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The Blackangel

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Posts posted by The Blackangel

  1. 19 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    Are you sure the rats didn't send a threatening email to those companies that made rat poison? I'd say put the bird in the cage...Birds always like to tug on your ears or start pecking you when they want attention. In terms of dogs, it does depend on the personality of the dog. My female dog will just sit quietly in the corner and only get up and move when I start moving - my male dog on the other hand, he won't stop distracting me when I'm on my computer doing anything.

    The bird has multiple cages. But she always comes over to me. She has actually flown through the house following me. If she knows I'm up, she will often panic if she can't see me. She's a weird bird, but I'm a weird bitch. So we were pretty much made for each other. Not to mention that she had bonded with me before we even got out the door from the woman we bought her from.

  2. 17 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    My dog got hit by a car - he jumped the fence to go do his thing because it's mating season and a car swerved onto the sidewalk and hit him and drove off immediately after. Luckily he got hit unto muy neighbor's trampoline so it cushioned most of the impact. He broke a few bones but he's okay.

    You need to find the fucker and torture them to a point that even the devil would tell you to take it easy.

  3. I've always used systems that run on DOS. I've never used a Linux or Unix system. I was aware of them when I took electronics for a couple of years, but don't know the first thing about them.

    So like the title says, what's the difference between them. Remember I'm not all that tech savvy, so you're probably going to have to dumb it down quite a bit for me to understand.

  4. As a massive Red Wings fan, I can answer some of this.

    We lost both Lidstrom and Datsyuk to retirement, which means we lost two of our absolute best players. The year after they retired was the first season in 25 years that we didn't make the playoffs. Then we lost Zetterburg to injury. Also there were a bunch of bullshit trades and contract sales, so we lost others of our best like Howard. So our goalies aren't the best, and we don't have any power players at the moment. If we could get someone like Toews signed then we would be on the path of rebuilding our empire. But as it sits, our roster isn't looking good. We just need to draft some beasts on the ice. Buy a few contracts also. If we can get some masters, then we would have a shot at another cup. But as it sits right now, we're not going to be going to the finals any time soon.

  5. We used to watch TV all the time. But these days all we have interest in is streaming (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc.) and YouTube. My time is taken up mostly by YouTube if I'm watching anything at all. We also have an over abundance of DVD's. So we cancelled our DirecTV service and just stream these days.

    And to be completely honest, I don't miss it.

  6. @ForwardSlashDownPoke If you continue your homophobic rants, I will recommend you for a ban. I am a lesbian, and your fear and bigotry is not something I will tolerate.

    Also you will not attack a staff member and call them stupid. Becoming a staff member is not an easy thing to come by. We are chosen by well thought our, intelligent contributions to topics. We are not chosen by lottery.

    And to quote @Crazycrab either post your sources (that are NOT politically biased) or Get The Fuck Out.

    We will not allow personal attacks, homophobia, transphobia, or bigotry of any kind in any way.

    Consider this another severe warning. You're on thin ice right now. You don't want to fall in the water.

  7. 15 hours ago, ForwardSlashDownPoke said:

    Is it actually happened? The correct answer to the question is "Yes and No".


    The terms "white supremecist" or "racist" practically have no meaning outside of a left wing social bubbles these days because the left over uses the phrases to the point where they've become inapplicable.  Essentially anything the left does not like, particularly during an election cycle, is claimed to be "racist", which is why they're losing major figures at CNN and having to rethink their entire political model. The entirety of their political game is race baiting, racial identity politics mixed in with ANTIFA communism while claiming to be some sort of liberators (while ANTIFA people, of course, constantly brag about crimes right out in the open on Twitter in writing and then actually go and do them).

    That whole comment shows that you know absolutely nothing about the left. I doubt at this point that you have ever even met a Democrat. Or if you have, I already know you wouldn't let them speak. Just like Adolf did during the last political debate between him and Biden before the election.

    As for things done, you are trying to restrict voting rights, you claim slavery is toxic propaganda, you think horse dewormer is a cure for Covid, and your golden calf is calling for civil war on his poor mans Twitter.

    You are trying to divide this country worse than the Confederacy did in 1861. And I guarantee that literally none of your kind even know what communism even means. I know you can look the word up, but none of you understand the meaning.

    As for the racism comment, you are the ones that keep using the word. Democrats aren't throwing it around.

    You know you're failures from the beginning, and you try to push your fuckups onto us so you can blame someone else for your stupidity.

  8. 14 hours ago, ForwardSlashDownPoke said:

    I do not and will never listen to the Young Turks broadcast by any of the people whom of which conduct it. I prefer right wing news or something right in the center like simply watching the various Congressmen "chat" during C-SPAN. The Young Turks are just left wing hacks.


    The left has an agenda to make women and American society overly-promiscuous by design, so (whoever this dude in the video is) is just upset that said plan could potentially turn back around. Roe versus Wade is ultimately just kicked back to the states to decide abortion laws anyway.

    That explains a lot. You're a republiKKKlan. So already you are bigoted and unwilling to even hear Democrats. And as for abortion, outlawing it is taking us back to back alley abortions with a coat hanger. Congratulations, you just murdered a hell of a lot of women. And if you say one thing complaining about the ten year old girl who was raped and needed an abortion I will go off. You haven't seen me get angry as of yet. But I'm flat out cruel when I reach that point.

  9. 14 hours ago, ForwardSlashDownPoke said:

    It's correct that CRT is more or less taught in "higher education" areas, if you could actually refer to some colleges teaching such courses as "higher education"; however, it has been revealed to have been taught at lower levels on the news.


    I've seen the lefts modules that are part of CRT or a reflection of it, and all it is is basically teaching other to hate white people.

    You're watching right wing conspiracy theories. It's not even offered in lower education like high school or grade school.

    That is another right wing squawking point. No one is being "taught" to hate white people. They either like us or don't. This "white persecution" the right wing loves to use is, in fact, complete bullshit.

  10. I was raised Roman Catholic, but despised it from early age. Partly because I was excommunicated when I was 3. That's not a typo. Three years old. I was a toddler. After that, I never went to organized religion again.

    "Organized Religion is like Organized Crime; it preys on peoples' weakness, generates huge profits for its operators, and is almost impossible to eradicate."

    -Mike Hermann

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