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Road 96

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I've been waiting for this game to come out physically which happened 2 weeks ao, when i saw the trailer it immidiatly peaked my curiousity. Seems like a game that deserves more attention so i'll do my part. I've yet to play it so can't really comment on it.

I'll just quote the game discription


Summer 1996, Today is the day!

You hit the road. Adventure. Freedom. Escape. Run. Flee the Regime. Try to survive.

On this risky road trip to the border, you’ll meet incredible characters, and discover their intertwined stories and secrets in an ever-evolving adventure.
But every mile opens up a choice to make. Your decisions will change your adventure, change the people you meet, maybe even change the world.

There are thousands of roads across the authoritarian nation of Petria.
Which one will you take?


Road 96 is a crazy, beautiful road-trip. The discovery of exciting places, and unusual people on your own personal journey to freedom.

An ever-evolving story-driven adventure inspired by Tarantino, The Coen Brothers, and Bong Joon-ho. Made by the award-winning creators of Valiant Hearts and Memories Retold. Announced as part of the OMEN Presents initiative from HP Inc.

Moments of action, exploration, contemplative melancholy, human encounters and wacky situations. Set against a backdrop of authoritarian rule and oppression.

A stunning visual style, a soundtrack filled with 90s hits, and a thousand routes through the game combine so each player can create their own unique stories on Road 96.

Check out the trailer below :



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Kinda reminds of Life Is Strange 2 but at least this time, it's a solo trip without a whiny murderer little brother yammering in ya ear every five minutes. I'm glad Sean found happiness with Cassidy across the border in my Playthrough far away from Ugh Daniel. Unlike Life Is Strange 2, this game actually feels like that there's more actions have consequences as you need to choose who you take a ride with, where you stay and more. Can't wait for this

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4 minutes ago, Heatman said:

It's the soundtracks that's a big thing for me being that I have so much love for 90's songs. The game looks like something that I'm going to like being that it offers both driving and adventure. 


Should that word have been playing? Come on, man! Take your time and give your posts a read before posting them, this isn't a race.

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16 minutes ago, Shagger said:


Should that word have been playing? Come on, man! Take your time and give your posts a read before posting them, this isn't a race.

If I say that I understand what you are trying to say here, I would be a very big lair. I don't think my diction would be the same with your own. For the record, I'm not posting to please you sir!! I do take time to read what I post and I'm not in a race with anyone especially not with you. 

You didn't even comment on the topic but to attack me. 

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2 hours ago, Heatman said:

If I say that I understand what you are trying to say here, I would be a very big lair. I don't think my diction would be the same with your own. For the record, I'm not posting to please you sir!! I do take time to read what I post and I'm not in a race with anyone especially not with you. 


All I'm asking you to do is read your own posts before you post them. That way, you might avoid making these errors. I'll take this chance to remind you that posting grammatically so people can understand you is something required of members on VGR and is in the Forum Rules and Guidelines.




In other words, don't argue with me and just do as I ask because, in the end, I'm only trying to help you. I'm not singling you out here, I posted a similar reply to @Boblee only yesterday over the same thing when he made a post I could barley read. However, if you want to argue with me and ignore my advice, the only option left for me is to start deleting your posts when they're hard to understand. Would you prefer that?

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3 minutes ago, Shagger said:


All I'm asking you to do is read your own posts before you post them. That way, you might avoid making these errors. I'll take this chance to remind you that posting grammatically so people can understand you is something required of members on VGR and is in the Forum Rules and Guidelines.




In other words, don't argue with me and just do as I ask because, in the end, I'm only trying to help you. I'm not singling you out here, I posted a similar reply to @Boblee only yesterday over the same thing what he made a post I could barley read. However, if you want to argue with me and ignore my advice, the only option left for me is to start deleting your posts when they're hard to understand. Would you prefer that?

Like I said, I do my very best to read my post and write in way that most people would understand. I'm not perfect and I'm beginning to think that you're trolling me indirectly. I don't think anyone tells you what to do and what not to do. So, the ball is in your court. 

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3 minutes ago, Heatman said:

Like I said, I do my very best to read my post and write in way that most people would understand. I'm not perfect and I'm beginning to think that you're trolling me indirectly. I don't think anyone tells you what to do and what not to do. So, the ball is in your court. 


You can believe what you want, whatever makes you feel better, but the fact I'm a moderator on VGR and when I tell somebody something or ask them to do something, I expect them to listen and take heed without getting talked back too, and I don't think that's an unreasonable expectation. So you're right, I don't get told what to do (at least not by regular members) because that's my role here.


