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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. I have been a poet since I was 15 years old and I pick inspiration to write from just about anything. I have written a few war songs from playing Call of Duty series and Spec Ops : The Line.
  2. One of the most distinctive dungeons I can remember ever playing is the Amaurot in Final Fantasy 14 with its fiery and imposing background with horrific enemies.
  3. You would have gotten it if you were the one I nominated 😂, so mine goes to the Crab 🦀 Man 😉. Good luck mate.
  4. These guys live for the moment and they are going to keep improving on what's been on ground already both the positive and negative sides of games. I'm very sure that they will get to make 60fps more consistent in no distance time.
  5. I was completely disgusted by what they did with Alpha Protocol. It was as if the game was a class work project done by a teenager.
  6. I'm actually looking forward to that being realized and as soon as possible but they should make sure it's done right with no side effects to our brains.
  7. Kiai Resonance is one of my favorite games which is similar to Slice, Dice & Rice. The least one thing that I never liked about the game is being killed with just one mistake and a single hit.
  8. You can't take anything away from Mortal Kombat. It's been pushed beyond possibilities and it's still delivering till date. With MK 11 as my favorite of the fighting game.
  9. The melee combat in the game is top notch. How it looks so real with each cut is very thrilling. How do you rate the melee combat in the game and The Last Of Us 2?
  10. It's only the latest God of War that's released in 2018 that I'm yet to play in the game's series. Hopefully, I would get around playing it before Ragnarok is released.
  11. I would name Stalker and Fallout 3 as game's that's bleak enough to the point where it gets totally horrific when you progress into the game.
  12. It's only few games that's been able to affect me emotionally but hardly psychologically. So, I can't really say that's enough to judge my gaming character's influence on me.
  13. Life is Strange is a very good example of a game that ended up with more questions because of the situation it left Max in between saving Chloe and her town.
  14. Some people are spinning VGR content to their own gaming forum. I saw this thread being copied word for word on another which was posted on Wednesday after it was posted here on Tuesday. On topic, I would say "The End" Sniper Duel in Metal Gear Solid 3 to be one boss fight that's like a puzzle. You can't win with just brute force.
  15. There was no way The Last Of Us Part I & II wouldn't be justified as a perfect masterpiece. What do you think about Mortal Kombat 11?
  16. I believe that you only would have two options in this kind of situation which is either to wait for the game to patched up nicely or dump the game for another. I did that with Cyberpunk 2077, I never got back into playing it even after it's been fixed.
  17. Horizon Forbidden West was that dominating when it was released. I think that it was the first big game that was released in 2022 before the release of Elden Ring.
  18. I have so much wanted for State of Decay 3 and Fable to be made available on Playstation. But State of Decay 3 is still in production, so it's down to the wait game.
  19. I'm still horribly stuck with my Playstation 4 but hopefully it won't be too long for me to get Playstation 4 by October this year if possible.
  20. There are so many of them that I can list out but let me go with these few; Call of Duty 3 Gran Turismo 3 and 4 GTA Vice City God of War 2
  21. I can recommend Final Fantasy 7 Remake , The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt and Dark Souls III. They are the very best option for me.
  22. At least you had an extra copy of the game to fall back on, it would have been a heartbroken experience if it was just one copy you had and traded it.
  23. We all have what pushes us to jump right into another game once done with the current one being played. The only thing that can delay my playing another game would be if I want to make sure if the new game isn't full of bugs that needs fixing.
  24. You were scammed or something in the one trade that you regretted getting into?
  25. Sometimes, I wonder why the management keeps being stingy to even themselves because even the PC isn't making my work easier for me, so my output is affected.
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