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Reality vs Adventure

Posts that asks questions and never answer their own first

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Burn after reading if you want. Please answer you question first when you post one. That shows you aren't afraid of your opinion, and it helps for others to post too. For example...What is your favorite game? Mine is so and so. At least try to if not such a controversial subject. Should we start trolling people and say-you first at every topic?

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Good point. I try to post my opinion when I post a question of that nature, but sometimes I want to get the opinion of others without a bias towards my opinion. There are always going to be haters and praisers when you post your opinion. For example I made a post after the first time I played Skyrim, and encountered a game breaking bug about 20 minutes in, where I said Fuck Skyrim and that the game was a piece of shit. Bear in mind I played it on a PS3. I've since gotten it on my Switch and have encountered no game breakers on it. But to get back on point, a lot of people weren't too happy that I called their favorite game a worthless piece of shit. Some agreed with me though. Now another post I made was a question that I was unable to answer. I asked if Fallour 4 on PC was worth getting, because it looked intriguing to me when I saw it at the store. I got a lot of opinions, both pro and con about the game. In the end, I haven't bought it as of yet. And that was an entirely opinion based question.

So often it's not really possible to answer your own question. But when it is, and people don't, that pisses me off too.

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12 hours ago, Reality vs Adventure said:

Burn after reading if you want. Please answer you question first when you post one. That shows you aren't afraid of your opinion, and it helps for others to post too. For example...What is your favorite game? Mine is so and so. At least try to if not such a controversial subject. Should we start trolling people and say-you first at every topic?


The obvious answer to that question as a moderator is absolutely not. As long as it is relevant, posted in the correct place and doesn't violate any rules, people can post whatever they want whether it interests you or not. 

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I read what the post or topic is about then I post my thoughts and option. Like What's your all-time favourite game? then I just say what game and why for that game and maybe reply to others with there input of a game that they said. I'm answering to this topic right now to what is coming out of my mind. I think also that when typing or saying we talk/chat and as we are going alone we think at the same time on what to say. Most people or major of them read the main post then skip others to post there say. 

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It's a forum and when we post topics, it's intended to start a discussion. What may start as a simple question with a seemingly simple answer may have far more complexity to it. You have many individuals with their own ways of thinking interpreting the information differently. You also have to factor in their unique way of communication. So some persons may choose to answer your question with a question because they probably feel there's more to it than what was asked. That's what makes a discussion on this forum so interesting because you never know where it'll end up.

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On 12/18/2020 at 2:02 AM, killamch89 said:

It's a forum and when we post topics, it's intended to start a discussion. What may start as a simple question with a seemingly simple answer may have far more complexity to it. You have many individuals with their own ways of thinking interpreting the information differently. You also have to factor in their unique way of communication. So some persons may choose to answer your question with a question because they probably feel there's more to it than what was asked. That's what makes a discussion on this forum so interesting because you never know where it'll end up.

Exactly - There are actually some questions that a poster may come up in order to learn a new thing. It's not necessarily a must that he or she must have an answer to the question because if he/she does, what's the essence of the questioning to begin? 

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The first thing, this topic doesn't really belong in "General Gaming" as it has nothing to do with gaming, so moving to "General Chat".

Second, I'll reiterate that as long as it's within the rules, people are free to what they want and as often as they want. I'm more in favour of the "quality over quantity" approach when it comes to posting on forums myself, but that doesn't mean that people have to limit themselves. I'd advise, and even have advised, others to not post spuriously and give thier posts some thought, but that in no way limits anyone on how often the make new topics and reply to current ones. The only things I'll ask of people outside of posting within the Forum Rules and Guidelines are;


  1. Make sure a topic doesn't already exist before posting it again. There is a search function on the forum to help with that.
  2. Post a topic in the appropriate sub-forum.
  3. Read a thread before posting a response to better gauge where the conversation is at.
  4. As aforementioned, put a little thought into the post, give it relevancy and purpose.
  5. Don't post just for the sake of posting and/or to get a number on the tally. If you really want to up you post your post count quickly (a fair goal, especially for new members), the Forum games and Fun-posting can be an easy way to do so without "drowning" other area's of the forum, even though I personally don't see it as "drowning" if the post is relevant, but I digress.


And to anyone else concerned about topics getting bumped down, remember there's always the option to follow topics.

Edited by Shagger
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