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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. That's fair. To explain my reason, it's partly because I want to watch this person play it instead. Either because it's something I never intend to play myself or just can't see myself playing. Another reason is because the person playing the game has a personality and it's fun to see them experience the game. Some YouTubers don't talk during their let's plays. But some like to banter. I will sometimes watch ones of games I already played. I like to experience others playing it for the first time too.
  2. Sadly I didn't play any of those games, but they are something I would like to check out. I don't play much of the genre, but I did like that southpark the stick of truth. I believe that's turn based. I haven't played the sequel yet though. That might be a good one to check out as well.
  3. Same here, they were really fun, and competant games. They could easily have made a few more games. Who even is this Embracer group? Are they a gaming company? Production company? Media? I'm curious to know. Guess I'll check em out.
  4. I believe it's due to what others have already said, they don't have the infastricture to support one. I'd love to see Africa get into the gaming market more. I can only imagine it would help create jobs and opportunities for many. But it's probably still a long ways off. They're getting there though. It'll just take time.
  5. I really liked that Untitled Goose Game, thought it was cute and funny for what it was. I've been thinking or replaying it and trying new ways of beating it. I kinda wish they'd make another one.
  6. Video games can do more than make us happy. They can help us meet new people, friends and even future husbands and wives. It's cool that people find each other over their joy of gaming together. I've met a lot of interesting characters gaming online. Some I would even consider meeting for real.
  7. Another time a game stressed me out, was near the end of Beyond Good and Evil. It was the final boss. This dude was a bitch. I was never able to defeat him, because his gimmick was that he reversed your controls. And on top of that I saved in an area where I was low on health and had no health to save me. I've thought of replaying it, but I am getting anxiety even thinking of doing it lol. It's a great game, but I can't put myself through that final boss.
  8. That's just inevitable. Sony will continue to make consoles if the demand is there. Xbox as well. Games will eventually become more and more demanding, to the point that a new console will have to come out to accommodate for the bigger games. Ps6 will happen, Xbox next, probably.
  9. I thankfully don't have to deal with anything like that. My work is all online. I handle business inquiries at my work, and also help with community relations. I work in the afternoon, so once I'm done with work, I can game, watch movies, and so on. I will sometimes game when I don't have any work left for the day. My bosses can't see me. I just clock the work I do.
  10. I'm psyched for the new God of War game. Especially since i imagine it'll drop on PC eventually. I still need to play the last game, but I'm thinking of doing that one of these days. Just been cheap when it comes to buying games, so waiting on the PC version to go on sale.
  11. I'd like to expand on what I said earlier. I live in the Upper peninsula of Michigan. And I always thought it would be cool to see a game featured here. A game in my area, with the accents and culture would be fun to me.
  12. I've decided that if I see any of these cheat code/strategy books or even game mags in thrift stores, yard sales, etc. I'm going to pick them up. I feel like they're becoming more collectible, and I love revisiting an old magazine with all the ads from the period. I wish I took care of the gaming mags I owned. I usually destroyed them by cutting stuff out for school projects.
  13. I really like twitch and it's ability to let fans support you. I feel like YouTube has its perks, but I feel twitch is where you get a lot more options for both the streamer and viewers. YouTube is catching up I guess, but twitch is still the best place to stream.
  14. If your battery is drained fast from gaming. I suggest turning your brightness down. I have my phone at such a low brightness, that it has saved my battery quite well. Also, turn off other apps that are ran in the background to save even more battery.
  15. One big thing that worries me about losing some of our games on these old consoles. Is that some of these platforms may stop letting you download previously bought games. Who's to say that we can download games on our 360s or ps3s in the future. What if those platforms lose support 100%. As in, they dont allow you to connect to their marketplaces. It's a scary thought because I have so many games I've purchased. And I would hate to lose them.
  16. Well there is a possibility he had a condition that was made worse by not moving from a singular location for a long time. Our bodies aren't meant to sit idle for that long. We need to move every couple hours at the least I'd say. But I think you're right. I think the Korean guy who died from a blood clot, may have had a heart condition or some other condition that was made worse by sitting for too long.
  17. To be honest, I'm not sure. I didn't play a lot of the games that came out for the original Xbox. I didn't play some until the 360 added backwards compatibility and some on the Xbox One. If I had to pick some, it'd be games that also released on the PS2, so Indigo Prophecy, ESPN NFL 2K5, GTA San Andreas, Vice City, Etc. I wouldn't mind playing some more of the Xbox exclusives. I did play Fable, so there's that.
  18. Did the first game ever come out for PlayStation? I thought it was always an exclusive to the Xbox side of things, and PC of course. But I don't recall it ever dropping for the PS4. If it did, awesome, because I wish more people got to experience this game.
  19. I have never played a diablo game, but have always wanted to. I'm thinking I may just go for one of the older games or the third one. After the mess with immortals idk if I would trust getting this.
  20. I'm really looking forward to it. I really enjoyed the first game, and felt like it was way too short. And I'm digging that they are adding some combat into the mix to change it up some. Also controlling rats looks crazy. I forget did you get that ability near the end of the first game?
  21. Idk, I wouldn't say it was the worst thing ever, it worked as a controller. Using it as a controller kinda worked when you turned it, but it was kinda small, so I didn't like that. It made it tougher for me to play. But I did get used to it everytime I used it. Just wish it was more controller shaped lol.
  22. There was a couple times in RDR2 where I actually helped someone, and all of a sudden I somehow spook them or anger them and they attack me. What's odd, is that I don't do anything but greet the person. I think one time it happened because I picked up the body of someone who attacked an npc, and that npc decided to rat me out to the police. And this was right after I saved the NPC from being murdered lol.
  23. If I knew how to fix bugs in popular games, I'd give it a shot. But I literally know nothing about fixing bugs. I'm sure I could cause some bugs for sure. I've encountered a lot of bugs and glitches in games that I could have reported. But I never did. I'm sure most bugs are reported on anyway, and if it's not game breaking, I won't bother with it.
  24. Oh yeah, if they don't have sponsors, they probably won't get too far. I imagine they could still enter tournaments with their team. I think the more they win, the more chances of sponsors joining them.
  25. Honestly, BioShock has aged very well. Even by todays standards the graphics aren't that bad. The gameplay may have aged a bit more imo. Because when I played the game for the first time, I couldn't get into the gameplay that much. My brother loved it, but I couldn't get into it. But I feel like that game aged pretty decently graphic wise at least.
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