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Weird insight: It is way easier to socialize with NPCs than humans for me

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The other day I had an insight that it is easier to really tune in and listen closely when an NPC is talking to me than a real person, and to find what they are saying engaging. I think this is because IRL, I am always so busy managing my end (What do they think of me? Am I making enough eye contact? Am I responding wrong?) that it pulls focus from what a real person is saying.

I found this ironic and kind of amusing.

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It's the opposite for me because what the NPCs normally say and do is so predictable that I lose interest whereas interacting with people tends to be rather unpredictable by nature which entertains me more. However, I completely understand your point of view because you suffer from social anxiety and most of us have a mild form of it. The key is to just stop overthinking the interaction and just enjoy it for what it is.

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A game is interesting and most people aren't. A game doesn't judge and most people do. For me it's aggression when someone is face to face talking to me. And it's funny because I try to turn or look away, and they think I'm not listening and move back right in front of me. And it becomes even more aggressive and I face the other way, and still they get in my face. It's weird. When I think about putting myself in their shoes, and I see them look away, I'll naturally try to change my tone or make the conversation more interesting or just say something funny. But to get back in front of someone while I'm talking and to pretty much force eye contact is just not in me to do unless I'm angry and arguing. For the most part, people are just lame. lol. No humor, no personality, nothing interesting. Blah blah blah. So don't beat yourself up over it cause if people can't get your attention, then it's them. 

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In games I don't even want to interact with real people. Games should be my escape from reality. Add real people to it, and it is utterly ruined.

I don't have a problem interacting with people in real life, but I don't initiate contact with strangers unless absolutely necessary. In games however you are lead to believe that you stand to gain by interacting with NPCs. It'd be great if some games were more realistic in this regard, as in you might even get in trouble by initiating contact with the wrong NPC.

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