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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. I've been meaning to make this topic for a while, but keep forgetting. What have you all seen in a game that is, in your eyes at least, completely pointless? The biggest one that sticks out for me is in RDR2 (story mode). We all know what kind of game it is, and how vulgar it is. The language the characters use would make a sailor blush. Yet when naming your horse there's a profanity blocker. Considering the way they talk to each other, and how you can taunt NPC's, why the hell would they even consider that when developing the game? And it's pretty crazy. I wanted to name my horse Prometheus a while back, and the profanity blocker denied it. The only thing I can think of that triggered it is in the middle of the name where it says "meth". What the hell is up with this? It has to be the most useless, pointless thing I've ever seen in a game. You can tell someone to "fuck off asshole" but can't name your horse Butt Nugget. Neither I nor @Rain Dew can figure out exactly what they were thinking. And it's such a small part of the game, so we're left wondering why they would even care. I can guarantee there's a lot of people who play that can't remember the name of their horses. @Rain Dew often doesn't even bother naming them and just leaves it as the default from the game. "Horse" isn't a particularly flattering name, but it doesn't affect the horse's performance. Luckily I found a name that to me at least is appropriate for my horse that the damn profanity blocker didn't block me. Considering I call her this constantly, I named her Stupid.
  2. Anyone who had a meal? I ate some nasty pizza. It was actually the best thanksgiving I’ve had in the last 20 years or so.
  3. They're usually trying to prove how "brave" and "strong" they are. Typically it's men doing this shit. If you're not a zoologist of some kind, or involved in animal studies, you have no business playing with a copperhead. Even then, you should be careful as hell. Hunting is in it's own boat, as you're trying to kill the animal in question. But otherwise, just leave them the hell alone.
  4. You can call this honor if you want, but for the few people that I actually do care about, there is nothing I won't do to protect them. If I have to kill to ensure their safety, I will kill. I will go to prison with my head held high. If I have to die to protect them, then I'll die. I only ask my ashes be spread in some place that is special to me. With @Rain Dew if she is in trouble that could result in prison time, I will step in and claim responsibility so that she doesn't go to prison. If you think I'm insane for this, that's fine by me. If you think I'm honorable, that's fine too. I don't seek honor, nor do I reject it. I don't consider myself any kind of warrior, but there is no limit to what I will do to protect the very few that I care about.
  5. I'm always extremely suspicious of anything that comes free of charge. Nothing makes me more suspicious than an unsolicited compliment.
  6. There's no such thing as "miracles". There's good fortune, good luck, and coincidence. But as for a divine miracle, that's pure myth. As @Crazycrab said, the burden of proof is on the one pushing the idea. So far, as far as I know, no one has ever been capable of proving it.
  7. We got this little (big) shit home last night. We drove to Chicago and back in 2 days. It’s about an 8 hour trip one way. We were barely able to make it into the house, we were so tired. I was asleep before my head hit the damn pillow. His name is Odie. We would have named him something else, but oh well. He’s 4 years old, so it’s too late to try to rename him. We were going to name him Loki, but us choosing a name is something we missed out on. No matter how similar it is. But oh well.
  8. I’m sitting here in my truck waiting on @Rain Dew to run some errands, and I’m listening to YouTube and playing FF8 on my Switch. And a thought occurred to me. The remake I’m playing on Switch has me spoiled to a point that I can’t even imagine playing it on PlayStation anymore. The reason is because I’ve gotten used to the 3X speed of the game. Whereas when I play it with that turned off, the game IS SO DAMN SLOW. So this remake has spoiled the hell out of me. I never thought it was slow before, but I sure as hell do now.
  9. How did mine bring me to a point where I even asked? For a real question though, do you plan or want more children? You should have more. With a father like you, they will be born with an advantage.
  10. Do you think the worms will like your flavor?
  11. This list is fairly repetitive with covering some of the games more than once, but interesting nonetheless. Either way, while I haven't played the majority of them, I can't wait to hear what everyone says about the games they have played.
  12. We had a blue throated macaw before covid hit. Without realizing it, I ended up teaching him how to call people “asshole”. I found out when he called me one. A couple weeks later, he called my niece asshole. And right in front of her mother too! We’re heading to Chicago tomorrow (11-18-22) to pick up a ruby macaw. It’s about a 6 hour drive for us, so that part’s gonna suck. But it’ll be worth it in the end.
  13. Where is this song played in RDR2? I play that game almost nonstop and I can't say I've heard it. That said I give AC Black Flag a 9/10. It so soothing and relaxing. I can see people listening to this when they go to bed. I would give it a 10/10, but I haven't played it so I don't feel that I can warrant a perfect score.
  14. Be careful before you put a 100% label on anything. Not every gamer loved those games. There are several games in the picture that @Shagger posted that I'm either not a fan of, or flat out don't like. And I know that I can't be the only one, despite how successful a game may have been. So unless you talk to every single gamer in the world, I recommend avoiding the 100% label.
