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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. Ironing. It's not that I find it unpleasant or dull, it's that I flat out can't do it. Trump will come out as transgender before I ever successfully remove all the creases from a shirt.
  2. Played this a few years back with another community, even ran the official guild for while. I wonder if this is a good time to get back into it.
  3. Right now my PC gaming done on a laptop, but I could I would definitely have at least two monitors. Having one for the game and another show benchmarks, social media, discord ect would be so helpful.
  4. I could honestly pick out any one of these main cast members from FFXIII and unleash one hell of a rant; But there is one that stands out, even amongst this motly crew of douche. I. HATE. THIS. GUY. Snow is an irresponsible, selfish, self-righteous, egotistical, arrogant, ignorant prat that the game tries to pass off as a selfless hero! (Warning, Some minor spoilers ahead) Right the start of the game, he gets a load of innocent civilians killed, then the next time you see him he is hi-fiving his buddies and declaring himself a hero as he rides off to rescue his already doomed girlfriend like he's Captain America. A quick point before I move on. A hero is confident, inspirational and charismatic, but also selfless, thoughtful and humble, usually even anonymous. Even if they have earned the right to call themselves a hero, they don't. Snow is none of those things. Back to the point though, our "hero" getting those innocent people killed. Any remorse? Regret? A lump in his throat? No, of course not, he was only thinking of Sarah (The GF), the only lump he had was down the front of his trousers. While travelling through Palumpolum with Hope (Whose mother was one of the aforementioned civilians who died because of Snow), he's completely oblivious to the fact Hope hates his guts because he's to focused on "being the Hero". When Hope does eventually confront him, only then does he actually show some remorse. Eh, no Snow, you don't get to feel bad about what you did only when poor little you has to face the consequences, that's not how it works. He's pretty much the same, carefree, annoying douchebag the entire game. All the main characters in FFXIII are there their own brand of terrible, but Snow is the worst. And when you're the worst protagonist in FFXIII, that is a very strong case for the worst video game protagonist of all time. Even being played by Troy Baker couldn't salvage this waste of pixels. Thank about that.
  5. You can't go wrong with the nerd. James Rolfe is gold. As well as AVGN (AKA, Cinemassacre), I really enjoy ReviewTechUSA, ChannelAwesome, Kathleemms (She's a much smaller channel and doesn't upload as much as she used to, but I still love her content), Angry Joe (I don't always agree with his opinion, but his reviews are superb) and Angry Centaur Gaming (or ACG).
  6. Holy shit! I know that's over several years, but still. If I spent that kind of money on a game she'd rip my head and feed it to the seagulls! With the exception of a couple of collectors editions, the most I've spent on a game would be for said game and maybe some expansions, probably about the equivalent of $100-$120 at the most.
  7. I hope not. The line between mobile gaming and AAA console/PC gaming does not need to get more blurry than it already is. There are games like the older Final Fantasy Games and Life is Strang on mobile and I don't mind that because they are sold up front, but the kinds of FTP business practices that are not bafflingly accepted as normal on mobile needs is already trying to break through into AAA gaming and don't need that.
  8. Ugh, I hate mate Miniclip's mobile games. I've tried a few of them, and they're all the same pay-to-win bullshit model re-skinned as a different sport. I genuinely did enjoy Miniclip's browser games back in the day, but now they are the billboard of everything that's wrong with mobile gaming.
  9. So sorry to hear that. I hope things pick up
  10. Work has been a drag since I came back back. Been shovelling moss and picking up rocks for the last three weeks because the new CEO of the company is visiting tomorrow. Hopefully after this visit us over that'll be the end of this nonsense.
  11. The problem is the question is really vague. There's a million possibilities out there that would match what you're looking for, but it seems like you want a more specific answer. Is there anyway you could narrow it down? Does it have to installed on you PC or can it be games played on a browser like the miniclip games @skyfirementioned? What kind of genres are you thinking off? Dose it have to be free to play? Can we get a little more on what it is you're looking for?
  12. If it were me playing, I wouldn't have even assumed it was a glitch. I'd just assume the ass hole who started the fight slept with the other guys wife or something.
  13. I know that it's an inevitably given that technology is always moving forward, but I just don't see the point in a 4K Switch, the screen is just too small to make a worthwhile difference. I'd it were up to me, an upgraded switch would have a more modest performance upgrade Perhaps 1080p in handheld with 60fps and upscaled 4K docked), a better battery and a fix to some the issues with the joy-cons.
  14. Yes, there are plenty of console games whare you use strategy in combat, in fact they would be a piss poor games if they didn't, but when it comes to actual strategy games is a different matter. I define a strategy game as Total War, Command and Conquer, Xcom, that sort of thing. The kind of game whare you use little to no actual still at all, it's all about management of the scenario rather than actually engagement.
  15. I just want to see somebody other than the soulless, money hungry hyaena's at EA and 2K making these games, then at 90% of Thier problems could disappear. Strategy games are never popular on console because the UI and control inputs for consoles just doesn't suit these types of games very well, but I'd say the genre is still very much alive and well on PC. I'd have to say the same about story centric RPG's as well, there's loads of them and the standard has been high this gen. I think you're underestimating gamers, not everyone is exclusively playing COD of Fortnight Royal.
  16. I have posted a reply to this already, but I've thought some more and have a bit to add. If I didn't have a family, it would be a very easy no. What's the point on having all that green and being unable to spend both and and your time doing what you love and embracing your passion? Even with money, that's not a life worth living. Given that I do have a family, that makes the choice a little harder. Making a sacrifice for you kid's wellbeing and future is something expected of any parent. Having said that, if I wanted my son to be raised by a robot with no soul or passion for anything, I would have given him up to plugged into the matrix or something, that's slightly better than ME being that robot. So, my answer would still be no.
  17. I'm not sure about this, it just smells alot like this Destiny style "live service" crap with the RPG elements and the co-op. This isn't what people wanted out of a new Batman game. It's as if DC felt the need to put something out there to rival Marvel's Avengers, but why? The world already hates that game, we don't need another one. This will probably be better than Marvel's Avengers, but that's not saying much.
  18. I said so in another thread already, but welcome to VGR. Happy to have you here. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions.
  19. First things first, welcome to VGR. I haven't enjoyed since GTA Vice City. GTA San Andreas' characters and plot were stereotypical and cliché even by GTA standards, GTA IV somehow managed to be both dull and annoying and GTV has been ruined by Rockstar and Take-Two's insatiable greed.
  20. Chronological age: 35 Mental age :12 Physical Age :74
  21. I thought it was obvious by now my native language is gibberish.
  22. We have seen members, new and old, really up their contribution this month. It's not easy to pic, but I've though about it and made a choice. She's always here, she's always consistent and is one of THE reasons to be on VGR. My nomination is @The Blackangel.
  23. The Playroom? That's an interesting choice. It was cool, yes, but it was more of a tech demo than an actual game.
  24. I have a son who is eight. He was born just two days away from Christmas. He's the most important thing in my life and I love him to death. You are all right, parenthood is not easy and not something to take on unless you're ready and really mean it, but it's so satisfying and fulfilling as well and I wouldn't change it for the world.
  25. Anyone who would purposefully get close enough to a living room sized 4K TV to try and see the pixels shouldn't have been let out the hospital.
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