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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. These cards are a digital good and represent players that you use to create your Ultimate Team that you play with in FIFA online. The higher the stats on the card, the better the player. Cards increce in rarity the higher they rank and thus the advantage they offer also increases. So obviously, the very rarest cards hold significant value to people who play FIFA.
  2. That's ridiculous. Why would Xbox, a company that sells consoles, buy a large game publisher (and it's parent company) to not sell one of that companies flagship games on its console? Microsoft have confirmed that some Bethesda IP's will become exclusive to Xbox and Windows PC's, I think we all expected that. Whether this will include The Elder Scrolls VI, I don't know, but why people genuinely believe that Xbox will not sell their shiny new IP's on Xbox is beyond my understanding.
  3. Welcoming to VGR. It's a difficult question to answer with certainty when you don't reference a specific game, but what I can suggest is logging into the Nintendo eShop on your Switch console and see what's available. I did find this slightly old (2018) article form Elecspo that might help.
  4. May as well post the new one from Lovebites. I find this one really uplifting, but it's still as technically jaw dropping as to expect from these ladies.
  5. We all know EA's FIFA franchise is a rabid dog, but the sheer, money grubbing greed attributed with FIFA's "Suprise Mechanics" is just the board room with the regular employees most likely embarrassed buy the actions of their superiors, right? Well, for at least for one employee, apparently not. It appears someone has been selling the rarest legends cards, cards that are almost impossible to to obtain through the game's loot boxes, to individual players for hundreds, if not thousands of dollars at a time. There has been a black market for trade of cards in exchange for real money going on for a while, but this is the first time an employee of EA has had alleged involvement. Full story from Eurogamer. I know this isn't directly EA's fault, except it totally is because they created the bullshit system that opened the door for this to happen. It's their fault that people were willing to engage in what is basically insider trading (MASSIVELY illegal anywhere else) because even paying $1,000+ as a direct purchase for a card is still significantly less than the cost of all the loot boxes one would have to purchase to get these cards the legitimate way. Fuck EA, they're not the victims. Yes, this is the work of an employee(s), who deserves everything coming to them if they're caught, but this also another reason why these lookboxes shouldn't exist.
  6. This little "revelation" is waste of time. Obviously Microsoft's web browser would be able work these browser programs on Xbox because it's exactly the same browser on Windows PCs that uses the same x86 software architecture, but more importantly, who would actually "take advantage" of this anyway? This isn't even a feature, more like a technological coincidence. Anyone who both wanted a game streaming service to use on Xbox and was blessed with mere shread of common sense would subscribe to Xbox Game Pass instead. Even on PC's, XBGP is a better option than Luna and definitely better than Stadia. It's like giving someone the keys to a Ferrari for track day, but also offering a clapped out old Beetle as an alternative, why waste anyone's time by offering that choice?
  7. Talk about an old woman teabagging again and I will abuse my mod power to ensure you never post anything anymore.
  8. Firstly, it's a TV show, not a movie. Secondly, if there is one thing American TV doesn't shy away from, it's violence. And then, we're talking about The Last of Us, a game series that is progressive on it own without a TV adaptation, so why would political correctness suddenly be a huge issue? I'm having a hard time understanding whare that mini-rant of yours came from.
  9. At what point did I say "they need this to enjoy games"? Exactly, never. What I was asking you contemplate is what it means to people within these marginalized and all-to-often prejudged social minorities to be recognized and vindicated by mainstream media, two completely different things. If it makes you feel better I agree, people don't need to be represented to enjoy a game, but that is not what representation is about and that's what's wrong with what you said. You appear to think that people are crying out for diversity and inclusion in mainstream media because they need that to enjoy it and connect with it, and that really is "bunk". We both know that isn't necessary to connect with characters and stories, you said so yourself, so why assume that's why people want to have diversity and inclusion? As for. Cyberpunk, I see that more as an aesthetic thing rather than the player defining traits of character. I haven't played the game yet, but as far as I know, interactions with NPC's aren't directly affected by the "aesthetic" choices the player makes downstairs. So, I actually agree with you, maybe they should have went a little deeper into it, but I never really recognized that as anything more than aesthetics, so it was a bit of a non-issue for me.