Other people who have come under fire in recent weeks accused of so-called "post farming" or posting to up post counts at the cost of quality have shown improvement, but if anything you're getting worse and I'm not the only person who getting fed up with it. And honestly, I don't believe you are putting in the level of diligence and care you need to into your posts when you post at the pace you do. The proof is in the pudding given that so much of what you post lacks substance and quality, but maybe that's just my opinion, so I'll take this a little further. When the gap between post of yours isn't several hours obviously between times when you're online and on the forum, it's usually at 2-3 minutes. So what you are saying is in that in that space of time you read a thread, check for new replies, gauge the conversation, do whatever research you have to (if applicable), think if you have anything to respond to or add, judge to yourself if the reply is worth making, compile a worthwhile post, type out the reply with care, read the post back to yourself to check for errors, correct those errors then finally hit "send". If you expect me to believe that you do all that in less than three minutes, then I don't know who you are trying to fool. I literally couldn't do that, and I think that will be the case for most people on VGR.

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6 minutes ago, Shagger said:


You can believe what you want, whatever makes you feel better, but the fact I'm a moderator on VGR and when I tell somebody something or ask them to do something, I expect them to listen and take heed without getting talked back too, and I don't think that's an unreasonable expectation. So you're right, I don't get told what to do (at least not by regular members) because that's my role here.


Other people who have come under fire in recent weeks accused of so-called "post farming" or posting to up post counts at the cost of quality have shown improvement, but if anything you're getting worse and I'm not the only person who getting fed up with it. And honestly, I don't believe you are putting in the level of diligence and care you need to into your posts when you post at the pace you do. The proof is in the pudding given that so much of what you post lacks substance and quality, but maybe that's just my opinion, so I'll take this a little further. When the gap between post of yours isn't several hours obviously between times when you're online and on the forum, it's usually at 2-3 minutes. So what you are saying is in that in that space of time you read a thread, check for new replies, gauge the conversation, do whatever research you have to (if applicable), think if you have anything to respond to or add, judge to yourself if the reply is worth making, compile a worthwhile post, type out the reply with care, read the post back to yourself to check for errors, correct those errors then finally hit "send". If you expect me to believe that you do all that in less than three minutes, then I don't know who you are trying to fool. I literally couldn't do that, and I think that will be the case for most people on VGR.

I have said my piece on this and I think that's enough already.

Sadly, we have derailed the topic long enough and all that could have been avoided. 

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I'll post an indept review once i get around playing it, it's the next game on my list after i'm done with watch dogs legion well that is if i'm not getting sidetracked, @kingpotato already got me into playing a couple of hours on my gba for the first time in well in a couple of years, so blame it on him if don't get around road 96 anytime soon.

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37 minutes ago, Heatman said:

I have said my piece on this and I think that's enough already.

Sadly, we have derailed the topic long enough and all that could have been avoided. 


There you are correct, so I'm gonna watch the trailer now and offer my two cents.


I like the look of the game and I like the vibes. There is something a little "Life is Strange" and "Telltale's The Walking Dead" about it with a little "Stranger Things" and The Last of Us" in there as well. I'm a little more wary of the story progression given that the journey apparently has some procedural generation going, but if holds this this really could be worth a play.

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1 hour ago, Yaramaki said:

I'll post an indept review once i get around playing it, it's the next game on my list after i'm done with watch dogs legion well that is if i'm not getting sidetracked, @kingpotato already got me into playing a couple of hours on my gba for the first time in well in a couple of years, so blame it on him if don't get around road 96 anytime soon.

Sorry about that hahaha 😆 but yeah it is addicting going back to good old games. I dont know if I will ever try Road 96, it looks good enough but not something I would pay for, or maybe I will try ot out if it becomes cheaper or if it becomes available on the PS plus service

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The trailer you shared in the beginning of the thread have given me Insight alread about the 'road 96. You know, I love racing game, I don't know if the game was created within the racing activities that took part in 1996, or it is just a common name to the game. 

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On 5/20/2022 at 5:16 PM, kingpotato said:

Sorry about that hahaha 😆 but yeah it is addicting going back to good old games. I dont know if I will ever try Road 96, it looks good enough but not something I would pay for, or maybe I will try ot out if it becomes cheaper or if it becomes available on the PS plus service

If it's about the game getting cheaper, it would most likely happen but it's definitely not going to be now since it's all out new. Maybe in a few years time, the price would drop or they run a promo on the game to boost its sale. 

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