where I live. We have tornadoes and flash floods quite a bit. Luckily @Rain Dew and I live in a house that's uphill in our neighborhood, so the only flooding we would get was if it was a repeat of '93. In 1995 I watched tornadoes hit a town that was about 10 miles away on the fourth. There were 4 of them that kept coming down and going up. They were F1's and F2's. So they weren't very big or powerful. Enough to screw up trees and break windows. That was about it. I have a video from someone who lived in that town that was outside filming it. Their commentary was somewhat comical, but other than that, it was just another tornado video. Nothing big.
  4. In today’s gaming world, story lines are more important than anything. In the early days, story lines weren’t a big thing. Games were linear, and completely ended with you turned the system iff. Very few held any kind of progress. Yes, games had a goal. But times have changed. Games are bigger, with infinite possibilities and design capabilities. If there was no story, the game would fail instantly.
  5. Having grown up as an only child, I got so used to playing alone that I grew to prefer playing solo for all games. Regardless of what game it is, I play alone.
  6. Also, you have to remember that a lot of times special content is limited only to physical copies of games. For example, there’s a lot of special content in RDR2 that is only available through either the special edition or ultimate edition. It’s the only way to get the code that unlocks it.
  7. PS Plus was too expensive for me. But the majority of of it the games were great titles. Typically not my style, but then again I thought the same thing about RDR2 as well. Until @Rain Dew introduced me to it that is.
  8. The reason I use a GBASP as opposed to the original GB has one main reason. It’s rechargeable as opposed to using batteries. The original GB drained batteries FAST. So, instead of buying batteries all the damn time, I just plug it in and give it time to recharge.
  9. It looks like a dick hanging upside down to me.
  10. If they honestly think that going after the cartels in Mexico is going to solve the problem, they have obviously never heard of Colombia or Pablo Escobar.
  11. One of the sickest things in this case, is that all across the country his Nazi’s are photoshopping their own faces into mug shots from his. As if a mug shot is a pledge to fondle his old floppy nuts when they break into prison because he told them to.
  12. Personally, I wasn’t a fan of the Game Cube. The only reason is solely the controller. But the GC did have a lot of great games. My personal favorite two were Zelda 4 Swords, and Soul Calibur II. I had been playing SC2 since it had debuted in the arcades. I was a massive killer with Kilik. But having Link as a player character was a huge bonus. If/When I play any GC games I tended to just run it on my Wii. But then again, I haven’t played either system in probably 15 years.
  13. I can't argue with much that you said, but I'm feeling like I'm seeing a different trailer than you. The graphics in the one I'm seeing are pretty realistic, if you ask me. And the lighter issue just adds another element to the anxiety. Especially since a light will give off just a little big of light. Not enough to really see anything if it isn't right up on you. I think the game looks promising. I'll probably end up picking it when it finally drops.
  14. For those of us who are fans of horror games, which of these on this short list have you played, and which was your favorite? My favorite of the ones listed is by far Layers Of Fear. That game is such a mindfuck, that you have to play it at night, with all the lights and sounds off to really experience the game. That's what I do, anyway.
  15. It looks interesting, but I just wonder if it truly is capable of what it's claiming. Could it handle AAA games like Skyrim and RDR2? I'm skeptical, but I'm sure I'm not the only one. Considering that I don't neither need nor want it, I'll wait and see how it does before making any decisions on whether I would consider buying or not.
  16. My first computer was a 286, with a hard drive of 2g. It used 5¼ floppy's and could only run Dot Matrix programs. It had a couple fun games on it, but nothing spectacular. At the time though, a 2g hard drive was huge, both physically and in it's storage capacity. People didn't use them for much other than printing out documents. And that was the printer paper that had the hole strips on the sides, so the printer could move forward on the page. This was before the internet was even invented. The internet didn't exist until I was a teenager. I would guess it was around the time I was 16 or 17 when the internet came out.
  17. I have 3 or 4 Atari 2600's at the moment. And no, they're not the flashback shit. They're the real thing. While the Colecovision was the first system I owned, Atari 2600 was the first one I ever played. But considering that it's older than even me, they're often difficult to get to work. Work or not, I'll never own any kind of flashback system. I want to keep my lunch down.
  18. It was my first game system. I played it for years, clear up into the NES era. When the NES came out, I wanted one so bad, and when I finally got one, I abandoned my Colecovision. I regret that now. I would pick one up op eBay, but I just can't spare the money. They cost more now than they did new.
  19. What game(s) do you think caused the most outrage? I remember Mortal Kombat causing a lot of conservative parents to completely lose it to the point that Nintendo censored it by turning the blood to sweat. You still get the blood on Sega though. Another is GTA. I read reports that said parents wanted it banned outright because they said it was teaching their kids to be criminals. Fantasy games aren't immune to this either. Many evangelical parents said that games like Zelda and Castlevania would make their children turn from god, start practicing witchcraft, and worship Satan. I'm sitting here reading this shit and thinking "Who the fuck comes up with this shit? It's a goddamn game." Then there's war games like CoD. The violence in it and killing people left and right makes then think their kids will become serial killers. If they want a game that portrays anything like that, then they should steer of one of my personal favorites: Hatred
  20. Sounds like me. I only gamble with my life, never my money.
  21. Steam offers a lot of games that we'll never see on Nintendo like Hatred and party games like Jackbox Games. But Nintendo has a lot of exclusives as well. So it really depends on where your interests lie. As for me personally, I tend to prefer my Switch.
  22. The Blackangel

    Gaming mouse?

    This is the one I use. It came with my computer, the same as my keyboard. One thing I really like about it is the two small buttons on the side that allow me to go back and forth without having to go to the actual back/forward buttons in the window of what I'm viewing.
  23. I still don't understand exactly how NFT's even work. My understanding is that you sell something that doesn't even exist. Like I could say the phrase "farting monkey" and sell that as an NFT. In simple terms that a toddler could understand, would someone please explain to me how NFT's even work and what the hell is the point of them? Aside from making money.
  24. He's facing 91 felonies. Yes, literally 91. With that many, it's guaranteed that he will be convicted for at least one of them. If it's only one conviction, I hope it's the most serious one that would get him the most prison time out of them all. He's so arrogant, that he honestly thinks he's superior to everyone, and everything. He views himself as some sort of god. Like he's the second coming, or some other bullshit. He's the only President in American history to have been impeached twice and face a massive felony count after leaving office. Or any felonies for that matter. He's finished. He's toast. But at least we know he has no problem wearing orange.
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