  10. You're a white, straight male, what on earth do you mean "IF" you were represented in a game? You're not in the ignored and often discriminated social minority here, so what right do have to criticize representation in media? Having race, religious and LGBTQ+ representation in a video game, or any other media for that matter, doesn't hurt you, especially when it's a mere option, but just for minute try to understand what it means to for those that are a part on those discriminated minorities. Being recognized, respected and vindicated by mainstream media is a great thing and anyone who has a problem with needs to take a long, hard look in the mirror and realize they themselves are the one with the problem. As is may be obvious, I'm all for this, especially when it's family friendly franchise like Harry Potter. I believe kids being exposed and educated to such ideas is far better for them that parents trying to "shield" them from it. Still, I can't help but laugh at the irony given that J.K Rowling is transphobic bitch.
  11. You're kidding, right? The box has been a staple of MGS since the beginning. Everything else you're spot on about, though. It is genuinely a very difficult game to control. One thing that drives me nuts us the button to gallop on the horce or dash on the walker. Why on earth is it mapped to a different control that sprint button when you're on foot. And it's square (I'm on a PS4) and it just feels weird.
  12. You're not wrong about the controls, it's not intuitive or user friendly at all. I think the problem is that so many mechanisms and movement options have been added to MGS over the years that now every button dose a million things as per the situation. So, for example, you try to "bloon" something or someone away, but end up climbing up onto said object or a neerby ledge instead. It really isn't an easy game to control.
  13. Before I make my view clear, I have to make a very important point as the vast majority of people simply don't understand what an "indie" game actually is. It's short for independent, in other words, it's an independently developed and published project without a third party publisher. In other words, it's a game that's been both developed and published buy the same company without another party to provide publishing services such as manufacturing and promotion. So a list of indie games could include GTA, all the Assassin's Creed games, Skyrim and even Mario. That's an important thing to understand because people offer different standard's to "indie" games without really understanding what that means, and that's also why "indie" games don't deserve the benefit of any doubt. So sorry, @Kane99, no matter how many times AAA games mess it up, they're not going anywhere, and that's not even such a terrible thing when you consider how much shady shit happens in the so-called "indie" game world. As bad has as the EA's, Ubisoft's and Activision's of the world are, they've never attacked and deleted user reviews of people who bought those asset flips they sold as "games" and tried to sue reviewers who called them out. They've never denied someone beta access to a game because of that someone's race, nationality, gender identity or sexuality. They've never crowdfunded a game to take in over $300,000,000, break the original promised sales configuration so that pledgers get less than they should have and don't the cheek to sell $27,000 DLC packages when the game isn't even out of Alpha (Yes, looking at YOU Star Citizen). Trust me, there's just as much, if not more, scum in the indie game world as in the AAA industry. That's why I value the game and nothing more. I admit that's overly simplistic, but it works.
  14. I use Opera. I like it. It has in in-built VPN, add-blocker and it very customisable in appearance. The blank tap also links to discounts and deals for digital stores on both PC and console. In terms of performance, I see no difference between Opera and any other well used browser. It has a feature that can overlay the housed over a game app if, for example, you wanted to search the web concerning something about the game and I believe it can link to online accounts steam, discord and so on. I'd actually recommend it.
  15. I had put off playing this game for a long time because Fuckonami, but finally started playing this game for the first time as the deluxe edition was going dirt cheap on PSN. I've played all the previous major MGS titles, and I don't know if I'm just getting old and stupid, but this game feels alot harder that the previous installments to me. I'm not classing it as a problem nor a complaint, merely an observation. There are things I like about this game, others not so much. I'll reserve judgment until I've beaten the game, just this has surprised me. The checkpoint system is really frustrating, especially on side-ops', and I actually would say that's an issue, but everything is just that much harder than I've found in the past. Did anyone else find the game to be that way?
  16. I suppose TLOU2 could be considered to be in that category by playing as Abby and Ellie. It's not as simple a case as one's the antagonist and one's the protagonist, but for fear of spoiling the game I'm not gonna explain further, but the way they did it definitely creates a lot of conflict within the player.
