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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Those were the days when Activision Blizzard really cared about their fans more when it comes to the kind of games then develop.
  2. It's so bad that no new games are developed for PlayStation 2 because if they do, most gamers will stick to it.
  3. There are millions of people who actively playing so many games that are out there. So, there will always be action.
  4. The kind of games that comes up in my mind in such situations keeps on making me feel weird and ask myself serious questions.
  5. The smartphone accessories are very important for the upkeep of the smartphone because without then, the phone won't last long.
  6. If you make use of your smartphone carelessly, it's most likely going to damage whether you like it or not. It's why things works.
  7. It was very difficult for me to adjust to playing on PC 💻 than how easy it was for me playing on my Playstation consoles.
  8. Some people are not that creative when it comes to coining up passwords that's difficult to break. In fact, they are looking for something they wouldn't forget easily.
  9. There was a time when I make use of Google password generator when it comes to creating new passwords and they are very difficult to crack.
  10. It's me and my Samsung galaxy products for years now, although I have been trying to wrap up my head around your recommendations.
  11. iPhone products are too overpriced for me. It's something that I don't really see myself getting into purchasing at least in the next 20 years.
  12. I believe that it's something that's going to come good especially for users in ways they wouldn't imagine it to impact on them.
  13. Having fallen victim to misleading trailers on more than one occasion, I have learnt my lesson to look for more back up details.
  14. This is something that I'm still lacking a little bit in because I get easily excited and carried away with what they do with trailers.
  15. It's not better then Gran Turismo in my opinion. Have you played Gran Turismo, if not, you shouldn't conclude too quickly.
  16. I hardly get into playing any Need for Speed series on the mobile phones because they are far more better for me playing on console.
  17. When you are getting a free game, you already know what you're getting yourself into and as such you should not complain about it when it starts.
  18. They have to make money from their efforts in one way or another, otherwise they wouldn't be able to put up such games again.
  19. Yeah, there are more video games that are scheduled to be released this year. I'm still watching and waiting for God of War Ragnarok.
  20. Yeah, a racing track and cars from the future is what it looks like in deep space.
  21. Well, it's only time that it's going to take and then the price of good quality VR headsets would be affordable.
  22. It's actually very good to know and have a preference when it comes to the games that one likes to get into playing.
  23. Yeah, they saw how the first release of the Dying Light was, so they were never going to mess it up for any reason whatsoever.
  24. Yeah, that's very correct. Without the reviews, it would be as no one ever purchased and used the product.
  25. Even though I didn't get it on any promotion but it was well worth it when I paid for it for some time now.
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