  15. You might look through all the settings options and see if there is a customization option. I'm going to be getting on mine after I do some stuff, so I'll look and see if I can find anything.
  16. Why, exactly, would I modify it in any way? I'm really curious to hear what reasoning you think would warrant any modifications that aren't cosmetic.
  17. Charles was such a minor character in RDR2, that I seriously doubt he would be the next protagonist. If I had to pick a character that would be next, I would think Hosea would be it. That all aside, Rockstar may try to do a game from the view of a van der linde enemy. Pinkertons or O'Driscolls. There's no telling which way they will go, but that's on the assumption that they even bother making an RDR3 game. As I've said before, they've most likely shot themselves in the foot with the series, as there's not really anywhere to go with only a couple possibilities. Two to be exact. I think they will either continue on with Jack, or they will do a prequel to RDR2 showing how the gang was formed.
  18. I don't think it's their last. Too many people prefer console over PC gaming. Not to mention that the Xbox is a beast in the market with its only rivals being the PlayStation and Nintendo. What I can see them doing is putting out hybrid games that can run on both PC and Xbox consoles. Pop the disc in either (or both) and you're ready to go. There's a minuscule chance that they may try their hand at a portable, but that's still highly unlikely. And considering some of the exclusives that they now own, it would be foolish to not continue in the console market.
  19. It would be well if I could sleep. I've been waking up anywhere from 1:00AM to 3:00AM and not be able to get back to sleep. So I'm up playing on my computer at 6:02AM and have been up for about 4 hours. I'm going to try an Ambien tonight and see if that helps. Depending on how tired I am, I tend to go to bed anywhere from 7:00PM to 10:00PM. For you non-Americans, that's 1900 to 2200.
  20. At this current moment the spot on silver is $21.09 The spot on gold is $1,689.75 Would you invest in silver and stock it up, or save up the money to invest in gold? Personally, I buy silver. It's within my budget, and it's still a precious metal. Yes, it's worth vastly less than gold, but it's a hell of a lot cheaper. Get enough of it over time, and you can sell it for a house and a sweet ass car, and still have money left over. I've sold to the local pawn shop when I needed some quick cash. They pay 90% of spot, which is completely understandable. They have to cover overhead and make a profit at the same time. If I was a millionaire with money to burn, I would be investing in gold. But for the average populace, it's silver all the way.
  21. I have a cousin who is allergic to nuts. If she eats any, or something is cooked in peanut oil, her throat closes tightly and she is unable to breathe. She carries an epipen with her everywhere she goes, but still has to be rushed to the emergency room. As for me personally, I thankfully have no food allergies that I'm aware of. I'm a big time foodie, so if I was allergic to something, it would most likely be hell. One of the things that still has me confused is that on a can of planters there was this warning: "This product may contain nuts." It was on a Snickers bar as well. Ummmmmm............... Thanks for the fucking heads up you dumbasses.
  22. MS13 came though my neighborhood a lot. My neighbor even had a bullet come through her wall. That was when we decided that it was time to move. The shithole I lived in before I met @Rain Dew was a known drug den. That made it especially hard for me as I was a recovering addict who had been clean for about 2 months when I moved in there. But it had all the utilities included in the rent and the landlords accepted section 8, so it was really cheap for me. If you add in internet and cable, my bills were only $260 per month. The rest of my money was for me to do whatever the hell I wanted with it. For a single bachelorette living on her own, it was a pretty sweet setup. But that still doesn't change the fact that everyone knew what was going on there. Gunshots were a regular occurrence. I'm an introvert as it is, so I never left my apartment after dark. I rarely left anyway.
  23. The saddest thing is that, technically speaking, he isn't breaking any laws. Morality laws, you bet your ass he is. But laws that are on the books at the state and federal level, he's in the clear. Twitter is still a privately owned company, so Musk can do whatever the hell he wants with it. As for advertisers pulling out, I 100% support that. Take away his revenue. That's at least part of why he is charging for it now. He dropped $44 billion on the site, so he's going to want to make that money back and turn a profit. But if the 114 million users all pay that $8, that only brings him in $912 million. That's assuming no users leave or get banned for voicing their opinions. Facebook and Instagram would most definitely end up seeing a surge of new users as Twitter loses its users. And the people already using Facebook would start using it more heavily for all their cute little blurbs of nonsense and bullshit.
  24. This is a pretty interesting article from last month. It seems that they are looking for a way to capitalize on the Switch being a hybrid, but at the same time looking at making another console that is strictly handheld. I've been saying for a while that I think they're leaving the home console market and focusing on handhelds. Unless i read it wrong, this article seems to be hinting at that being a real possibility. They may stick with the hybrid model, or go with a new home console and another handheld. Only time will tell, but I'm going to be keeping up with the news on this one. Nintendo's Future
  25. I bought Call Of Juarez: Gunslinger at Gamestop a couple years ago, and there was nothing but a download code in the box. Typically though games that only have a DDL code in the box say so on the cover.
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