  17. You read that right. The Ukrainian developer Frogwares took to social media when their H. P. Lovecraft inspired adventure/horror game reappeared for sale on Steam. They urged fans not to buy their own game from Steam as this game was put back on sale on Valve's PC storefront buy their French publisher Nacon without the developer's approval or cooperation. The game was originally removed from Steam back in August 2020 by Frogwares due to a dispute over unpaid royalties and rights of control over the game. Frogwares originally filed a lawsuit a year earlier over said despute. According to Frogwares, they were happy to have the game remain on sale during this legal process and hopefully deal with the situation quietly, but lost patience and thus pulled the game from sale. Nacon took this action to an appeal court in Paris who ruled in the publisher's favour, ordering Frogwares not take any further action in relation to the contract with Nacon until the dispute had been resolved. This meant The Sinking City could return to Steam and indeed Frogwares did re-up it in January 2021, but it was pulled once again soon after. Why it was placed back on sale by Frogwares only to pulled almost immediately, I don't know. Then, on February 26th, the game suddenly appeared back on Steam yet again. According to Frogwares, this is an older, less polished version of the game, most likely a pre-release presented to Nacon before the game originally launched as a show of progress that was never actually meant to be sold. A more detailed article on this mess from Eurogamer here. To me, this is just the action of a desperate and bitter publisher that thinks they can get away with not paying their due to a game developer. It takes an extreme situation to bring a developer to say "don't buy our game". I'd also say this doesn't look great for Steam. It's no secret their vetting is a joke, but for a less polished version of a game to reappear on Steam without the developer's approval is something else. In Nacon's defence, though, many of the issues this version of the game has are resolvable if Frogwares offered support for updates, cloud saving and other online mechanisms that they are withholding right now, so the state of the game isn't entirely Nacon's fault. In the end, this publisher dose have a case to claim rights to thier IP's as publishers do and are justified in defending those rights. However, if it's true that they haven't paid Frogwares what they're due, my sympathy evaporates fairly quickly. I'm not gonna let Frogwares fully off the hook either. They put the game back on sale for it only to removed almost immediately three months after the court of appeal ordered them not to take action in relation to their contract with Nacon. That's likely why the game was removed so quickly. Why do that? The important thing here though is DO NOT buy this game on Steam. The game is available on PS4 as well, but I'm a little unsure if this debacle has affected that version or not. Still, this game is probably best avoided entirely for now until this mess is cleared up. What do you guys think of this? Who's in the right, who's in the wrong and what needs to happen going forward.
  18. For me, it's definitely Flat Earth. How amazingly deluded and stubborn flat earthers are is unreal, but entertain. There's a brilliant YouTube channel called SciManDan who very calmly, but brilliantly debunks flat earthers, evolution deniers and other conspiracy theories with well explained scientific evidence. Anyone who likes seeing these kinds of people get mud on their face should check him out.
  19. So you tried to play it and it broke down. It actually sounds legitimate copy of Alfa Romeo Racing as it's a perfect simulation of thier cars.
  20. Death Stranding is out on PC, and has been been for seven months and was never intended to be a full PlayStation exclusive. Not to mention Horizon Zero Dawn was also ported to PC using the same Decima engine developed by Guerilla Studios for Horizon Zero Dawn. So, this nothing new. Even so, I find it unlikely that Sony will do this for many other games, and even if they did, like with HZD and Days Gone, it'll be years.
  21. Once again, so sorry. That in no universe is fair. Just take all the time you need, but also remember that we're here for you.l if you need anything.
  22. Sorry, but that makes no sence. Console exclusives are what they are and serve a purpose other that just making money on their own, so they're a different matter, for any other game what makes the most sense in the name of making money is to sell on both console and PC. When games launch, at least primarily, on PC it's because literally anyone can do with little scrutiny and quality checks. In other words, it's easy. People defend the lack of quality control on platforms like Steam, but the "open policy" is not a good thing and is mostly a source of problems. If someone actually dose value quantity over quality then that's perfectly fine, I just don't. Not I'm complaining though, I do like how the PC market filters out the garbage so the only the good indie's find their way to console, it makes things easier.
  23. I can only tell you what has been stated about the game from the people who created it. This from the game's Wiki page; The game's spoken dialogue used a constructed language which sounded similar to French; Keiichiro Toyama (game director) created the language based on Giraud's bande dessinée work and his observations that Japanese dubs of French movies felt "natural"
  24. This is a gaming forum and community, not a bill board for shameless self promotion. Topics like this from members who have not made an effort to contribute to forum are not appreciated here. Feel free to promote your discord server and YouTube channel one you've made more of a contribution. Edit: I have now also removed the video as it was a promotion for cheating software.
  25. Gravity Rush had its own language, it was some weird blend of French and Japanese. Kat (the main protagonist) singing the theme song is the best reference to how this sounds that I can think of, so here it is.
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